If you tried to hyperspace through an asteroid field, chances are extremely high you'd nail an asteroid at a ridiculous speed and go boom.
A decision for Roche
The asteroid field doesn't extend throughout the whole system. The system is on the path TNO uses to get from the main part of their planets to the Borderland Protectorate. As such we offered them permission to continue to fly their supplies through the system. And the reason why TNO is interested in the system is so that they can fly through it to get supplies to the Borderland Protectorate and we can't just use Interdictor Cruisers to block off passage through the system, stopping TNO from supplying the Borderland Protectorate planets.
If the GC and TNO went to car, would your promise still hold?
Omnae - a fine decision. Cheers.
If the GC and TNO went to car, would your promise still hold?
Omnae - a fine decision. Cheers.
WOAH, if they went to car?!
Lets not get jumpy, here. No need to throw around words like that.
Lets not get jumpy, here. No need to throw around words like that.
*gets the horrible mental image of the GC and TNO in the backseat of a car*
That wouldn't be up to me to decide, that would be Dolash's decision. Especially because he was the one who thought up the idea of offering you guys free passage and stuff (I think). In my opinion, under this compromise, yes the agreement would still be continued in the event of a war. And when I asked Milkshake to take the system I didn't even clue into the possibility of us being able to interdict the system and stop you guys from supplying the Borderland Protectorate.
So if TNO and the GC go to war the GC would be fully willing to allow TNO fleets to pass through the system still...
Under this agreement I would say that we would be obligated to. I might have
reservations about it and wish that we didn't have to let you guys, but the Verpine decided to let you travel through their system and set up a base of operations there, GC could not violate any decision that the Verpine made about that.
BTW this is Jan.
reservations about it and wish that we didn't have to let you guys, but the Verpine decided to let you travel through their system and set up a base of operations there, GC could not violate any decision that the Verpine made about that.
BTW this is Jan.