New Sig...
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Feb 9 2004 8:03pm
So only the dark lord of the sith is allowed to have tantrums?
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Feb 9 2004 8:05pm

Everyone else sucks their thumb and blows raspberries.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Feb 9 2004 8:36pm
Well excuse me for not knowing the intricacies involved.

Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Feb 9 2004 9:34pm

  • Posted On: Feb 9 2004 10:34pm
Again, the darkside could be a weakness, with an experienced and responsible roleplayer.

*looks at Zell*

He was in TNO. So no...

Ya.. thanks Ahnk... appreciate that...

That's not a weakness. Duh.

The Dark Side is not a weakness? Have you ever seen Emperor Palpatine rotting from the outside in? The Dark Side is like heroine.. it's addictive... it slowly sucks the life from you.. but if you don't think that's a weakness then I guess my character's other weaknesses wouldn't register with you either.

Oh please. That's the oldest excuse for not playing realistically, ever. If you can't tell if something is realistic within the realm you write in you really shouldn't be rp'ing here, to be truthful.

Kas.. my point is this.. first off this is fantasy granted.. but how can you say that that is not realistic? A Sith Assassin trained since youth who's remarkably gifted in the Force.. I'm not really trying to argue with you bro but I'm a little offended here... I don't know what it is... you're basically sitting here calling me a newbie and assuming that I'm going to be a complete moder with my Yang character... as if I couldn't be original in making up a character... you've taken one look at my sig which carries a one paragraph blurb about my character and made a decision... I'd prefer if you saw an actual RP from my character before you made any kind of judgement. But even then you are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine.

I definitely respect your opinion which is why I wanted to offer my point of view... I have been RPing a long time and I love Star Wars.. throughout the years I've made tons of different types of characters and this is just one of them...
  • Posted On: Feb 9 2004 10:57pm
I'd prefer if you saw an actual RP from my character before you made any kind of judgement.

So what's the holdup?:b
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Feb 9 2004 11:01pm
The Dark Side is not a weakness? Have you ever seen Emperor Palpatine rotting from the outside in? The Dark Side is like heroine.. it's addictive... it slowly sucks the life from you.. but if you don't think that's a weakness then I guess my character's other weaknesses wouldn't register with you either.

I'll repeat. The Dark Side cannot be considered to be a weakness, at least, not on TRF. There are many reasons why, but the most prominent would be time. TRF does not have a timeline long enough to accommodate a 'long term' weakness that takes decades to come to fruition.

Every character must have weaknesses in order for them to be realistic. People don't naturally come without weaknesses. I'm not saying you have to run around missing an arm and a leg, but without weaknesses your character becomes godlike. This isn't aimed at you in particular, Zell, but rather at everyone.

I'm not really trying to argue with you bro but I'm a little offended here...

Dude, this is TRF. All we do is argue. ;)

I don't know what it is... you're basically sitting here calling me a newbie and assuming that I'm going to be a complete moder with my Yang character... as if I couldn't be original in making up a character... you've taken one look at my sig which carries a one paragraph blurb about my character and made a decision...

No, no.. I took a look at your signature and commented on the phrase 'remarkably gifted'. You see, almost all the Jedi I see in other galaxies are all 'remarkably gifted'. It gets so that the phrase is an oxymoron. Because everyone is 'remarkably gifted' no one is 'remarkably gifted' but merely 'normal'. But because their character is 'remarkably gifted' in their eyes they expect everyone else to fall like chaff before their mighty blows... :rolleyes

I'd prefer if you saw an actual RP from my character before you made any kind of judgement. But even then you are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine.

Aye, I would like to see an actual RP before I pull out my big GODMODR stamp and hit you on the forehead. :p
  • Posted On: Feb 9 2004 11:04pm
Everyone on other boards is remarkably gifted. that tends to lead to confusion and piss poor wirting. not to say that youre a bad writer, but it seems to be the rule for other boards. everone is an uber jedi, aes sedai or wolfman, no weaknesses to be seen..

weeknesses r teh l33t. :)
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Feb 10 2004 12:51am
I've said it before, and I'll say it again;

I am un beestest Jeedi!1
  • Posted On: Feb 10 2004 12:57am
Zeta it's coming soon... I've got other threads I'm working on but I should have something going for Yang soon... I actually wanted to talk to you about something else Zeta if you have AIM you can reach me at Azrael Zell.. I've posted something in TNO MCC regarding a thread you're working on.. if you could contact me I'd appreciate it...

And Kas... like I said you've got your opinions I've got mine.. to say that the Dark Side isn't a weakness however is not completely truthful... I mean come on... Heroine might take a while to harm you detrimentally but to say it's not a weakness.. come on... and dude all you did was take one look at my sig and come to the snap decision that my character has NO weaknesses... although I feel your GODMODER stamp is unavoidable... it is my destiny...