Must have mixed up the names in my brain addled state, fixed.
It seems to me that Act 2 is going to be the main part of the Cree'Ar War (or Force War as you call it).
I have thought about it and probably not going to insert Tempest in Act 2 as the current timeline of Tempest was to be at the end or after the end of the Cree'Ar War (now called the Force War?)
In this case, Kaine and Zell will be absent (Kaine being where he is and Zell in hiding on a backwater world to be eventually found by Ciscero).
That being said, Ciscero will be available for the War (only he will have to survive to 'find' Zell) as well as a host of other characters. However, any Imperial storyline I will leave to Park Kraken as Emperor as I am pretty much out of the Empire.
Ciscero would not be considered Imperial Intelligence anymore (as Trachta (character) heads that up supplanting Isard and Ciscero supported Isard). I would think that Trachta has a price on Isard's head to eliminate any competition. Park, Wes Vos, Telan Desaria and Kach Thorton and any applicable NPC's of theirs would constitute the whole of TNO command at present with Trachta running ISB/Imp Intel (if he was able to get off Coruscant).
Basically, what I am saying is that any "Imperial" response would, at present come from Park Kraken [as having been resurrected by Zark to the land of the rp'ing]. He will be the lifeline of the Empire (as it stands) and the coarse it takes as decided by the outline of the Cree'Ar/Force War from Ahnk, Zark and other participants. Basically, Park can do whatever the heck he wants to with the Empire with my blessing.
If I am requiredto write for the Empire, I will probably follow the outline of the Imperial response/actions I wrote in Tempest (which would mean at the end of the war, the Empire would pretty much be dead). Characters of TNO (old and new) would then look to their own rebuilding in the face of the "Republic" or whatever (lightside?) faction(s) holds galactic power at the end of the War.
All my 'Imperial' characters are pretty much out of the Empire. My first post will be the Cree'Ar steamrolling over the Gyndine Compact (Ortho Gutt). The only nominal Imperial character I would have is Seamus Arliss of Muunilist and Park may consider having his financial support 100% as his lot has been thrown in with the current administration.
My responses for Act 2 will primarily be on the Cree'Ar side of things (with my Cree'Ar character and whatever Ahnk (as overlord of the Cree'Ar) tasks me to accomplish (within reason of course :) )
I still plan to finish the Cooperative/Confederation rp as it also involves a Cree'Ar attack that would culminated in Cooperative/Confederation friendship and a Cree'Ar attack on Varn. Since Smarts had disappeared, I hinted at the Varn attack in Tempest as well but with Smarts back, I realize that he will do whatever he will do so what I have written he may not like and so change the coarse of future history as I wrote it. That is ok by me. I was just trying to tie up loose ends in Tempest to move the IC timeline beyond the Cree'Ar War that was not being written at the time. I will presume that Act 2 of the Force Wars will take place after the events in To Curse the Darkness:
This means I will need to get with Smarts about how our Thread is going to end for the Cree'Ar attack on Varn. Smarts, I am still on AIM or PM. Zark has introduced me to some google thingy but I have not used it.
I don't really understand the format key. Is the entire post supposed to be in bold for lightside and italics for darkside and bold/italics for neutral?
As for LON, I don't really care who leads it. I know Smarts was making inroads (I don't know how far he has really gone IC) but the Jedi Enclave, imo, is more organizationally entrenched and has the resources (IC) to be a major leading factor in the coarse of what the LON does and doesn't do. That being said, if Zark and Smarts wish to seize the initiative and share control, I am all for it.