Hello, All.
I have been thinking that for those who are planning or starting new, Post-Cataclysm threads, there may be a thing or two that they missed or not sure of with regards to various storylines and plots so here, in one shot, I will attempt to let everyone know what is what and where it's at:
Cree'Ar: War
Obviously, the major plot of Cataclysm.
Where does this stand?
Currently, the Cree'Ar have absorbed the Black Dragon Empire's worlds but the extent of the Dominion's control over these worlds is unknown. There are very few native residents on these worlds as those that were a part of the Imperium and in Raktus' good graces left with him via a transgalactic wormhole to another galaxy and deeper into the Dominion. Those that were not in good graces with Raktus went mad and became the Reavers.
Some former Dragon worlds were utilized for their raw materials to create large Tek'a'tara armies. Some for the assault on Coruscant and some for the larger war to come.
The Cree'Ar have a Core presence and hold Coruscant. What they plan to do with it has yet to be determined. The Imperial world of Abregado-Rae has also been brutally attacked and while most forces of the Cree'Ar left to attack and capture the world of Tython (Ancient Jedi Homeworld) deeper into the Core, a presence of Cree'Ar may still be on the world.
War Strategies:
After Coruscant, the Cree'Ar have begun open hostilies with the Jedi Enclave and the League of Nations by innudating the Ossus system with Holonet transmitters to attract Reaver attacks.
The Jedi response to this will be seen in both:
Cree'Ar War: Overture
The length, breadth and width of the Cree'Ar Dominion is not generally known though the sheer intensity of their attack should give any reasonably observant person a good idea.
As much as a backbone the Nexus is to the Cree'Ar, the Cree'Ar war would not have been possible without the Arbiter. The Cree'Ar war commander took every one of these highly valuable, extremely difficult to build, rare warships in the Dominion aresenal and pointed them at the Corusca galaxy. An important issue with the Cree'Ar commander is that the longer it takes the Dominion to accomplish their goals in this galaxy leaves the rest of the Dominion in an extremely vulnerable state. Can the Cree'Ar succeed before both enemies and conquered races in the galaxies across their Dominion realize the absence of the Arbiters and the crippling of their Fleet movements? Only time will tell.
Those remnants of the Dragon Imperium that Heir Raktus did not take with him when he left the Corusca galaxy. Included among these numbers is the sub-group calling themselves Dracconis (followers of Raktus who merged their technological bodies with elements of Phage and BioLogic in order to create the ultimate Daemun). When they were abandoned by Raktus, they went mad and ultimately became a "force" consumed by a base "hunger". Their individuality gave way to an overwhelmingly emotional and base state giving them a zombie-like characteristics.
The term "Reavers" applies to both vessels and people "infected" with the appearance and characteristics they have come to be known for. Infected people lose their individuality becoming a being wholly consumed with a hunger to spread the infection and sustain their biological bodies. The Reaver affliction does not distinquish between the quality of such sustenance causing reports of flesh-eating zombies to spread. An infected vessel is almost a living thing in-itself as much as a Reaver can be considered living. The Reaver vessels may start out looking as pristine as they can be under such circumstances but eventually a mold-like growth will begin to warp the vessel's structure into something more grotesque. As the Reavers numbers grow and spread, they are forming sub-groups each with differing in certain abilities or characteristics in adaptation to the environments around them.
One such sub-group has tried telepathic communication with a captured Imperial.
The Reavers can be found largely in what was known as the Imperial Borderland Protectorate bordering Republic, Confederation, Coalition, Cree'Ar and Imperial Space. There is also a presence in the Core around Coruscant and Corellia. They are also in former Gestalt Space having destroyed the Colonies.
Current Reaver Battles:
Bandomeer (Inside Borderlands): Just fought a last stand battle and lost. Reaver device was placed in deepest part of ocean whose signal mimics a holonet signal. Purpose of device is unknown. Republic has vowed to help Bandomeer defend itself against next attack even though last Reaver vessel that attacked was as large as a small moon and the defenders did very little damage.
Elom (Inside Borderlands): Republic shock troopers to be sent to defend world against the foothold gained by the zombie-flesh eaters.
Corellia (Core): Cree'Ar have agreed to defend world against Reavers drawn to system by Imperial design as payment for Corellian alliance.
Gestalt (Unknown Regions): Colonies presumably destroyed by Reavers. Survivors unknown. Remoran (migratory species from Unknown Regions) presence also destroyed (survivors unknown).
Ossus (Enclave): Defense of the world will be told in the following rp: Duality
Coalition Border: Coalition Fleet being led by Regrad which is hunting down those elements threatening Coalition. Their efforts presumably have contributed to a specific counterattack by Cooperative elements which have been, so far, successful with the following worlds: Garos and Maridun
Confederation Border: Confederation Forces have been successful at keeping the Reavers out of their space (so far).
