All I want for Christmas...
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: Dec 12 2008 4:54pm
"Galaxy unto dust?" "In the Mirror Darkly: Star Wars??"

You people have no sense of style.

(I will not supply you with my admittedly would-be amazing title suggestions because the title should have to do with the actual point of the thread! :) )
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Dec 12 2008 6:23pm
Gentlemen, when I say I will take liberties, I do mean what I say.

The start of thi,s event, this thread, will not simply be "this is what is happening, and now your faction, as it is now will deal with it".

In my opinion this really does nothing as those stronger groups would not have to do much by way of roleplaying to simply maintain the status-quo and those other smaller factions (Contegorian Confederation is not included in this list as they are one of TRF's strongest factions) or individuals who do want change or want to get something would have to write their hearts out to get anywhere.

What I am proposing is not setting a course of events into motion but describing these events as having already happened.

Your faction make-up now will be irrevocably changed at the start of this thread.

Some stuff I will just make up but for most situations, I will draw on past events following a "cause and effect" style. Some instances of "causes" may be in the form of incomplete roleplays where I will simply draw a conclusion from them and go from there.

And later, if people want do character rp's bridging the gap from now to the "event rp", they are free to do so.

If people want to reference events of the "roleplay" in other personal threads/stories, that is fine. All it will serve to do is put a 'date' on your story which makes it easier to place in the timeline.

This is not going to be a restart in the classic sense where everyone will start at one planet, etc...because the slate will not be clean. But I have some ideas that will change the dynamic of TRF. Factions will be changed! Some for the better and some for the better to those opportunists.

I expect the timeline to advance about a year before the 'current' events in the roleplay will take place.

Initial thoughts:

TNO - Major changes
Confederation - slightly lesser changes but since Corise hates to lose 9m fighter, he will consider these Major changes.
Coalition - need to think about this a bit more.
Gestalt - will be faced right off the bat with a decision. A "shit or get off the pot" sort of situation.
Palestar Crusade - Lose some, gain some... but critical junction that may or may not change the nature/direction of his Crusade
Commonwealth - Major change from the direction of Hapes, Birth of Leia's twins (SW Moment).. yeah, I said it. Twins!
BDE - Gue wrote an outline of where he wanted to take BDE in private forum. I will take it up and go through with it.
Cree Ar - I will use a little used capability that Ahnk used to write for Zeratul, assuming my memory is correct. Ahnk may just slap me around later for being stupid.
Inferno Fleet - not a real faction but there is cause an effect. Yay! for one planet and doom for another.
Union - While their influence leads to much erosion of status quo, their cohesiveness will change.
Irtar - will get what he's wanted for so long. Too bad he's only a lurker now. :(

For specific story parts, I am being purposefully ambiguous because if TRF does not want to do this, I will still continue some of those ideas in my own threads.

As for a title, my first thought was, "Shaken Foundations".
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Dec 12 2008 6:52pm
lurk lurk lurk lurk lurk....

'Dreams of Madmen: How the Galaxy Turns'

Oh, and you mean my name back?

lurk lurk lurk lurk.....
Posts: 837
  • Posted On: Dec 12 2008 8:35pm
I don't know what I think about all of this . . .

And by that I mean: I don't think I like it.

I don't like the idea of a unilateral reorganization of the whole galaxy that then leaves everyone else to pick up the pieces.

I've got my own plans and schemes, and while I know I haven't been around much the past couple of months to see them through, I'd still rather they succeed or fail based on the collective effort of the community.

Of course, there's always the probability that I'm not considering the long-term ramifications of this . . . mass reorganization. It could essentially create a whole new galaxy for the community to re-explore and re-conquer. Redraw the map, giving everyone new and valid points of major conflict as key worlds might switch hands, or whole regions might erupt in anarchy. It could create a galaxy where a true and sensible Alliance to Restore the Republic would be right at home, a band of outcasts and misfits massive enough to take on the Empire might actually be able to gather behind the emblem of "the Palestar," or where a Coalition of Independent Planets would be the only kind anyone would dream of joining.

The Empire might find itself on the brink of internal collapse, or on the threshold of galactic domination. Either way: people like me would be able to stop asking "that sounds good and all, but what's TNO going to think about it?" The galaxy might find itself on the brink of total war, and the actions of the community would either save civilization, or take the galaxy into a new Dark Age (of the Sith?).

Or maybe Om will write this grand, epic tale of galactic conflict and baby-birthing, and then we'll all look at it, say "Zomg that's awesome!" make a post or two, and then it will invariably go the way of Irtar's knighthood.

Worst case scenario: I run away from TRF for another couple of months and kill some more Nazi Zombies.

Best case scenario: . . . I'm not good with optimism.

Maybe this "reorganization" will be for the better, or maybe not. We won't know unless we try it, but maybe we'll wish we hadn't tried it if it actually happens . . . I'm not good with decisiveness, either.
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Dec 12 2008 9:59pm

You bring up a valid point with regards to fearing "What will crazy-old-coot Omnae do with your part of the Coalition?".

