Well I've never heard of Sarcofago or whatever but really.
Look at the titles of their songs:
Desecration of a Virgin?
Ready to Fuck?
That is a huge clue that they just think they're cool because they sing about sex and kids only like them because they're like oooh he said the word fuck. Oh oh I'm a rebel!
So who gives a fuck about lyrics as long as they say the word fuck a few times and talk about sex?
Yes, Meer, I'm sure that's EXACTLY what they were going for. Despite the fact that they were around since before the majority of this board's population had even been born.
If you haven't heard of Sarcofago, and don't listen to bands that play in a similar style, then kindly refrain from passing horribly uninformed judgements on them. I posted this thread in an attempt to showcase "dumb" lyrics in general, not attack any one particular musical act.
And Otaku, I have no idea what you're talking about.
It was less that I was attacking them specifically and more attacking the whole idea of writing songs just about having sex. In my opinion the songs are lame just because of the song title and song subject.
I was just stating my opinion concerning the aforementioned songs by the aforementioned artist. Im not attacking you or your tastes and that was never my intention. However I still stand by my statement.