Empire: Other than losing the Borderlands to the Reavers and the minor Reaver presence in the Core, they have not been fighting them. The Reavers, however, have gained control of the SSD Administrator which, with it's presence in Coruscant space during the evacuation, spread the Reaver presence to the Core (and Coruscant). There is danger of any fleeing ship being infected and spreading the Reaver elsewhere with in the Empire. The Administrator was last seen leaving with Kach Thorton's taskforce for the Midrim and Vladet. It is presumed not to have arrived at Vladet due to no fears of Reaver attack being mentioned by Vladet inhabitants: Threads: Discovering the Strands and Shattered Empire: Picking up the Pieces
The former (Vinda-Corp / Caprician) Commonwealth chose an auspicious time to reorganize to reform the Republic. To some, it was a bright spot in an otherwise dark time where the evil overlording of the Empire fell to even greater evil overlords, the Cree'Ar and Reaver threats. To others, it was the height of stupidity for their public announcement of the Republic's formation put them squarely against the might of the Cree'Ar war machine.
The Commonwealth-turned-Republic has experienced years of prosperity despite Darksiders infuences. It was Darksiders that instigated the Domain War which ended in their destruction and the inclusion of the Domain within the Commonwealth. It was the Sith Lord Lupercus Darksword who interfered with Hapan politics through the disappearance of his brother (it is not public knowledge that Lupercus was responsible for Dakkon's disappearance) until being removed by Seth Vinda and Luke Skywalker.
The Republic is the most properous of the lightside groups currently. However, it's technology, though impressive, has been spread over it's society in general rather than focusing on one specific aspect. As a result, the military power of the Republic, though skilled is not as experienced is merely on par with some factions.
The Republic's military backbone is centered around Anchorages and systems are patrolled by hybrid science/military starships.
Even so, the Republic's current battles are:
Elom: Republic soldiers are being sent to defend the world against Reaver, flesh-eaters.
Bandomeer: Republic ships and soldiers being sent to defend world against Reaver vessels and an unknown device left on Bandomeer.
Ossus: Republic is supporting Jedi members to held defend Ossus
Cree'Ar War: Overture
Confederation: Republic is lending monetary support to stave off the Confederation government from going bankrupt and collapsing.
League of Nations
This organization has seen it's relationship with the Empire deteriorate over the Year of Cataclysm. From Regent Zell's shooting of LON Representatives in the Rotunda to the League's acceptance of rebellous Imperial worlds into it's fold, it was certain the two organizations were headed for war if not for the Cree'Ar invasion.
Reavers: The LON has had no direct conflicts with the Reavers.
Cree'Ar: The LON has had no direct conflict with the Cree'Ar and while those in the League may rejoice at Coruscant's fate, the Cree'Ar Declaration has made it all too clear that they are a target as well. The Cree'Ar have already moved to make Ossus, homeworld of the Jedi Enclave, a lightning rod for Reavers by innundating the system with holonet transmitters. The LON defense of Ossus is assured.
Coalition: The Coalition reputation is gaining ground after the Glee Anselm fiasco mainly due to it's efforts to repair damages done. Though the instrument of Coalition response has since declared independence, the Coalition has seen fit not to disrupt the operations with political posturing allowing the Aselmi recovery effort proceed more smoothly. Also, the LON has been highly embarrassed by Chadwick Fearsons whose outspokeness put a Coalition LON member world charter in danger of revocation. It was the calm intercession of the Jedi Enclave that not only redressed the situation with the Coalition but also prevented the LON from hurting itself further by acting as political reactionary.
Empire: Relations are hostile but have not devolved into shooting.
Enclave: The moral compass of the LON. The Enclave's political clout was solidified as it prevented the desintigration of the LON/Coalition relationship. Chaddwick Fearson's death and subsequent bequeathing of the care of his Jutraalian Empire and Fleet to the Jedi Enclave also provided a firm foundation for the Enclave to be taken seriously. What the Enclave's next actions with these resources remains to be seen. The Cree'Ar's direct interest in the Enclave by indirectly attacking Ossus is foremost on the Enclave's mind.
Republic: No formal relationship exists.
Confederation: The Year of Cataclysm also saw the heavily investing of Confederation business ventures (unknowingly a government front) within the LON. Whether or not this is legitimate (though hidden) method of refunding empty government coffers or a method of inserting influence over the LON body by the Confederation has yet to be seen.
This lightside faction is the oldest and most experienced. Their military hardware is on par with the Empire and their crews just as experienced. The fault of the Coalition's troubles and weaknesses does not reside with the spirit of it's people or the skill of their soldiers but in the divided leadership and lack of control over it's regional diversity. Even so, the Coalition has a strength that has yet to be overcome by any enemy. It has fought two major wars with the Empire and lost and a major war with the Black Dragon Empire before that conflict ground to a halt before the year of Cataclysm.
