Brutus' takeover (split from planets list)
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Oct 8 2004 2:44am
The difference between attacking TNO and attacking 8 neutral worlds is nothing but a different sequence of letters. I could have easily chosen 8 "unaliged" worlds, and done similar actions (throughout Upheaval a few unaligned worlds have been targeted). However if I had, then why am I playing this game? I could just as easily write fanfic if all I wanted to do was create a story.

However, I enjoy playing at TRF because my characters and storylines intermix with other groups and factions and writers. Is their any backstory, and reason for the GLF and TNO to be in conflict without the Upheaval attacks? No. Unlike TNO, I don't have the luxury of a bazillions excess meters and planets where I can write huge posts for no planetary gain.

Does it say in the rules that you can't attack someone in a planetary takeover- does it even give a guidline about what a takeover has to be about? Granted, I didn't mention the planet in the thread (a problem which has now be corrected.) That was a mistake- but I have been trying to post that post for forever- and was glad to have it up.

I quit a couple RP sites because I liked TRF's system, its gameplay, and it intricate, detailed storyline. I try to add my part to that storyline as much as possible: but I'm not just playing to write. I want to build a faction as well, and that requires planets, and meters etc.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Oct 8 2004 3:23am
Staff Ruling.

There's nothing wrong with taking planets in what could be called a 'competitive' thread. Just so long as they're all Brutus' words, (or the words of people who have agreed to let Brutus use said words) and the takeover makes sense, he can do it. There's nothing wrong in combining actions.

The rules state that the planet name should be on the title line... however, other than making a totally new thread, I see no way to edit the actual title line of a thread and so I am not so big on this rule.

Use the 'Thread Tools' drop down menu near the first post in the thread, and select the 'Edit Thread' option.
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Oct 8 2004 3:31am
*goes back and edits all unresolved attacks on GC into takeovers of different worlds*
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Oct 8 2004 3:52am
Thanks Kas! I had no idea that was there...

you da man.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Oct 8 2004 4:17am
Demosthenes X
*goes back and edits all unresolved attacks on GC into takeovers of different worlds*

Yeah, there will be none of that. We need a rule that posts taking planets are remotely connected to the planet, WITHOUT having to be told by the staff in the planet's list to go make an almost complete edit to it.