I don't know where I'd be without the "How many keys on your key chain?" thread and other such quality reading material produced by the scholarly young minds of TGC.
Conservative's views on homosexuality make about as much sence as looking for a pie in hyperspace.
I mean, they some how have it in their head that homosexuality is a behavior disorder! Something that is absolutely ridiculus beyond all reason. Homosexuality is something that people are born with, like having brown or blue eyes. And the reason not to hate homosexuals is exactly the same as why not to hate black people.
The only reason some people think that homozexuality is something people CHOOSE to have, is because of, like everything else, fear. I mean, what if my kid ends up homosexual? AH!!!
My dislike of homosexuality is directly tied to my religious beliefs. If you don't believe like I do, then it's going to be pretty hard for you to understand.
I equate it to this: I am cursed with a wandering eye. I think all guys know what I'm talking about; I'm forever 'checking out' the girls I see. Even though I am committed to abstinence until marriage, I still have to deal with the instincts I was born with. I have to constantly tell myself "Look at her eyes, burn you!".
If some guy is born with a desire for other guys, and he claims to be a Christian, I will expect him to contain himself. I even believe that God can remove that desire should the man ask. I do not, however, believe that people who are not Christians should be governed by my moral values. I will do my best to convert them, and then help them work on the problems they have in their life (be it addiction, vices, sex, etc).
I believe homosexuality is a sin, and is something to be dealt with. But it can only be dealt with if the person doing the sin knows (or claims to know) God. Otherwise, it's just wasted breath on my part.
So until you become a Christian, while I will explain my beliefs, and debate should you want it, I won't try un-gay you for religious reasons before I un-heathen you.
The exception to this would be, just for instance, if it popped up that having 'sex with multiple partners in a lot of kinky ways' (replace quoted words with whatever the topic of the moment is) aided in the spread of some deadly disease that kills hundreds of millions of innocent people per year...