I am proposing some changes but these changes do not necessarily mean bringing any faction to the edge of ultimate victory or ultimate defeat.

What it does is put forth are situations/circumstances/events that normally (as we have been playing it) wait for a faction to "make a move". What we have now is a situation where small factions rp or write their own stories to simply "build up" to make some sort of difference and the large factions simply sitting and waiting(resting on their laurels of previous years of roleplaying). The result is less interaction among the factions.

The thread that we are talking about, while I may write the introduction setting the stage of what happened/is happening...will still require participation from the larger (or more powerful) factions to try to keep what they have or lose it and participation from the smaller factions to take advantage of the opportunities presented or lose it (if the Coalition had the chance to liberate easily a planet and they didn't take advantage of it?).

You are very correct that I may write something that, while people may like, will not generate any more roleplaying or writing from people. And if that is the way it goes, then so it goes. But, for this lack of writing, there will be real consequences IC for that.

By way of example, if I, in the introduction, write something like the Palestar attacks and takes a Confederation world, what happens next is up to Palestar reps and/or Confederation reps. If Dolash & Co. decides not to go with it or move forward with that part of the story and Corise writes like mad to answer the conquest then by the end of this thread, he will have his planet back and Palestar will lose the opportunity granted to them and leave them open for reprisals. Just so you know, I do not envision the Palestar Crusade attacking the Confederation because there is not much in the way of story written so far to support such a supposition (other than the vague "let the galaxy burn"). But I am simply using that as an example.

What is being created is a "Gamemaster" moment that Beff was talking about.

You personally are writing for the Cooperative and have about 10 planets (I don't remember how many you really have but let's say 10). Now, you might fear that I will just arbitrarily at the end of my opening post say that the Cooperative has 2 planets now in the Coalition, the other 8 taken over by the Empire or something like that which would, I admit, put your plans and schemes back a bit.

But I tell you, here and now, I am not going to do that.

The reason being because (in my opinion) I do not feel that is how you operate. You have not been roleplaying (as far as I could see) constant attacks on Imperial shipping or strikes inside the Occupation Zone so there is no cause for TNO to lose patience and simply end your threat once and for all. Your roleplays (to me) seem to be on building up your own region and creating the Onyxian Commonwealth within the Cooperative and in my opinion, those efforts would only be strengthened.

However, if it is written that the Coalition is in a greater war with another faction, it would be up to you to determine what, if any, response would be forthcoming from you.

In any event, this Event would be up to TRF anyway.
Posts: 101
  • Posted On: Dec 12 2008 10:11pm
Oh hey, and I am awake now.

I know exactly what you mean. I've been privately working on a major TRF History Project development to try and realize the idea outright to be posted before Christmas, but this is just a pet project and not something that can revitalize or recreate TRF as a whole.

I'm certainly open to the ideas being floated and some discussion on what we can do. A big scripted story is kind of iffy, especially if the past is any indication, but some sort of activity-revitalizing event would be a good idea.
Posts: 184
  • Posted On: Dec 13 2008 1:35am
My concerns were very much on the line of Smarts, but after hearing Om's explanation, I'm certainly for it, though I cannot speak for the Confederation or the Alliance.

Ah Om, I would suggest thinking about the rest of the Alliance rather than just Inferno Fleet too. Some people like Smarts and Zell have some more interesting work into the Alliance than I have.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Dec 13 2008 1:52am
Om: Be online more.
Posts: 896
  • Posted On: Dec 13 2008 2:03am
While I like the idea of a restart of some type, since most of us smaller factions can't compete against TNO and such (though I think my faction has an advantage of possessing highly advanced cloaking technology) but still.

I want to thank Wes for explaining this to me; but my concerns still arrise. Even if the restart was not in the classical sense of everyone having one planet, it'll still result in someone being more powerful than another from the get-go.

A tech restart is something I'm not in agreement with; not just because a lot of people have put a lot of work into their factions, but also due to others possibly stealing previous RnD's and trying to claim it as their own. That's my primary concern, I mean there are technologies TNO possess that I damn certain you guys don't want stolen by some upstart member. I have the same concern, I put a lot of days and weeks into some of my own technologies and ships, even going as far as modeling them to my liking and would prefer not to lose them to anyone.

However, my confusion is this, when the restart happens - what technologies will factions possess? Will they get their pick of what to do start off with from their own RnD pool? Or will they have to completely start off bare-bones and work themselves back up?

And, along with that, what about the current RnD's in the RnD forum? Will they be wiped? Or will they remain?

Plus, how will this restart happens? There HAS to be some sort of catastraphic event that will cause the factions to end up the way you say Omnae. A galactic war is a prime example, where most planets either turn neutral, minus the factions home worlds or are left uninhabitable due to some unexplainable event.

This really interests me, but my concerns still stand. If ya can explain I'd appriciate it.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Dec 13 2008 2:23am
By the sounds of things: THERE WILL BE NO RESTART.

If we do this, Om would only move forward already existing elements of plot. Basically it'd be like 'Okay, a year passes. This is what happens. Okay, continue.'