Since this is an actual fleet battle, we will have to go by the rules, which technically means no reinforcements, by I'm willing to let it go(since this was obviously a trap), but not with one of my ships being all but 5% disabled.
How about the ship is 50% disabled?
And my ships actual carry more fighters(RSD carries 6 squads, Firewinds each carry 6). I didn't launch them all at the begining because with too many fighters after a small group things would just get confusing for my pilots. I'll responds ASAP, once you acknowledge this post.
First of all? How can a ship "suddenly" obtain 3 extra fighter squadrons? Second off all, I don't believe RSD's have particle sheilds. Even if they did- being able to put them up instantly before proton torpedos hit is insanly impossible (especially after you laucnhed you 'new fighters').
Those missile boats enaged their SLAM systems, which can increase their speed almost twofold, if I remember correctly. Following them would take your "fighters" (you know, the ones you just suddenly acquried) far from the main locale of the battle.
Are you saying NONE of your vessels in your entire manifest have the Elite , or that just the ones at this battle don't. Since GC has not engaged in major conflict recently, I would have to assume you would have spent time to drydock and upgrade your vessels. Is there a post labelling your drydock times, what you have upgraded or not- or will their be one?
Come on Jan, be reasonable. Dolash didn't swoop in and in one post annhilate everything. The winner of the conflict was still up in the air- and was making a good thread. Don't ruin it with cheap tactics.
Particle shields are up all the time, as defense against micro-meteorites and other space junk, stuff that would go right through your ship if the particle systems were not on.