Me = Going Away
Milkshake, dropping unmarked, off topic, and unexpected Episode Three spoilers is a criminal offense.
I have moved the offending post. Please don't repost it here.
I have moved the offending post. Please don't repost it here.
Oh, I'm terribly, terribly sorry. *Is ashamed*
I shall be going back to vacation land soon. Thanks for all the Have-Funs.
I shall be going back to vacation land soon. Thanks for all the Have-Funs.
There was a spoiler post? I didn't even... wha? *looks around* who? where? ... Hmm.
I think you blinked. ;)
*Chuckles* good call...
Well, it's no big deal. I read it and didn't think much of it... I saw Vance blink, I assumed he was flinching over the unwanted episode three spoilers and decided to take action.
I pondered marking the thread, but then anyone who didn't want the movie spoled wouldn't be able to read about your super happy fun time land vacation, right?
I pondered marking the thread, but then anyone who didn't want the movie spoled wouldn't be able to read about your super happy fun time land vacation, right?
Milkshake! You went to Never Land???
What? Never Land?
Oh, I mean.. Uh... yeah. Totally!
I might write a joke but in 30 seconds the hotel will cut off my Inter-
Oh, I mean.. Uh... yeah. Totally!
I might write a joke but in 30 seconds the hotel will cut off my Inter-