You were doing that search for the seven crystal balls of something or other... broke into Corsucant Museum to steal one back when ERO owned Coruscant didn't yah?
Yes... Search for the Seven Sacred Spheres... that was a fun RP... I'd like to go back and read it but I can all but guarantee Ceel's deleted that @#%$.. and even if he hasn't he banned me for having an opinion... oh well... but ya Yang's back and he's gonna start doing damage for TNO... Max will most likely be making a few appearances soon also..
Thanks Kas... but rest assured that you won't see my issuing any random challenges in the BG... I've chosen to keep this character around since I've recently been hanging at TNO again. My main passion is story telling and character RPs.. oddly enough my main character Zell is an Imperial and in my opinion I'm not good at RPing an Imperial at all.
My strength is RPing Jedi/Sith characters... and it's actually what I enjoy the most. I'll do my best not to disappoint you in my use of the Force Kas...