The Year of Cataclysm has seen both some surprising triumphs as well as unforseen setbacks.
Reavers: Prime Minister Regrad personally took charge of the border defense against the Reavers and his Coalition Fleet is the only one to circumnavigate Reaver Space after the fall of the Borderlands. Much of the mapping of "Reaver Space" comes from information made by this Coalition Fleet. Regrad's fleet was instrumental in clearing the way for the Cooperative to make forays into Reaver Space and liberate the worlds of Garos and Maridun. It is unknown if these worlds can be held, however. There have been missions to investigate the origins of the Reavers (the only faction to do so). The Vahaba Asteriod Belt has been overrun by Reavers and is considered lost.
Unlike the Republic, the Coalition has become used to settling it's problems on the strength of it's fleet. It is a policy that the Cooperative has continued to follow within it's own sub-borders. Even so, the Pax Machina subgroup declared independence and thrust an area of space that was once considered staunch into question.
Cree'Ar: While not in conflict with the Cree'Ar, the Jedi that support the Coalition are sure to make this lightside faction a target. The Cooperative, however, has started to make forays into Cree'Ar space (believing it to be Dragon space) trying to investigate the seeming disappearance of the Dragon Imperium and the origins of the Reavers. The Cree'Ar, however, have captured an Azguard and, as a result, have begun a propaganda war publicly releasing the coordinates to the Azguard Home Systems and for the first time, Azguardia-Prime is now in danger of direct assault.
The Truth About The Azguard
Empire: The Onyxian Commonwealth has always been a rather uncontrollable part of the Coalition. It was Onyxian ambition and independent will without regard for the consequences of their actions that has hurt the Coalition on more than one occassion. Their unwise attack against the Empire at Billibringi was one such instance that eventually brought down the entire Onyxian Commonwealth allowing for Imperial Occupation. Even so, the Onyxians who fled their systems to escape the oncoming Imperials retained their stiff necks and have proved uncontrollable for Cooperative Coalition authorities. The remnants of the Onyxian forces regrouped, rebelled against the Cooperative and have crossed over into the Imperial Occupation Zone. It might have been construed as a Coalition breach of an agreement had the Onyxians not rebelled but, even so, such a bold move has removed the political cover the Coalition had humiliated itself to provided for them leaving them at the mercy of whatever Imperial Commander they face. Political considerations aside, these Coalition Rebels face the scorn of their own by those Onyxians who remained inside the Imperial Occupation Zone to continue their fight of liberation.
Independence: Cren Alliance, Pax Machina and Sinsang Government have declared their independence from the Coalition
This lightside faction may be the smallest of the major governments but it's military technology is next to none. Of all the lightsiders, the Confederation holds the best in military hardware and can be moved quickly from one end of the Confederation to the other relatively quickly.
Their faction borders the Empire, Republic, Coalition, Cree'Ar and Reaver space. Currently, they are combatting Reaver advances on their border. While their defense has been relatively successful, there are several crisis that are coming to a head:
The Cree'Ar have directly assaulted Kashan and only recently was this attack aborted for unknown reasons. The attack has left the Confederation feeling vulnerable yet determined to defend what is theirs. As a result, the military strength of the Confederation has remained contained within their borders.
The Confederation has also not discovered that the Cree'Ar were responsible for the emptying of their foodstuff warehouses across their faction resulting in the near starvation of the faction until the Confederation government began spending its monetary reserves to make up the losses. The Confederation government is on the verge of bankruptcy and is currently receiving aid from the Republic.
In order to maintain an organization equivalent to that of the Jedi or Sith, the Confederation unwisely created artificial force users for their Jensaari Order. While an ambitious project, it created a few unique problems one of which being, what to do with those that did not "take" to the project? Those who received the power but were untrainable or undisciplined it was determined to be held in a prison indefinitely.
With the ability to give previously weak force-sensitives a stronger sensitivity, it was thought that those chosen to receive such powers should be high ranking or exceptional military officers where such reception of powers could do the most good. Rather than risk these people by simply injecting them with the artificial midichlorians, it was decided that clones of these exceptional people would be created to be test subjects to see if the process would take on originals. A clone of Corise Lucerne was made and, unfortunately to those program personnel, the process did not take. Subsequently, the clone was held indefinitely for testing while the idea was dropped. This clone of Corise Lucerne held all the man's military ability in addition to force powers and it was only a matter of time before he escaped. The Lucerne-Clone, along with those prisoners who did not take with the program, fled in a warship under the guise of Inferno Fleet to Vahaba Asteroid Fields.
Currently the Vahaba Asteriod Fields are under Reaver control and the Confederation has been tight-lipped about a rogue force-user who looks like Corise Lucerne and who has the man's genius. The Confederation has no idea of the Lucerne-clone's whereabouts.
The residents of Vahaba Asteriod Field do not know that the Corise Lucerne they are dealing with is a clone and that his warship is crewed by artificial force-users who did not follow program protocols or disciplines.
