So far from what I understand of this, correct me if I am wrong, that when all is said and done everyone will be on a bit more even footing. Perhaps. Maybe. Possibly.
Granted, all this is not likely going to impact me much, if at all: especially considering I am not into the planetary take over business. Though I do hold concerns that someone may come 'step on my toes' while I am totally and utterly brain locked on writing Star Wars stuff during this feasco. Kind of hard to defend what you have worked on when your brain doesn't want to coorperate ya know?
To be honest, I am almost tempted to just leave completely. Not because of this, or the lack of activity, but because I just don't seem to have the drive for here anymore. Yet I don't want to leave because of the work I have put into the Trandoshans and the associated characters I have written about and I'd hate for another Trandoshan fanatic to come in and undo what I've done (unlikely, but still....).
There is a chance I can knock my brain back onto Star Wars writing after I finish or get sick of writing Halo related stuff. Though that doesn't look like it will happen any time soon (trying to hard to finish a 40+ chap fic and there's two other fic ideas bouncing around in my head on top of that). With how my mind has been lately when it comes to finishing projects *looks at her uncompleted art work folder as an example*, I'd rather only work on one writing project at a time to increase my chances of finishing it!
That's basically where I stand: in short I don't really care what goes on as long as I can continue my little storyline/character building threads, should I ever get back into writing them that is....
I think letting Om taking a crack at such a scripted major story event might be worth our while - it could jump-start some stalled creative processes, and it's a chance for him to use Supreme Executive Power to tie up some long-fluttering loose ends (Irtar's Jedi status, conquest of Naboo, Eastern Coalition/Black Dragon Empire relations).
It isn't a "restart" in the classical sense, it's a refresher. TRF is in a constant state of flux, think of it as a house of cards being built by Escher - it gets higher and higher, but over time the cards stop lining up and there's sections that spiral off to nowhere and we're only vaguely climbing upwards now. Letting someone inaugurate a new chapter with some big upturns and plot shifts could give us something we've been missing for a long time.
A solid foundation. One where we're starting all our plots at once, instead of some of us getting tied up with neverending stories and some events being left forever in the mist of time because the thread went unfinished. It might be a chance to scrape some of the rust off of TRF, to give us a solid understanding of what the galaxy's state is right now, what our characters are doing, who we are...
I mean, what is the time, IC, right now? Some of us have threads that were started a year ago and have only progressed a day, some of us have jumped a year in a matter of months. We struggle to define our timelines in a relative sense - this happened a week before that - but this is a stopgap measure and can sometimes make no sense at all. Such an event would also bring the timeline up to date and start us all off on the same "day".
There's a lot of merit to the idea, but it also requires a bit of discussion. Namely, what do we do about ongoing threads that can be finished? Just for example, I'm fighting a (somewhat slow) war in the Onyxian sector with Telan - a war we're both keen to continue, ere last I checked. Would cases like these be solved case-by-case? Would Omnae wield power to solve them as he sees fit? Would they be left untouched, to be resolved in the post-event world?
If I may, I think a solution could be for each of us to reveal to Omnae what is the rough "Conclusion" of our current, ongoing stories. So, if you're doing a thread where your character becomes a Jedi, then Omnae can write as if you were already one. If you're dealing with a war, sort out some of the prime details (Who'll still be alive by the end of it, what territory is going to whom) if possible, so that their status for the event will be known. That way you're still free to finish writing the story after the event, but the consequences are known for the post-event galaxy.
Another issue might be how this event is written and orchestrated. Omnae, do you really want to tackle this on your own? Or can this even be written in a cooperative process, when TRF is known for troubled group work? Perhaps we could submit suggestions, or agree on a general outline of sorts, or you could even ask for portions to be written by different writers and then fill in the gaps as they crop up?
I don't know, but if Omnae has the stomach for it then I think drastic action is a good idea to try and jumpstart some more life into TRF.
Dolash, with these sort of "big picture" roleplays I do not typically sweat the small stuff. Right now, your Palestar Crusade in the Onyxian Sector is not at a standstill but it is in flux.. I think you've attacked one area but you've not yet attacked another...something like that. In between attacks.
I find it relatively reasonable to expect that your forces in the Onyxian Zone would meet with some successes and some defeats and that a year long (bloody) campaign is not really a stretch.
I would not end your Crusade or say, this is what happened with the Crusade and now Palestar has to deal with the end... no. . The "crusade" is your deal and only the architects of it really know the extent of how far you are willing to go with it. Therefore, for this rp'ing purpose, I would probably play the Crusade still ongoing but with new victories and new losses and these items will then allow for you to plan your next strategies in connection with everything else that is going on in the galaxy.
As for smaller groups like Trandoshan and Wookiees, since they have been relatively low-key with regards to galactic events, I do not expect the events to really affect your stories or characters on a personal level. But it may or may not give you some material or ideas to incorporate into your own current stories. You may want your characters to get involved with some wars or battles or fights which is entirely up to you and whatever your obligations are to your IC/OOC allies. This is not a restart but simply a shift of events that hopefully either provide an entertaining distraction, some much needed ideas for continuation or if nothing else, stimulates some more activity or OOC fights for Wilkar's peace of mind.
Don't worry about the R&D's. You are not going to wake up and find everything you've worked for wiped away.
That would be nice. The only reason I suggested some sort of restart is that the galaxy seems very crowded, or so others who I have tried to recruit have told me. They don't feel they would fit in to an established community where everything is already taken. But hearing Om talk about this thread, I think those fears will be assuaged.
well, take a week.. think about it. If this is something you want to do, vote and let me know. I'll devote a week to writing it.
Concerns about characters, etc... you may have in my writing (I know Dolash brought up a point about collaboration but really other than galaxy changing events, I haven't given the style or format of the rp much thought. Anyway, if you have concerns you may feel free to pm or email me if the vote is yes.
My only hope is that, aside from giving Gestalt the choice to shit or get off the pot, the Guild can find some inclusion in your all encompasing opening post Om. I can be counted on to fend for my three perspectives; Gestalt, Guild, Silk (Crusader etc).
I vote we close the polls now. Everyone knows that beff and I are the only members whose opinions matter.
As for ideas, my sole concerns are for the Cren Alliance. The Coalition has better stewards to worry about it. If I have time I can help them with their things, but decisions aren't made by me.