Bah. Nuc'nfuts.
Posts: 5
  • Posted On: Mar 12 2007 2:14pm

I love the way my argument got completely twisted around here, making it look like I'm a Windows fanatic, which I am not. Let me try and put this in simple terms for you to understand:

PCs > Macs

Understand? I'm not doubting the superiority of OSX, Linux, and several other operating systems that I consider superior to Windows. My argument, as you both obviously completely overlooked, was that PCs are better than Macs. NOT that Windows is better than OSX... personally, I hate Windows, but I use it because I love to play games. I used Windows as an example in my PC vs Mac argument because most who own a PC run Windows.

I'm basing this not on their operating system, but on their hardware. True, Macs can come equipped with just about everything a PC can, but PCs are immensely easier to upgrade. That's why I love them, and why I consider them superior.

Also, to clear some things up: I was referring to the earlier OS versions on Macs when I said they crashed on me a lot... as Morgan said, those earlier versions had problems, and I hated fooling with them.

Preferring PCs to Macs IS an opinion, and it is one that I feel very strongly about. I voice it, but don't force it upon people, and don't insult others when defending it. If you don't agree, fine... say so. I love to argue/debate, but don't get so offensive, please.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Mar 12 2007 3:26pm
*watches the grave be dug deeper*
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Mar 12 2007 3:36pm
If you guys can't play nice, I'll take your toys away.
Posts: 211
  • Posted On: Mar 12 2007 6:59pm
Ahnk lays down the punishments!!

and Dem, im only saying that computers are all the same, we should just learn to accept that.

case rested.
Posts: 743
  • Posted On: Mar 12 2007 8:52pm
Hey Krauser...

Just go RP man...