Trouble over Togoria
  • Posted On: Aug 28 2002 6:58am
<p align=center><font size=3>Trouble over Togoria</font>
By Matt Busmer, Generation News

We have just received word that the out of the situation at Togoria. For some, it is a blessing; for others, a curse. Just recently, over the planet Hoth was a skirmish resulting the death of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lives. One of the outcomes of this was the creation of the Jutraalian Empire. Several groups including The New Order have jumped at this opportunity to snatch up planets from them like a bully would take candy from children.

They came in numbers and in great force. Rear Admiral Tym Japrenl and General Simon Kaine, arrived at Togoria showing off their “muscle” with a fleet, that would make most citizens of the galaxy wet themselves. Using an incredible amount of unnecessary force, they defeated the defense fleet there and then proceeded to murder more than three-dozen unarmed escape pods. Only halting to focus on the ground invasion.

While I do not commend the former self declared tyrant Fearsons for placing his troops inside cities, nor will I commend the New Order ships that blew away parts of the city to get at these soldiers. The once lush cityscape of the dozen or so major cities of Togoria is now beginning to fill with weapons fire.

While this commotion happens and innocent civilians die several, as in more than one, party stand by and watch. Granted, the New Order’s fleet is most likely the largest in the galaxy, with a couple smart commanders, but united the galaxy could very well take them. Back to the topic at hand though, Gash Jiren, pathetic excuse for a leader, who at some times is no better than a baboon, sits docile over the fleet. And Leia Organa Solo! The Leader of the New Republic just sits on her bum all day, teaching Jedi parlor tricks instead of running the Republic.

The Galactic Defense Initiative is to busy conquering worlds and showing off their guns to be much of a defense for all the galaxies beings to be given protection. The Jedi sit idle, keeping to them, as does the Freedom Guard. The other powers in the “good guys”(or Defenders of those who fit their agenda) just sit back to scared, frightened by the mighty New Order fleet (which is tied up fighting several battles) to do something.

It may just be this reporters thoughts on the events and views in today’s galaxy but, I believe that the people of Togoria and other planets being torn apart by wars that power fanatics a million light years away should be mourned. For never again will they be same.
  • Posted On: Aug 28 2002 5:42pm
<!--EZCODE HTML START--> <font size="1">CI Intelligence Bureau- Director Dace Archon

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In response to the politically biased pro-Jutraalian report orginating from Generation News, Cryonics Industries has but one aspect to cover that the GN Administration fails to pinpoint.

The Jutraalian Empire is a band of Galactic Wide Terrorists, harboring deep hostilities towards anyone who are not of like mind and hold the moral and ethical ideals and philosophies that they have conjured up in a premonition of selfindulging power.

We're sure that the respected Mon Calamari Republic could voucher for the tyrannical and terrorist like reign that their species have endured under the well known Rouge Empire. We're sure their sons and daughters look to the situation that has developed around Hoth, Togoria, and other planets that the colaborated and united military strength of the galaxy has liberated from oppression as a good omen for the future of all non-human species.

The Jutraalian Empire are racist, biased souls whose sole priority is to estinguish all those denizens of the galaxy who would rule against oppression, against terrorism, against tyranny. Their totalitarian regime is at an end, and finally, the galaxy may know a peace.

The Togorians are being liberated, not used as sequential targets for gun reticles. Their unfortunate deaths are on the hands of the Jutraalians. No doubt, Chadd Fearsons and his planetary governor are using the Togorian civilians as cannon fodder for their futile defense against the New Order advance party. They hide behind innocent civilians in bomb shelters, while allowing the people they claim to subjugate die heinously.

Such war crimes will not be tolerated, and I can say with clear conscience and firm resolution, that the New Order does not condone a policy that negotiates with terrorists, under any circumstances. None of us who are fighting this war can afford to. We open that door once, and we'll never be able to close it again. If the Jutraalians do not surrender, then their innocents will continue to die under Chadd Fearsons merciless authority.

We were born in this galaxy in peace. We'll be damned in any of us die in it otherwise.

