Posted On:
Dec 16 2003 3:42am
The INS would remind Mr. Meer's aide that the Empire considers free speech amongst its most important elements. No doubt, were pictures lacking, the Sovereignity would be declaring the Empire evil for "censoring" an article.
Furthermore, we remind Mr. Meer's aide that Imperial Intelligence has no relation to the Imperial News Service, and that (unfortunately) our own intelligence services are not on par with that of II.
Posted On:
Dec 16 2003 3:46am
OOC: Oh! Joren, I was thinking of Kas's old character...
Posted On:
Dec 16 2003 5:11am
From the Office of the Vice-President of the Outer-Rim Sovereignty
We in the Outer-Rim Sovereignty also respect Free Speach for everyone. It is a right of all beings not just humans. However the Empire is able to withhold pictures which only they could have provided. And I would have hopped that the INS would have had better taste than to publish pictures of a man under such obvious duress.
As for II not helping you. I would suggest then that you invest in a bit of intelligence. All you need to do is spend about 30 seconds looking for information and you wouldn't be looking like an idiot in front of the whole galaxy.
Posted On:
Dec 16 2003 5:12am
Fortunately, the galaxy is busy looking at the ORS and the GC for all the stupidity they need and want.
Posted On:
Dec 17 2003 6:45am
OOC: I didn't take it as a joke. It was just hilarious.