I realize that the latest Cataclysm post concerning the hyperlane is needed to get the plot going, but I would appreciate it if the Confederation military and its equipment is portrayed in a consistent manner, and not in one which directly is against how it's been portrayed in the past...
I'll point out that in the same thread, we didn't instantly destroy an unidentified ship (a space yacht) that our patrol found even within Colonial space on the hyperlane...
Essentially, I don't want to see some claim in the future that everyone knows where these hidden stations are because they keep on destroying random civilian vessels that happen to be around it and every crewmember onboard the station becoming mass war criminals because of it. Thanks.
Ok. First of all, perhaps my post was not clear and for that I apologize. I was not suggesting the Confederation military forces opened fire on the ship 'Enlightenment'.
Basically, this is what I got from reading your thread of the hyperlane.
1. A hyperlane was created/found/whatever between Kashan and Gestalt (one end of the galaxy to the other)
2. A series of Sentry stations were set up to protect this route. My mistake was in not realizing there were only three of them. As long as your route is, for those stations and their garrisons to make any sense, there should be more, but that is neither here nor there. I can edit the sentry number I suppose.
3. Mines were also part of the protection of this route. Presumably to ensure no unauthorized travel through this route that extends halfway across the galaxy.
The Enlightenment 'transitioned' (quite by accident) into such a minefield and was subsequently destroyed by the mines.
Not Confederation starships.
The fact that a people would set up mine fields halfway across the galaxy away from their homeworld to protect something they felt was theirs pisses (at least) these native people in whose (general) area the minefields were layed.
Kind of like building a railroad between the East Coast and West Coast of USA through indian territory not giving a shit about the indians because, well, they're indians, and laying land mines around to protect it. I guess also having only 3 stops. Indians stumble upon railroad and are blown to bits by landmines. In retribution, they burn down one of those stops along the way.
Therefore, a second attack by the 'Remorans' was the indians burning down a stop/sentry station. The base and Confederation forces would have had no choice but to defend themselves, which I assume they would have (since your sentry station only fights when it has too and it would have had too).
The stop was burned. The sentry station and garrison destroyed/captured then destroyed/whatever. The very presence of the station so offended these people that they even set about destroying everything (mine fields not activated/used/encountered [I took the liberty of assuming that you would not have just one area around your 'garrisoned sector' with mines but there would be other fields for other various routes/vectors to cover and, well, you are a mine-laying foo.], station, wrecked ships, etc..).
What I am doing is:
A. creating a backstory for the attack on Gestalt B. Having a bit of fun at your expense with your propensity for laying mines all over the friggin place. C. Using your desire to remain 'hidden', soldiers not telling where their homeworld is as a means of increasing/confirming Remoran suspicions of your people's evil ways (I mean, if you were on the up and up, why hide?)
Yes, yes, I know the reasons why you would want hidden, protected hyperlanes, not wanting everyone to find them. Heck, I even understand you wanting to mine the universe.
I did not rp the Empire finding your hidden stuff and mines but, rather, the people whose area you hid stuff in and mined. :(
Not even the regular hyperlanes in the 'known part of the galaxy' are mined. And you are going to go off into the 'unknown parts of the galaxy' and mine what you want?
Face it, it's like going through wilderness indian territory putting down a railroad and laying land mines. I am sure it's for progress, good trade between Pittsburg (Kashan) and San Francisco (Gestalt - not saying Gestalt is gay) and whatnot but, hey, indians are going to be indians and get blown up and then get mad that they got blown up.
I am not saying your people are war criminals, I am saying that the Remorans are making your soldiers accountable for the decisions of an unknown government (to the Remorans at least) that these soldiers must support since they are, well, soldiers for that unknown government.
I do not think I portrayed your forces incorrectly as mines will blow up and your forces will fight when they are attacked (the losing.. that was for story purposes).
I would have made the same mistake, Om. And I was part of the movement. I was under the impression that a large, yet undisclosed, number of stations were set up along the Hyper-Lane to assure the safety of transit between A and B.
However, speaking as one who assumingly was involved in the "construction" of the route; it was my assumption that the likes of the HF-10 would also be on constant patrol up and down the route stopping at the aforementioned stations for some much needed R&R between shifts etc.
I am sure there would have been patrols as well. I know there were the Hyperfighters and probably larger ships but I did not feel like saying: 'yeah, they were destroyed too' as I thought the point was made as to what was happening as they (Remorans) moved through the line wiping each station area out as they moved in the Colonies' direction. The other 3/4 (or so) of the sentry line going the other way to Kashan would be untouched because the Remorans, so far, have no desire to go halfway across the galaxy.
I am sure some patrols would have alerted Gestalt (and Kashan) about destroyed bases and seen the pattern direction towards the colonies which is why I mentioned the Colonials mobilized for "something". Kashan, being farther out would take a much longer time in having anything show up.