Discussion. New Faction.
  • Posted On: Sep 24 2007 2:08am
I have been sneeking around the site for a couple of weeks now. Hiding and reading. Posting ever so often. I was looking for a place for my Chiss character to fit in. After many a thread and faction research i have come to the conclusion that I would like to start A New Independant Chiss Faction seperate from the Hand of Thrawn and the Chiss Ascendancy.
Lash "Stela'shlit'nuruodo" does not agree with the ruling houses and their willingness to sway to Imperial Rule. Csilla has become a unwelcome example of Imperial Pomp and arrogance. The ruleing families and the CEDF cower to the might of the empire. They only wish to stay neutral in the conflicts of others but are pulled into service by Imperial docternization and bold recrutment techniques.
Lash is a meret adoptive member of the house Nuruodo and acting prefect commander of the Elysia Colonial Phalanx. Many Chiss feel as he does about the rule extended to the Empire over csilla and the Chiss Ascendancy.
My plan is to work against the Empire in secret and strengthen the forces rallied under my banner. Once I have established a strong hold I will seek out the Alliance and other groups fighting the Empire and offer my assistance in weakining the Empire. At first I can olny work from behind the Imperial lines and plan for the day the Chiss can once again withdraw nto the unknown regions and live the Zenophobic lifestyle we all are acustome too.

So basiclly I want to start a Chiss Splinter group. Stationed around the Planet Elysia in the unknown regions. My first chore will be character building and will be based around interaction with Imperial forces exploring the Unknown regions.

I would like any input and comments. Help would be cool. I haveread over the rules and will work out more details after i have allowed others to comment and give their 2 cents about my idea.

Thank you for any assistance and all comments good and bad are welcome.
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Sep 24 2007 2:11am
It is highly recommended you have more than two weeks and thirteen posts before starting a faction. We have had much trouble with new members starting factions in the past, so I would suggest you rethink your position.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Sep 24 2007 2:13am
No. I am putting my 2 cents in now, with a firm and solid handed no.

Go write for another faction and maybe in a couple of years propose this.
  • Posted On: Sep 24 2007 2:22am
I have been writing for a long time now at other sites. I was a member of the TRF years ago under Fearsons and Desaria.
Posts: 602
  • Posted On: Sep 24 2007 2:25am
I'd normally let Beff or Drayson handle this (because they're sooooo good at it, after years of practice), but I figured I'd add my two cents.

1) Groups have to have three members to start. Not one, not two, but at least three. You make one. Find two more.

2) Read up on current threads. Dacien Palestar (that's Dolash) has just taken a large portion of the Unknown Regions. You want to start a Chiss faction, fine - but you'll have to deal with the Palestar Crusade.

Other than that, I like the idea. I can't help, as I'm already in the Sith, the Empire, the Rebellion, the Palestar Crusade (forthcoming), and soon (hopefully, if I ever get around to it) the Bounty Hunter's Guild. But good luck.
  • Posted On: Sep 24 2007 2:27am
I can muster other members thats not a problem. I just want to see is such a group is welcome.
Posts: 602
  • Posted On: Sep 24 2007 2:32am
Sorry for the double post, but don't mention Fearsons if you want any respect here. That name won't get you any favors here.
  • Posted On: Sep 24 2007 2:42am
I am not looking for favors. and any respect I want would be earned. I was looking for a place to fit in then and I made the mistake of joining the Jutrrallian group.And their were reasons I did not stay at trf at the time. But I am looking for an active site to post my Chiss writing. I was directed to the jutrrallian group or whatever it was and did some planet takeovers for him. I Have also done writing for Telan. IF someone needs to vouch for me he will. Not that I assume that means much. But he knows me from other sites and here.
Posts: 239
  • Posted On: Sep 24 2007 2:48am
I'll also vouch for you. Didn't you play a Mon Cal character on SWF?
Posts: 602
  • Posted On: Sep 24 2007 2:49am
Well, I respect Telan.

Still, I would suggest that you perhaps make the Chiss a subfaction of the Empire or Palestar or another faction (though the aforementioned are the most logical), at least for a while. At some point you can probably break away, but it would be better to start with a faction than to try to start your own. The number of 'new character factions' that have been disbanded could fill a book. For all who remember, the Great Atlantean Empire.