I want to lend a hand, if that's ok.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 21 2004 4:54pm
A bit of a speed-bump to me helping: ORS's assets forum is locked. So I can't really tell what they've got.
Posts: 645
  • Posted On: Mar 21 2004 6:29pm
That's okay, I'll just infiltrate them.

I'm sure they won't mind.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Mar 21 2004 6:49pm
They didn't mind when they did it to TNO.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Mar 22 2004 4:29am
A bit of a speed-bump to me helping: ORS's assets forum is locked. So I can't really tell what they've got.


That's not legal.
Posts: 645
  • Posted On: Mar 22 2004 4:39am
1 Home One-class Command Cruiser
1 Vengeance-class Supercruiser
4 Allegiance - Class Star Destroyers
19 Imperial Mk. II Star Destroyers
2 Neron-class Xyto Cruisers
10 Tholatin - Class Star Destroyers
4 Republic-Class Star Destroyers
54 Victory Mk. I Star Destroyers
4 Aegis Mk. II Star Cruisers
17 Aegis - Class Star Carriers
4 Penetrator Assault Cruisers
5 Mon Calamari MC90a Cruisers
18 Bakura-class Destroyers
6 Defender-class Star Destroyers
17 Intredictor Cruisers
18 Silencer Cruisers
9 Nebulon B2-Frigate
4 Lancer-class Frigates
132 Sovereignty Birds-of-Prey
10 Corellian Corvettes
3 Battle Horn-Class Bulk Cruisers
2 Strike-Class Cruisers
31 Intimidator - class Cruisers
14 Corellian Gunships
15 Stryker-class Carriers
22 Ranger - Class Gunships
18 Majestic - Class Heavy Cruisers
36 Defender - Class Gunships
25 Corona - Class Star Frigates
4 Sheild Ships
2 Invader-class Troop Transports
4 Escort - Class Carriers

515 Capital Ships Total


20 Svelte-class Assault Shuttles
2 Gamma-class Assault Shuttles
2 Stealth Intruder
8 Outrider-class YT-2400 Transports
18 Atmospheric Re-entry pods
56 Sentinel-Class Shuttles


420 TIE Defenders
33 K-Wing Bombers
100 TIE Bombers
1873 X-Wing Fighters
16 Skipray Blastboats
90 ATR Assault Transport
50 TIE Interceptors
1142 Tie/st "Phantom"
760 Tie/ew Electronic Warfare
540 XM-1 Missile Boats
400 Scorpion-class Attack Droids
230 Tie/ad Advanced Starfighters
432 B - Wing Class Starfighters
844 A- Wing Class Starfighters
3596 E-78 Swarm Fighters

Ground Forces

500 Imperial Repulsortanks 1-H
100 All-Terrain Assault Transports
300 Samurai-class Atmospheric Gunships
6 LAVr QH-7 Chariots
12 008 Heavy Landspeeders

Maintenance: 322,331 meters used of 345,000 meters

Planetary Defenses

1,000 Firecracker Mines

20,500 Defender Ion Mines

21,500 Missile Mines

26,000 Intrediction Mines

1,000 Jamming Sattellites

18 Gencore II Shield Generators
4 Gencore I Shield Generators
10 Planetary Ion Cannons
2 Planetary Advanced Turbolaser Systems.
4 Normal Planetary Turbolaser Systems
1 Sovereignty Bird of Prey

There you go. Don't ever say I never hack anyone for you.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Mar 22 2004 4:44am
I assume Dolash meant the asset forum in which they distribute assets to various missions is locked.

[edit]locking a private asset forum is legal.
  • Posted On: Mar 22 2004 4:45am

That's not legal.

Since when have they done something that actually is?
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 22 2004 4:49am
Thanks, now, down to buisness.

Who needs help?

P.S. I was in no way aware of it being locked until I tried recently.
  • Posted On: Mar 22 2004 2:26pm
I'm sooooooooo gonna kick your ass, TNO.

Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 22 2004 2:39pm
Stop that!

EDIT: Aha! Finally! I can prove it's ahnk! He's been the only other person online TWICE when Dolash Farms has posted! Thus it must be him!

Anything said by Dolash Farms is not from me. It's from Ahnk.