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  • Posted On: Aug 28 2002 6:49pm
<p align=center>

The New Order has once again proved its hate for the ideals of other government systems. The Jutraalian Empire is merely a collection of planets that have to defend themselves from the seemingly omni-present New Order. In the recent months the galaxy has sat back and watched the New Order’s prominent Admirals such as Telan Desaria and Aevan Drakiss conquer half a dozen worlds throughout the galaxy and imbue them with a sense of fear, a fear that sooner or later the New Order’s old Palpatine prejudices of non-human species will break out resulting in massacres and slave labor will make a huge come back.

Liberation is only in the eye of the beholder. So are the terms “freedom fighter” and “terrorist.” To one, they are the embodiment of the hopes and dreams of their people; to the others they are senseless murders that must die.

I quote Daemon Hyfe in the following, “Failure to comply will result in extreme hostilities” speaking regards to the terms of cease-fire, adding to the chaos that is currently consuming the Jutraalian Empire. The use of unnecessary force on a government who has become so senile, that the Viscount del Forza, talks to their dead Emperor.

The Cryonics Industries is what the Tholatin Republic was to the former Rouge Empire. A subordinate. You perform the bidding of Admiral Hyfe in hopes he doesn’t annihilate you the minute they decide to put their thousand-plus ship fleet to use. And you can’t deny the fact. The terms of cease-fire they wrote for the once Rouge Empire included Cryonics Industries getting Bespin, a major Tibanna gas producer, which is used in making weapons. </align>

-Matt Busmer, Generation News
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Aug 28 2002 11:48pm
Wait... I'm I totally losing it or was it clearly stated that this was supposed to a completely unbiased news group? The above was a complete opinion column, not a news broadcast. Can you imagine the NBC Nighly News coming in and Tom Brokaw going off on that kind of tirade? I didn't catch an OUNCE of neutrality in your posts, and can quite clearly see already where this is heading. If you want to proclaim yourself an unbiased news source, you can't make an oppening talking about the greedy New Order and dishing out personal opinions left and right. News agencies give just that: the news. If the galaxy wants an opinion column, we'll turn to Viryn.

There's nothing wrong with posts like these, but its absolutely rediculous to proclaim yourself an unbiased news source right beforehand.
  • Posted On: Aug 29 2002 1:38am
You proclaim yourself unbiased, and yet you are so obviously and completely biased against those of us who would try and end the Rogue Empire's tyranical dictatorship.

You have accused the New Order of making attempts to steal planets from the Rogue Empire, yet you completely ignore the actions of the Rogue Empire against Yleslia and Mon Calamari, where they gleefully invaded MCR planets for fun, and murdered thousands without blinking.

You say you are not biased, yet you are making this whole situation look like it is the New Order's fault, and that they are to blame. 'Using an incredible amount of unnecessary force'. This proves my point exactly: an unbiased report would not include the opinion of the writer, which this does.

Now then, you say the GDI is to busy conquering worlds to defend others? That would be why, when IDTech forces were threatened at Tholatin, we responded to help them? And when that same corporation threatened the Divine Order, the GDI moved to defend Dreena?

And why should be try to stop the New Order? The GDI does not condone terrorism, and Chadd Fearsons is nothing more than a terrorist. Why should the GDI attack our allies to keep them from doing what needs to be done?
  • Posted On: Aug 29 2002 3:28am
See the Generation News thread for my answer.
  • Posted On: Aug 29 2002 7:03am
<!--EZCODE HTML START--> <font size="1">CI Intelligence Bureau- Director Dace Archon

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In response to Generation News’ politically biased an inaccurate accusation towards the New Order and it’s associates, I have but one thing to say, and more to elaborate on.

Take your anti pro-terrorist news press and go to a remote, isolated corner of the galaxy where the brightest stars fail to shine.

Your above response is the most politically controversial, unethical, and morally degrading counter argument I have ever seen, and I beg to differ if your government for any reason thinks that my colleagues don’t share the same view.

