Hey any question worth pondering is worth asking...
How about for nebulas/asteroid fields contributing a time of material that created a weapon/enhanced one? but it is not contributing to meterage?
Easiest to stick with 5k.
so I'd have to write 5k for a cloud that isn't a planet and is not adding to meters? Whynot like 1k or 2k..? After all, there are no meters.
You're obtaining a resource.
That doesn't count for meters though. If I write 5,000 words for a cloud, I'm getting 15,000 meters then.
You don't have to own a resource OOC to obtain resources from it, you know...
but still, if we write 5000 words, we should get the meterage. Maybe just 2,500 words for an area that gives no benifit? Not including maw...
Not necessarily. You have to decide, do you want the resource or the meterage...
Strategic decision, there.
Strategic decision, there.
Then people who own say, Thyferra, should choose bacta or meters.