I think, from Omnae's post, the problem appears to be that it is seen as too capable, and perhaps in the past my boasts overstepped the bounds?
What it is confirmed the Panacea can do is destory nearly all bacteria, viruses, tumours, parasites, or growths that do not have a similar DNA signal. Anything lacking a DNA signiture but proves to be a threat (things that destroy DNA signals which are not themselves parts of the body) is also attacked. That means if a phage began attacking the body the Panacea would recognize it as a threat and begin firing.
This appears to solve those things I know of to be medical problems. It does not repair DNA or cells however, meaning that it could not cure, say, diabetes. Neither could it mend wounds or fix a collapsed lung.
I guess I was a bit broad with my terminology. Also, I agree now looking back that the RP, although it answered some questions was more then a little vague, namely because it would be uninteresting to read a story consisting of nothing but a long list of technical details. This attempt to make the Rp interesting made, it seems, the Panacea not much better in the long run. Should I rewrite it?
p.s. I am fine with people writing propaganda that is FALSE in its' details (like saying that people are dying en masse or whatever from the Panacea) but if people say this and also mean that this is actually happening (as in, there are people 'really' dying of Panacea left, right, and center) I am very concerned.
I understand Dolash but consider this: When you let your R&D out for all the Galaxy, you kind of lose control of it. It is now up for reverse engineering should someone wish to invest the time and energy.
That's ok with me, if someone reverse-engineers it they're welcome to. There isn't any practical way they could use them against me, considering if you are close enough to inject someone you could inject a deadly poison just as easily as altered Panacea droids. Or just stab them.
There's no network for them, or central computer core, or anything, so I don't think you could alter them without physically interacting with them, and as I said if you can do that you can also do a number of things to the person with them.
I am not worried about reverse-engineering, or stealing of the idea. Heck, if more people use them I'd be happy, because it'd promote galactic health.
So we can proceed with the News and Propaganda thread, whereby it is agreed the Panacea is effective, but not perfect, and 95% is probably an exaggeration by around ten points, and the like? I.E. the Imperial stories about people dying are in fact made up to make us look bad?