Your ‘certain point of view’ debacle regarding the Jutraalian Empire’s terrorist like defense against the New Order advance force shows your lack of compassion for your fellow galactic denizen. What? I’d assume that Mr. Fearsons has been generously forwarding funds towards GN in hopes of boiling of the conception of anti-New Order sentiments to it’s limited and ignorant population of viewers? I would not put the assumption past an organization of your extreme ignorance.

GN has obviously failed to recognize that the Jutraalians are not putting professionally trained soldiers out on the front line on the Togorian Front, no. The brave, incomparable, merciful Chadd Fearsons is instead throwing a civilian based militia at the New Order advance as cannon fodder. Take a look at the reports coming back from multiple intelligence agencies, Mr. Busmer. Men, young men, teenagers at best, being thrown in a chaotic swirl of shrapnel and confusion. Is this your 'ideals' of sound philosophical views to nurture a government Mr. Busmer? This is the Jutraalian Empire.

Tell me, why don’t you take the time to shift your gung-ho pro-terrorist news network into neutral and ask yourself if this is the ideals you want ANY government in the galaxy to be promoting. Is it? If so, then please take this card; it’s the number to my psychiatrist.

The organizations in the galaxy who are striking out against the Jutraalian territories are setting multitudes flocking in joy to their saviors, to the men and women and various species of the galaxy who have risked their lives to preserve peace and order. You are disrespecting those denizens who are out on the fronts right now protecting your rights Mr. Busmer. Your rights to come on the air this very moment and dishonor their name, and what they stand for, and preach your tainted and biased, and above all ignorant views of the fate of the poor, unfortunate Jutraalians.

Your rights are damned to whatever hell you believe in, Mr.! You are the most selfish, ill-mannered, incompetent, and ill-bred reporter it has ever been my displeasure to know.

People are dying for you to go on the air and disgrace their symbolism of peace and order. Of justice and moral. Generation News is by no means unbiased.

As for your seemingly jealous sentiments you harbor for Cryonics Industries and it’s great success in the galactic economy, you’re greatly mistaken in your grade school level interpretation of our relationship. Subordination is not a factor that plays in Cryonics Industries and the New Order’s relationship. It’s mutual trust and cooperation. We of CI prefer to put out an heir of comfort and fellow feeling towards those we know who are not hindering the values of morality, common ethics, and justice. Cryonics Industries moves freely within our relationship with the New Order, as do they, so as long as none of our parties hinders the building blocks and boundaries of that relationship, mutual trust and cooperation. Trust factors in all relationships Mr. Busmer. I take it your not married.

Regarding your statement of Tibanna Gas sales to the New Order. I would like to express clearly that once CI operations have been set up at Bespin, we shall undergo indefinite sales to all of the galaxy, so long as they do not take hostilities and aggression to terrorist like levels, such as the Jutraalians have done so. Oh, don’t worry Mr. Busmer, Tibanna Gas shall be sold to all parties.

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  • Posted On: Aug 29 2002 7:33am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Taking time from the battle ahead, the Jutraalian Grand Inquisitor takes time to address galactic concerns.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

" It must be known, that the Emperor, Chadd Fearsons, is not dead. He is convalescing and will one day return.

" In another, military/political matter, the situation at Togoria must be addressed.

" Every planet in the galaxy has an indigenous defense force. A government, even one not sovereign, would be remiss not to. The Jutraalian Empire is no different.

" In the training of these defensive armies are grossly different. The small battle groups that make up the planetary defense forces are as well trained as our line soldiers.

" The men of the armies fighting on Togoria are not all defense forces. Ten percent of the total military population on the planet were, before the roster was shrunken by an attack, were Togorian Defense soldiers. However, it is policy of the Jutraalian Empire that soldiers in the Surface Army, after training and assigned to garrison duty, be placed on their home planet to boost morale and combat effectiveness.

" Every soldier on every planet, in every base, and on every ship, has been trained to a high level of readiness and effectiveness. A Jutraalian Defense soldier would stand as great a chance as a Jutraalian Army soldier in combat of victory.