Being the largest and most powerful organization in the galaxy for decades tends to make one lax and content to rest on the laurels of past victories. It also makes that organization the one with the most to lose and lose the Empire did during the Year of Cataclysm.
Over half of the Empire Imperial Navy was either destroyed or made to mysteriously vanish opening the doors to the Reaver flood and Cree'Ar attacks.
The Empire is currently attempting to consolidate it's losses in the face of a war on two fronts (Reaver and Cree'Ar).
Reavers: The Reaver advance after overrunning the Borderlands has slowed. However, the stripping of what was left of the Borderland Fleet to go to Coruscant's defense has left very little in terms of defending those worlds that remain close to Reaver Space. Infected vessels moving from Borderlands to the Core have aided in the overall spread of the Reaver infestation. The SSD Administrator, an infected Imperial warship, was last seen leaving the Coruscant system for the Midrim Territories. It is presumed that his warship will spread the Reaver infection to the Midrim but as yet, no sightings have been reported.
Cree'Ar: The Cree'Ar have seized Coruscant, helped destroy Yaga Minor and smashed Abregado-Rae.
Rebellion: The Jutraalian Empire's rebellion and subsequent joining of the LON has strained relations between the Empire and LON to the extreme. Regent Zell's authorizing the killing of LON representatives on Coruscant during the beginning of the Cree'Ar assault on the world indicates how little he thought of the organization. Such an attitude would surely have led to war. Regent also paid a bounty hunter to assassinate Emperor Fearsons; a move that ultimately proved successful. The focus of the Empire on the Reaver losses and Cree'Ar attacks put this war on hold. It is unknown how the new Emperor and Imperial Leadership will carry on with the LON.
Csilla: The Chiss Ascendancy has reclaimed its homeworld and are currently hostile to the Empire.
Confederation: Captain Malice (presumed dead by the Empire) was rescued by Confederation from a burned out hulk when she ordered her ship close to a sun to burn away the Reaver infestation growing on the outside of her ship. Her tactic worked but with devestating results. She lost a leg and an arm.
Coalition: On nominal terms though the report of rebellious Onyxians crossing the border for revenge does not sit well.
Problem worlds:
Yaga Minor: No contact and no ship that goes there has yet to return. A report by Telan Desaria regarding the reasons why is forthcoming in the rp: suffice to say, the world is under Imperial Quarantine.
Abregado-Rae: Smashed by Cree-Ar attack and while majority of Cree'Ar have left after taking scores of Jedi Corps prisoners. There may still be a minor Cree'Ar presence on the world.
Coruscant: Taken by the Cree'Ar. The bulk of the Cree'Ar Armada have secured the system but the fate of those who stayed or were unable to leave remain unknown.
Imperial Occupation Zone: Currently under assault by the Palestar Crusade. Several of the worlds have already fallen to this darkside faction when the Onyxians from the Cooperative decided to rebel against the Coalition and cross the border. They have yet to engage in any significant conflict with either the Cursaders or the Imperials but their brethren who remained under Imperial domination engaged in a suicide run and destroyed the Onyxian shipyards.
State of the Empire: Mostly in disarray but by no means down for the count. The attacks by other governments on the Reavers and TNO's own spreading of Reaver locations have slowed the Reaver advance in the Borderlands to a crawl. The Cree'Ar have not pressed their attacks on the Empire but have shifted focus towards force users and an indirect attack on Ossus also giving the Empire time to recoup. While more than half the starfleet has been lost or missing, there is also less Empire to protect. The Midrim remains the most stable, contains the core of the Imperial Navy and is the beating heart of the New Order. For the worlds outside of the MidRim Protectorate there is confusion and not a little panic. Whether this state of the Empire improves or dissolves (as worlds look to their own devices to survive) will largely depend on the actions or inaction of the new Imperial regime.
Alliance to Restore the Republic
What, what? The Republic has been restored. It is unknown what this militant group will do. (Just kidding) Revisions to come.
Palestar Crusade
The Crusade of Dacian Palestar has made inroads into the Imperial Occupation Zone. Their resources from the Unknown Regions was put into jeopardy as a Sith Knight seized more control over the planet Nix. However, the Sith Order who had felt the hand of the Crusade on Xa Fel thus forcing them out failed to respond to their agent's transmission. Cut off from the rest of his Order and not knowing whether it still existed or not, the Sith was caught and eventually joined the Crusaders.
While they have never come into conflict with the Cree'Ar, the aggressive alien's Declaration of War against force users will inevitably prove a hindrance for this Crusade.
Bounty Hunter's Guild
This guild has gained notoriety for the high profile kill against Chaddwick Fearsons, a presumably powerful (if erratic) force user. The Mandalore, Beff Pike, is held in as high esteem as Boba Fett.
The coming conflict should prove to be very profitable.
