Posted On:
Dec 26 2003 11:00pm
For terrortories, i.e the Maw, asteroid belts, things that wouldn't be much value other than strategy, and do not give 15,000 meters, how many words to take them over?
Posted On:
Dec 27 2003 12:14am
Listed in the planet listings... I'd say same as any other planet.
Excepting if you hold the main system: IE the asteroid fields of Hoth.
Posted On:
Dec 27 2003 12:18am
So if you say, had Kessel, how much would Maw take?
Posted On:
Dec 27 2003 12:53am
its the same thing as the Hoth Asteroid belt is to Hoth...
Posted On:
Dec 27 2003 12:54am
Not really. More strategic.
Posted On:
Dec 27 2003 12:55am
Unless, of course, you want it to take more words...
We've had several planetary takeovers of what was in fact an asteroid belt, 5k words for all of them.
Posted On:
Dec 27 2003 12:58am
nm, hadnt realized Ahnk made the first reply and you made the rest, lol
my bad
Posted On:
Dec 27 2003 3:11am
We have in the past allowed a user who held a system to take a nearby phenomenom for free... but we probably shouldn't have.
Posted On:
Dec 27 2003 5:35am
Not with a stratetgic value held by something like the Maw, certainly (imo).