Posted On:
May 15 2005 1:04am
I'm leaving on vacation on Monday. I'll be gone for a little more than a week. Things will probably stay pretty quiet here, so hopefully I need not worry.
Ever notice how my name isn't capitalized?
Posted On:
May 15 2005 2:34am
See you when you get back. Don't worry, nothing too interesting will happen for a while.
Posted On:
May 15 2005 2:58am
Oh course it will. Joren and I have a massive offensive against TNO planned to be launched on Monday. Why else would I finally get around to posting for Restoration: Dawn and make it so he is going to join GC next post? Especially after he just said no last post.
Posted On:
May 15 2005 3:25am
Shut the hell up, Jan.
*Tries to delete previous post*
Posted On:
May 15 2005 12:20pm
I see, convieniently the day that your minister of peace is away. Creative...
No, actually, just evil. Not creative.
Posted On:
May 15 2005 2:24pm
Have fun. Enjoy the weather, don't try anything too dangerous or eat any strange foods. Unless you're into that sort of thing.
Which, in that case, try away!
Posted On:
May 16 2005 4:46pm
Have fun on your vacation. Get some sun.