I have been thinking that for those who are planning or starting new, Post-Cataclysm threads, there may be a thing or two that they missed or not sure of with regards to various storylines and plots so here, in one shot, I will attempt to let everyone know what is what and where it's at:
Cree'Ar: War
Obviously, the major plot of Cataclysm.
Where does this stand?
Currently, the Cree'Ar have absorbed the Black Dragon Empire's worlds but the extent of the Dominion's control over these worlds is unknown. There are very few native residents on these worlds as those that were a part of the Imperium and in Raktus' good graces left with him via a transgalactic wormhole to another galaxy and deeper into the Dominion. Those that were not in good graces with Raktus went mad and became the Reavers.
Some former Dragon worlds were utilized for their raw materials to create large Tek'a'tara armies. Some for the assault on Coruscant and some for the larger war to come.
The Cree'Ar have a Core presence and hold Coruscant. What they plan to do with it has yet to be determined. The Imperial world of Abregado-Rae has also been brutally attacked and while most forces of the Cree'Ar left to attack and capture the world of Tython (Ancient Jedi Homeworld) deeper into the Core, a presence of Cree'Ar may still be on the world.
War Strategies:
After Coruscant, the Cree'Ar have begun open hostilies with the Jedi Enclave and the League of Nations by innudating the Ossus system with Holonet transmitters to attract Reaver attacks.
The Jedi response to this will be seen in both:
Cree'Ar War: Overture
The length, breadth and width of the Cree'Ar Dominion is not generally known though the sheer intensity of their attack should give any reasonably observant person a good idea.
As much as a backbone the Nexus is to the Cree'Ar, the Cree'Ar war would not have been possible without the Arbiter. The Cree'Ar war commander took every one of these highly valuable, extremely difficult to build, rare warships in the Dominion aresenal and pointed them at the Corusca galaxy. An important issue with the Cree'Ar commander is that the longer it takes the Dominion to accomplish their goals in this galaxy leaves the rest of the Dominion in an extremely vulnerable state. Can the Cree'Ar succeed before both enemies and conquered races in the galaxies across their Dominion realize the absence of the Arbiters and the crippling of their Fleet movements? Only time will tell.
Those remnants of the Dragon Imperium that Heir Raktus did not take with him when he left the Corusca galaxy. Included among these numbers is the sub-group calling themselves Dracconis (followers of Raktus who merged their technological bodies with elements of Phage and BioLogic in order to create the ultimate Daemun). When they were abandoned by Raktus, they went mad and ultimately became a "force" consumed by a base "hunger". Their individuality gave way to an overwhelmingly emotional and base state giving them a zombie-like characteristics.
The term "Reavers" applies to both vessels and people "infected" with the appearance and characteristics they have come to be known for. Infected people lose their individuality becoming a being wholly consumed with a hunger to spread the infection and sustain their biological bodies. The Reaver affliction does not distinquish between the quality of such sustenance causing reports of flesh-eating zombies to spread. An infected vessel is almost a living thing in-itself as much as a Reaver can be considered living. The Reaver vessels may start out looking as pristine as they can be under such circumstances but eventually a mold-like growth will begin to warp the vessel's structure into something more grotesque. As the Reavers numbers grow and spread, they are forming sub-groups each with differing in certain abilities or characteristics in adaptation to the environments around them.
One such sub-group has tried telepathic communication with a captured Imperial.
The Reavers can be found largely in what was known as the Imperial Borderland Protectorate bordering Republic, Confederation, Coalition, Cree'Ar and Imperial Space. There is also a presence in the Core around Coruscant and Corellia. They are also in former Gestalt Space having destroyed the Colonies.
Current Reaver Battles:
Bandomeer (Inside Borderlands): Just fought a last stand battle and lost. Reaver device was placed in deepest part of ocean whose signal mimics a holonet signal. Purpose of device is unknown. Republic has vowed to help Bandomeer defend itself against next attack even though last Reaver vessel that attacked was as large as a small moon and the defenders did very little damage.
Elom (Inside Borderlands): Republic shock troopers to be sent to defend world against the foothold gained by the zombie-flesh eaters.
Corellia (Core): Cree'Ar have agreed to defend world against Reavers drawn to system by Imperial design as payment for Corellian alliance.
Gestalt (Unknown Regions): Colonies presumably destroyed by Reavers. Survivors unknown. Remoran (migratory species from Unknown Regions) presence also destroyed (survivors unknown).
Ossus (Enclave): Defense of the world will be told in the following rp: Duality
Coalition Border: Coalition Fleet being led by Regrad which is hunting down those elements threatening Coalition. Their efforts presumably have contributed to a specific counterattack by Cooperative elements which have been, so far, successful with the following worlds: Garos and Maridun
Confederation Border: Confederation Forces have been successful at keeping the Reavers out of their space (so far).
