heeey, What is wrong with watching Fox news for entertainment? Just because I watch it doesn't mean I agree with everything they say and blindly follow it. I find them amusing, in fact. If there was no Fox news, what would I point and laugh at? Hyfe? Cuz I'm tired of that.... :b
Besides, how else then would we get to read about a pizza guy being held up by Darth Vader? I found the article quite amusing, it may be an inspiration for one of my future antics.
Funny how the incident occurred in Florida. Everything happens in Florida these days, they're always in the news.
And they shouldn't be afraid of the Dark Side. If it really *is* so powerful, then why didnt Darth Vader use it to make his own damn pizzas and counterfeit money?
Besides, how else then would we get to read about a pizza guy being held up by Darth Vader? I found the article quite amusing, it may be an inspiration for one of my future antics.
Funny how the incident occurred in Florida. Everything happens in Florida these days, they're always in the news.
And they shouldn't be afraid of the Dark Side. If it really *is* so powerful, then why didnt Darth Vader use it to make his own damn pizzas and counterfeit money?