If it's ok, I'd like to have Selene hold the MOD rights for the new faction. This way I can use her as a "business account" for keeping track of PM's and posting important in-faction information such as rules and so on. This way I can keep things more organized.
Thanks for taking more time with me. I'm ready when you are so please send me a PM of what you have in mind when you can.
Well, I'm sure you can get Moderator powers for your forums, but it shouldn't be a problem to use Selene as the go-to account; just mention it in your information, when you post it.
Also, I will begin reading the various Spells and books you have available to you as Nightsisters, and will get back to you with some ideas concerning said abilities.
Thanks for all the interest I've received in joining the Nightsisters. So I can keep my PM's organized, I've edited the first post with the following...
I had a thought to run past everyone. I'm trying to come up with the equivalent of a Sith Infiltrator for the Nightsisters. I came across a pic of those Shadow Warships that used to be on Babylon 5. the Nightsisters have no use for capital ships but I wanted to scale it down as a smaller ship just to get to where they need to go. Does anyone have objections to this before I post one in R&D?? The style just seemed to fit into our theme. Again, this is not a capital ship.