Empire: Other than losing the Borderlands to the Reavers and the minor Reaver presence in the Core, they have not been fighting them. The Reavers, however, have gained control of the SSD Administrator which, with it's presence in Coruscant space during the evacuation, spread the Reaver presence to the Core (and Coruscant). There is danger of any fleeing ship being infected and spreading the Reaver elsewhere with in the Empire. The Administrator was last seen leaving with Kach Thorton's taskforce for the Midrim and Vladet. It is presumed not to have arrived at Vladet due to no fears of Reaver attack being mentioned by Vladet inhabitants: Threads: Discovering the Strands and Shattered Empire: Picking up the Pieces
The former (Vinda-Corp / Caprician) Commonwealth chose an auspicious time to reorganize to reform the Republic. To some, it was a bright spot in an otherwise dark time where the evil overlording of the Empire fell to even greater evil overlords, the Cree'Ar and Reaver threats. To others, it was the height of stupidity for their public announcement of the Republic's formation put them squarely against the might of the Cree'Ar war machine.
The Commonwealth-turned-Republic has experienced years of prosperity despite Darksiders infuences. It was Darksiders that instigated the Domain War which ended in their destruction and the inclusion of the Domain within the Commonwealth. It was the Sith Lord Lupercus Darksword who interfered with Hapan politics through the disappearance of his brother (it is not public knowledge that Lupercus was responsible for Dakkon's disappearance) until being removed by Seth Vinda and Luke Skywalker.
The Republic is the most properous of the lightside groups currently. However, it's technology, though impressive, has been spread over it's society in general rather than focusing on one specific aspect. As a result, the military power of the Republic, though skilled is not as experienced is merely on par with some factions.
The Republic's military backbone is centered around Anchorages and systems are patrolled by hybrid science/military starships.
Even so, the Republic's current battles are:
Elom: Republic soldiers are being sent to defend the world against Reaver, flesh-eaters.
Bandomeer: Republic ships and soldiers being sent to defend world against Reaver vessels and an unknown device left on Bandomeer.
Ossus: Republic is supporting Jedi members to held defend Ossus
Cree'Ar War: Overture
Confederation: Republic is lending monetary support to stave off the Confederation government from going bankrupt and collapsing.
League of Nations
This organization has seen it's relationship with the Empire deteriorate over the Year of Cataclysm. From Regent Zell's shooting of LON Representatives in the Rotunda to the League's acceptance of rebellous Imperial worlds into it's fold, it was certain the two organizations were headed for war if not for the Cree'Ar invasion.
Reavers: The LON has had no direct conflicts with the Reavers.
Cree'Ar: The LON has had no direct conflict with the Cree'Ar and while those in the League may rejoice at Coruscant's fate, the Cree'Ar Declaration has made it all too clear that they are a target as well. The Cree'Ar have already moved to make Ossus, homeworld of the Jedi Enclave, a lightning rod for Reavers by innundating the system with holonet transmitters. The LON defense of Ossus is assured.
Coalition: The Coalition reputation is gaining ground after the Glee Anselm fiasco mainly due to it's efforts to repair damages done. Though the instrument of Coalition response has since declared independence, the Coalition has seen fit not to disrupt the operations with political posturing allowing the Aselmi recovery effort proceed more smoothly. Also, the LON has been highly embarrassed by Chadwick Fearsons whose outspokeness put a Coalition LON member world charter in danger of revocation. It was the calm intercession of the Jedi Enclave that not only redressed the situation with the Coalition but also prevented the LON from hurting itself further by acting as political reactionary.
Empire: Relations are hostile but have not devolved into shooting.
Enclave: The moral compass of the LON. The Enclave's political clout was solidified as it prevented the desintigration of the LON/Coalition relationship. Chaddwick Fearson's death and subsequent bequeathing of the care of his Jutraalian Empire and Fleet to the Jedi Enclave also provided a firm foundation for the Enclave to be taken seriously. What the Enclave's next actions with these resources remains to be seen. The Cree'Ar's direct interest in the Enclave by indirectly attacking Ossus is foremost on the Enclave's mind.
Republic: No formal relationship exists.
Confederation: The Year of Cataclysm also saw the heavily investing of Confederation business ventures (unknowingly a government front) within the LON. Whether or not this is legitimate (though hidden) method of refunding empty government coffers or a method of inserting influence over the LON body by the Confederation has yet to be seen.
This lightside faction is the oldest and most experienced. Their military hardware is on par with the Empire and their crews just as experienced. The fault of the Coalition's troubles and weaknesses does not reside with the spirit of it's people or the skill of their soldiers but in the divided leadership and lack of control over it's regional diversity. Even so, the Coalition has a strength that has yet to be overcome by any enemy. It has fought two major wars with the Empire and lost and a major war with the Black Dragon Empire before that conflict ground to a halt before the year of Cataclysm.
