All I want for Christmas...
Posts: 743
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2008 1:17am
… is to trudge through ten pages of OOC squabbling... or to try to decipher someone’s diagram of how his or her ships are placed at a particular point a battle. I want to roll my eyes when some posts mark II of an R&D that has never seen an actual fleeting thread and continues to stray from what I believed to be “Star Wars.” I want to read one of Omnae’s most eloquent OOC rebukes that basically boils down to play nice or one of Beff’s that says you both fucking suck at life so grow up already.

I want to collectively verbally pwn some noob who doesn’t have a clue why no one had the idea to roll with a crew of eighteen deathstars like he did.

Im teh mos powful siht lordz eva!!!!!!1111 u r teh sukage!!!!!111 Atlantis!!!!!111

You really don’t know what you have until it’s gone. All those things used to annoy the hell out of me. That’s not what roleplaying is I would think, but the more I think about it, the more I miss it. I’m not saying TRF is going the way of the Dodo, not by a long shot, but something has to happen.

I miss watching events unfold in the IC TRF galaxy almost at real time. I remember seeing any change in the status quo as a kind of direct affront on my Commonwealth. I viewed every roleplay done by another faction with suspicion. Were they plotting against us? It was all so thrilling…

Many ideas have been put forth concerning this. The History Project is one of them, but maybe we need to do more. I know everyone has RL concerns or writer’s block, but if you wait too long for the writer’s block it may be too late.

I’m not calling for a single action or anything, but I am calling for TRF’s members to at least make an effort to bring back those good old days. If it’s not you best work, who cares. You’re participating, moving things forward. That’s what counts, at least as far as I’m concerned.

I know that I am preaching to the choir, but I just needed to get that all off my chest.
Posts: 1865
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2008 2:39am
Well said.

Several of the schoolbound among us, including myself, have exams during this week and the next. However, when exams finish, there will be winterbreak. I would like to encourage everyone who has the said break, and who has the time, to do a little RPing; even you Jan. ;)

PS Wilkar, you haven't seen Inferno Fleet's plan to take over the Commonwealth yet. It's an ambitious. :P
Posts: 97
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2008 3:02am
I think it's an awesome idea.
Posts: 1584
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2008 5:26am
Maybe send Christmas cards?
Posts: 42
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2008 7:13am
I'll be back in full form after this week, at least until the middle of January. My last exam is on Friday. As it is, I have a pretty good thread going with our resident newb in the Astoria. Might want to check that out, Wilkar.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2008 1:15pm
Have Omnae script an outline for War. He's about the only one everyone would listen to, he has a singular knowledge of TRF, its factions and its members. Something galaxy shattering, tantamount to a fleet restart but more fitting with modern times. It would have to involve all the major factions - in fact the incorporation of the big names (Empire, Coalition, Commonwealth, Palestar and possibly Dragons and Hapans) alone would give everyone, character small or faction minor, an excuse to get involved.

TRF is, at its core, a Role Play forum. Which is to say that though some of us call it a fandom board, others a writers community, the letters R and P are ones we could all agree upon. And ask yourself, what does every good Role Playing game have that TRF does not? A Game Master. In video-games it's the plot. In table-top it's a geek with bad fashion sense and four copies of each edition of the DMG.

Others have tried. Of note; Dolash and his Palestar Crusade, but without the voice of god, or in this case Omnae, it won't fly.

So we work with what we have, we work within the existant paradigm and come up with a reason for EVERYONE to go to war. Yes, war. Why war? Because fighting motivates people to win.

Just an idea.

And by the way Wilkar, you fucking suck at life. But I still love you.
Posts: 42
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2008 3:38pm
I like the way you think, Beff. Omnae, we need a good war.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2008 5:15pm
I like the way you think, Beff.

Well, there's always one.
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2008 5:47pm
Screw you, Beff!

lol... Thanks a lot!

Great way to put it off on me, you sheister!

Who do we know who's good on plot and has a bad fashion sense?

Omnae! Yay! Let's get him. He'll do anything that rp'ing whore!


Roleplays only work if people roleplay. I can do all the outlines I want but if no one writes for them, they will never go anywhere.

The Palestar Crusade slowed because it's main architect got busy IRL, not because it did not have "my voice". I supported those threads I could but Dolash never attacked Capricia so I could not give him the fight of his life :D .

That said, if you want "Something galaxy shattering, tantamount to a fleet restart but more fitting with modern times. It would have to involve all the major factions - in fact the incorporation of the big names (Empire, Coalition, Commonwealth, Palestar and possibly Dragons and Hapans)" I can do it.

But me doing something involving the Commonwealth is not going to automatically bring Seth Vinda back into roleplaying, you know.

But what would help as a compelling reason/force for people to get involved is the fact of loss which means, in practical terms, that, if we go through with this, whenever Seth Vinda does decide to grace us with his presence, he may find a much smaller Commonwealth (or larger) than before and think, WTF?

If you want me to do something of what you are proposing, it will not be an outline dependent upon others to rp or not. It will be events set into roleplaying motion where if you do not participate, you will have to deal with the cards you end up being dealt after it's all said and done.

I will play fast and loose with every faction to get it kicked off.

I have some plans in preparation but I can take some liberties and move them forward. I have an idea or two about those factions outside my realm of influence but would need to think a little bit more to bring it all together.

I will also have to think about format. Will it involve multiple threads or a single thread? I like multple threads and have been a fan of them in the past but multple threads divides the pool of roleplayers and two people roleplays never last as long as five or more player roleplays imho. For this, I would lean towards a single thread that deals with multple theatres of conflict. A great big thread.

So, if you want to throw caution to the wind and have a go at it, I will drop everything and work on an opening, ground-setting, ground-breaking, pissing in the wind, TRF-altering post...

But if we do go this route, we need something very important:

A badass title for the thread.
Posts: 743
  • Posted On: Dec 11 2008 11:34pm
Corise Lucerne

PS Wilkar, you haven't seen Inferno Fleet's plan to take over the Commonwealth yet. It's an ambitious. :P

Christmas has come early...

These all sound like great ideas. I'll be on AIM tonight for a few hours if any one wants to discuss any plans.

GumbyS87 if you don't already have it.