Board Owner(s)
Posts: 3599
  • Posted On: Jul 5 2004 9:21am
Their leader is a bitch and hasn't RPed in months, so it is run by Simon Kaine (Omnae), who is a far superior RPer anyhow.

Posts: 133
  • Posted On: Jul 5 2004 11:55am
This will be great and admirable, when all is said and done Syren might be creating the largest roleplaying network in the internet.
Posts: 111
  • Posted On: Jul 5 2004 3:02pm
Daemon - I use to run a large SW community way back when. I don't know why I gave it up, but I did. Currently, I have a few small forums of my own. I rp at fans (quite a few characters, actually) Not sure who Mara/Issard is; however, I use to rp Ysanne Isard on Talkcity and a few forums. Thanks for the link :) I'll bookmark it and check it out sometime.

*Snugs Julian* I think Sol's my biggest fan ;)
Posts: 133
  • Posted On: Jul 5 2004 4:00pm
How could I not be? You helped me out when I thought nobody else would. :D
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Jul 5 2004 4:56pm
You know who helped me out when i thought nobody else would?

That crooked pharmacist selling out of date medication on the side.

Now, he was a godsend.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jul 5 2004 5:09pm
Ren, sometimes, you scare me.

Times like these, however, you just arouse me.
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Jul 5 2004 5:56pm
You name is ahnk.

You use Chris Daniels as your avatar.

Chris Danials wears an <b>Anhk</b> on his shorts.

Freaky deaky eh?

*rubs your head*
Posts: 111
  • Posted On: Jul 5 2004 6:21pm
Kas - I really like using Bryce. It's a lot of fun and it's not that hard to get the hang of. It's more or less remembering what each function does and how to works with the rest that I tend to forget. I'd recommend it to others. I don't think I've heard of lightwave myself. How is that?
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jul 5 2004 6:32pm
Syren: Replied to your last PM.

Ren: Did you miss the tattoo he has on his chest?
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Jul 5 2004 7:13pm
Actually yes . . .

To be BRUTALLY HONEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*has a brain anurism*

You should use his curry man gimmick for your avatar instead.

No . . .seriously. . .