The Year of Cataclysm has seen both some surprising triumphs as well as unforseen setbacks.
Reavers: Prime Minister Regrad personally took charge of the border defense against the Reavers and his Coalition Fleet is the only one to circumnavigate Reaver Space after the fall of the Borderlands. Much of the mapping of "Reaver Space" comes from information made by this Coalition Fleet. Regrad's fleet was instrumental in clearing the way for the Cooperative to make forays into Reaver Space and liberate the worlds of Garos and Maridun. It is unknown if these worlds can be held, however. There have been missions to investigate the origins of the Reavers (the only faction to do so). The Vahaba Asteriod Belt has been overrun by Reavers and is considered lost.
Unlike the Republic, the Coalition has become used to settling it's problems on the strength of it's fleet. It is a policy that the Cooperative has continued to follow within it's own sub-borders. Even so, the Pax Machina subgroup declared independence and thrust an area of space that was once considered staunch into question.
Cree'Ar: While not in conflict with the Cree'Ar, the Jedi that support the Coalition are sure to make this lightside faction a target. The Cooperative, however, has started to make forays into Cree'Ar space (believing it to be Dragon space) trying to investigate the seeming disappearance of the Dragon Imperium and the origins of the Reavers. The Cree'Ar, however, have captured an Azguard and, as a result, have begun a propaganda war publicly releasing the coordinates to the Azguard Home Systems and for the first time, Azguardia-Prime is now in danger of direct assault.
The Truth About The Azguard
Empire: The Onyxian Commonwealth has always been a rather uncontrollable part of the Coalition. It was Onyxian ambition and independent will without regard for the consequences of their actions that has hurt the Coalition on more than one occassion. Their unwise attack against the Empire at Billibringi was one such instance that eventually brought down the entire Onyxian Commonwealth allowing for Imperial Occupation. Even so, the Onyxians who fled their systems to escape the oncoming Imperials retained their stiff necks and have proved uncontrollable for Cooperative Coalition authorities. The remnants of the Onyxian forces regrouped, rebelled against the Cooperative and have crossed over into the Imperial Occupation Zone. It might have been construed as a Coalition breach of an agreement had the Onyxians not rebelled but, even so, such a bold move has removed the political cover the Coalition had humiliated itself to provided for them leaving them at the mercy of whatever Imperial Commander they face. Political considerations aside, these Coalition Rebels face the scorn of their own by those Onyxians who remained inside the Imperial Occupation Zone to continue their fight of liberation.
Independence: Cren Alliance, Pax Machina and Sinsang Government have declared their independence from the Coalition
This lightside faction may be the smallest of the major governments but it's military technology is next to none. Of all the lightsiders, the Confederation holds the best in military hardware and can be moved quickly from one end of the Confederation to the other relatively quickly.
Their faction borders the Empire, Republic, Coalition, Cree'Ar and Reaver space. Currently, they are combatting Reaver advances on their border. While their defense has been relatively successful, there are several crisis that are coming to a head:
The Cree'Ar have directly assaulted Kashan and only recently was this attack aborted for unknown reasons. The attack has left the Confederation feeling vulnerable yet determined to defend what is theirs. As a result, the military strength of the Confederation has remained contained within their borders.
The Confederation has also not discovered that the Cree'Ar were responsible for the emptying of their foodstuff warehouses across their faction resulting in the near starvation of the faction until the Confederation government began spending its monetary reserves to make up the losses. The Confederation government is on the verge of bankruptcy and is currently receiving aid from the Republic.
In order to maintain an organization equivalent to that of the Jedi or Sith, the Confederation unwisely created artificial force users for their Jensaari Order. While an ambitious project, it created a few unique problems one of which being, what to do with those that did not "take" to the project? Those who received the power but were untrainable or undisciplined it was determined to be held in a prison indefinitely.
With the ability to give previously weak force-sensitives a stronger sensitivity, it was thought that those chosen to receive such powers should be high ranking or exceptional military officers where such reception of powers could do the most good. Rather than risk these people by simply injecting them with the artificial midichlorians, it was decided that clones of these exceptional people would be created to be test subjects to see if the process would take on originals. A clone of Corise Lucerne was made and, unfortunately to those program personnel, the process did not take. Subsequently, the clone was held indefinitely for testing while the idea was dropped. This clone of Corise Lucerne held all the man's military ability in addition to force powers and it was only a matter of time before he escaped. The Lucerne-Clone, along with those prisoners who did not take with the program, fled in a warship under the guise of Inferno Fleet to Vahaba Asteroid Fields.
Currently the Vahaba Asteriod Fields are under Reaver control and the Confederation has been tight-lipped about a rogue force-user who looks like Corise Lucerne and who has the man's genius. The Confederation has no idea of the Lucerne-clone's whereabouts.
The residents of Vahaba Asteriod Field do not know that the Corise Lucerne they are dealing with is a clone and that his warship is crewed by artificial force-users who did not follow program protocols or disciplines.
