I want to lend a hand, if that's ok.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 19 2004 3:40am
So with Marth, Jan, and Griff not here, Griff dropping role-playing when he gets back, and the merger only half-freakining-done, very little is getting accomplished.

Now, I would like to formaly request that the staff could rule I could provide some sort of aid in all these threads that need seeing to, but I'm still technically not allowed to help in. They're stuck, they're stagnating, and in some cases they're progressing without any imput from our side. Come on, very soon we'll be part of ORS anyways, and I really want to help.

Also, even if this is denied, I would like to know just how many threads out there are going on about fighting between (your faction here) and ORS or GC. I can't tell any more.

P.S. Does anyone know who's in charge over at the Semi-stable GC/ORS thing? And if we're at war, does anyone know why? I honestly have no idea.

P.P.S. I mean that, I am very confused.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Mar 19 2004 4:17am
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 19 2004 4:24am
Well, I am.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 19 2004 4:35am
Oh, and consider this a P.P.P.S.

As Jan is away, can I pull the GC out of Dameo?
Posts: 645
  • Posted On: Mar 19 2004 6:00pm
You can't bring GC assets over to threads involving TNO. That would break your treaty.

No matter what OOC need there might be... I'd say no.

Could you take command of ORS Fleets? I'd say no. But Griff and or Marthjan occaisionally pop in. Ask one of them.

Retreat from Dameo? Might be too late...
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Mar 19 2004 6:26pm
Since you're supposed to be merging with ORS, I don't see any reason why you couldn't command the ORS assets. However, since Griff has been popping in and out (and is obviously around) I won't go and infringe upon his group by 'giving' you command.

You'll have to get permission from an ORS member, or risk their wrath should you simply begin role-playing their forces.

As for the GC attack on Dameo, you're a Sr. GC member; you can do whatever you want with GC assets.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Mar 19 2004 7:17pm
Yes, I figure with Jan currently away Dolash is the defacto leader of GC.
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Mar 19 2004 9:36pm
Dolash, the war is before the GC/ORS merger if you are talking about TNO conflict. If so, you (aka: TGC) are not at war. If you are talking about another conflict, I don't know why you are at war then.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Mar 20 2004 1:19am
I am confused further.

I think what you're saying is that I can pull out of Dameo, but I can't do anything about ORS unless I was given command by an ORS member.
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Mar 20 2004 2:45am