Board Owner(s)
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 6:23pm
You can PM me too.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 6:26pm
I got your PM. I assume you meant to ask me about the Rebel Faction, and not the Jedi Praxeum? >_<
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 6:26pm
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 6:28pm
PM me.

Please . . .?

I'm lonely.
Posts: 111
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 6:28pm
Yeah, sorry. I had to interview them too.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 6:36pm
I was kinda worried, since Jedi Praxeum and TRF had some heat and several members were banned at JP including one of their admins.

I'd rather talk about good boards, anyway.
Posts: 111
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 6:39pm
;) I'd rather have good boards listed on the FFRP site, as well. *Runs to PM Ren*
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 6:42pm
Syren, the board staff is as follows (I think Zark may have posted this too)

Omnae, Master Ahnk, Kas, Lupercus, Theren Gevel
Posts: 111
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 6:43pm
Ah, thanks, Kas. I'm sending the PM to you too.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2004 6:44pm
Don't bother PMing Ren. He's not staff, he's just a lonely old man we pay to mop the floors and unclog the toilets.