Being the largest and most powerful organization in the galaxy for decades tends to make one lax and content to rest on the laurels of past victories. It also makes that organization the one with the most to lose and lose the Empire did during the Year of Cataclysm.
Over half of the Empire Imperial Navy was either destroyed or made to mysteriously vanish opening the doors to the Reaver flood and Cree'Ar attacks.
The Empire is currently attempting to consolidate it's losses in the face of a war on two fronts (Reaver and Cree'Ar).
Reavers: The Reaver advance after overrunning the Borderlands has slowed. However, the stripping of what was left of the Borderland Fleet to go to Coruscant's defense has left very little in terms of defending those worlds that remain close to Reaver Space. Infected vessels moving from Borderlands to the Core have aided in the overall spread of the Reaver infestation. The SSD Administrator, an infected Imperial warship, was last seen leaving the Coruscant system for the Midrim Territories. It is presumed that his warship will spread the Reaver infection to the Midrim but as yet, no sightings have been reported.
Cree'Ar: The Cree'Ar have seized Coruscant, helped destroy Yaga Minor and smashed Abregado-Rae.
Rebellion: The Jutraalian Empire's rebellion and subsequent joining of the LON has strained relations between the Empire and LON to the extreme. Regent Zell's authorizing the killing of LON representatives on Coruscant during the beginning of the Cree'Ar assault on the world indicates how little he thought of the organization. Such an attitude would surely have led to war. Regent also paid a bounty hunter to assassinate Emperor Fearsons; a move that ultimately proved successful. The focus of the Empire on the Reaver losses and Cree'Ar attacks put this war on hold. It is unknown how the new Emperor and Imperial Leadership will carry on with the LON.
Csilla: The Chiss Ascendancy has reclaimed its homeworld and are currently hostile to the Empire.
Confederation: Captain Malice (presumed dead by the Empire) was rescued by Confederation from a burned out hulk when she ordered her ship close to a sun to burn away the Reaver infestation growing on the outside of her ship. Her tactic worked but with devestating results. She lost a leg and an arm.
Coalition: On nominal terms though the report of rebellious Onyxians crossing the border for revenge does not sit well.
Problem worlds:
Yaga Minor: No contact and no ship that goes there has yet to return. A report by Telan Desaria regarding the reasons why is forthcoming in the rp: suffice to say, the world is under Imperial Quarantine.
Abregado-Rae: Smashed by Cree-Ar attack and while majority of Cree'Ar have left after taking scores of Jedi Corps prisoners. There may still be a minor Cree'Ar presence on the world.
Coruscant: Taken by the Cree'Ar. The bulk of the Cree'Ar Armada have secured the system but the fate of those who stayed or were unable to leave remain unknown.
Imperial Occupation Zone: Currently under assault by the Palestar Crusade. Several of the worlds have already fallen to this darkside faction when the Onyxians from the Cooperative decided to rebel against the Coalition and cross the border. They have yet to engage in any significant conflict with either the Cursaders or the Imperials but their brethren who remained under Imperial domination engaged in a suicide run and destroyed the Onyxian shipyards.
State of the Empire: Mostly in disarray but by no means down for the count. The attacks by other governments on the Reavers and TNO's own spreading of Reaver locations have slowed the Reaver advance in the Borderlands to a crawl. The Cree'Ar have not pressed their attacks on the Empire but have shifted focus towards force users and an indirect attack on Ossus also giving the Empire time to recoup. While more than half the starfleet has been lost or missing, there is also less Empire to protect. The Midrim remains the most stable, contains the core of the Imperial Navy and is the beating heart of the New Order. For the worlds outside of the MidRim Protectorate there is confusion and not a little panic. Whether this state of the Empire improves or dissolves (as worlds look to their own devices to survive) will largely depend on the actions or inaction of the new Imperial regime.
Alliance to Restore the Republic
What, what? The Republic has been restored. It is unknown what this militant group will do. (Just kidding) Revisions to come.
Palestar Crusade
The Crusade of Dacian Palestar has made inroads into the Imperial Occupation Zone. Their resources from the Unknown Regions was put into jeopardy as a Sith Knight seized more control over the planet Nix. However, the Sith Order who had felt the hand of the Crusade on Xa Fel thus forcing them out failed to respond to their agent's transmission. Cut off from the rest of his Order and not knowing whether it still existed or not, the Sith was caught and eventually joined the Crusaders.
While they have never come into conflict with the Cree'Ar, the aggressive alien's Declaration of War against force users will inevitably prove a hindrance for this Crusade.
Bounty Hunter's Guild
This guild has gained notoriety for the high profile kill against Chaddwick Fearsons, a presumably powerful (if erratic) force user. The Mandalore, Beff Pike, is held in as high esteem as Boba Fett.
The coming conflict should prove to be very profitable.