" In matters of civil policy, most civilians, as indicated by the annals of history, have been removed to the countryside. Those who stay do so of their own design. It has never, in the history of this Empire....or at least in my commands...has a soldier used a civilian as a shield or protection from enemy fire.

" The Jutraalian Empire has sworn to defend every planet under its care. Cities will be used a defensive fortresses, and river teeming with life as barriers to an enemy advance. However, at all costs, no non-combatants will be willfully harmed or killed. Every effort will, and has been made, ot lessen the number of civilians killed in an enemy onslaught.

" Life will be lost; that is a fact of war. The Order knew this in commencing an attack, and we knew in defending against it. It is a risk we are all willing to take to maintain our way of life.

" Political policy is made by the Department for Galactic Relations, not the Fleet or the Inquisitoriate. I cannot answer non-combat related queries.

" But I assure the galaxy of this: for every soldier killed on Jileak, those who took up arms against us will payin materiale, men, and order.

" Because the cause is lost does not mean the opponent forfeits."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The Jutraalian Emblem appears.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
  • Posted On: Aug 29 2002 6:38pm
<!--EZCODE HTML START--> <font size="1">CI Intelligence Bureau- Director Dace Archon

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<!--EZCODE UNDERLINE START-->Quote- Jutraalian Grand Inquisitor<!--EZCODE UNDERLINE END-->

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> In matters of civil policy, most civilians, as indicated by the annals of history, have been removed to the countryside. Those who stay do so of their own design. It has never, in the history of this Empire... or at least in my commands... has a soldier used a civilian as a shield or protection from enemy fire.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

In matters of military crisis and national security, urban areas are the given priority to evacuation, because it is common relevance that highly populated regions, such as a capital city, will be given precedence as headshot target. If you had an ounce of strategic wit in you Mr. Forza, you would understand this point. When an enemy invades a town, or city, or world in this case, as with Togoria, a first measure of breaking hostile moral is to target the native population’s center of commerce, and social activity.

However, only to NEUTRALIZE the region, not pacify it. This is reasonably, what the New Order is doing. Their striking at the main centers of business and commerce to cut the strands of Togoria's economy to the rest of the Jutraalian Empire, thus weakening the system's defenses without having to resort to utter extreme prejudicial mannerisms.

What your government on Togoria has done Mr. Forza is crowded the populace of these already densely inhabited regions, your major and minor cities in simpler terms, instead of vacating people to the rural regions of Togoria where they would be secure from any fighting planet side.

Therefore, in essence, you are using your civilians as shields in your negligent motion of pulling your populace into the very targets the New Order is bound to strike at initially. Not a very wise public relations move Mr. Forza. Now, your civilian populace has to endure fatigue from shellshock, as your commanding military officers lie peacefully in their concrete durasteel bunkers, because you know that the New Order will not decimate a civilian target to get to the Jutraalian rouges.

Congratulations Mr. Forza, you are a terrorist.

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  • Posted On: Aug 29 2002 8:59pm
OOC-I would like to make an IC quote just to show how much my political opponents do not read: <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Cities behind the fortifications were in ruins, most of their civilian populations thankfully scattered into the countryside.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->


" The accusations of Jutraalian civilans being harmed in the cities is true-for those that ignored evactuation orders into non essential areas of the world.

" On no occassion has a Civilian been used a military decoy or weapon of defense.

" According the Coruscanti Treaty, older than the Empire, an man made prisoner or in opposition of a combatat power cannot be deemed a commando, spy, or terrorist if he is clearly marked with the uniform and rank of his station and allegiance.

" I have never misled any one or power about my military afiliation. Never have I pretended to be some one I was not. I have only taken off my uniform to shower and sleep.

" I cannot say the same for GDI spies and CI commandoes.

" I respect my Imperial adversaries as they have honour enough to engage us in open combat. If I was to be killed in the line of duty or captured, it would only be honourable to be done by an Imperial officer.

" If the CI wishes to engage in hostilites against the Jutraalian mpire, I can have a fleet present for openeing engagement at the beginning utterances of your agreement."