When Diplomacy Fails (Bandomeer)
Posts: 57
  • Posted On: Sep 24 2006 4:07pm
Above the now fought over planet, the Imperial Strike Cruiser floated. Moving slowly as the planet spun underneath. It was not long ago that a battle had raged in this empty space. A battle in which a great many lives had been lost and a once great warrior had been killed.

A the ship revolved around the planet Vaseli sat in his office and looked out of the viewport and watched it slowly move past. He was leaned back in the seat with one hand on the handrest as his other held an expensive glass filled with a clear liquid. The Captain was lost in thought as the battle still ran through his head.

Vaseli's fingers were wraped around the glass as his wrist slowly moved in circles wirling the liquid around as he stared out. It was a long time tradition on his home planet to have a toast with a glass of vodka. This toast was ment to honor all the warriors that had fallen in the battle. He slowly raised the glass up and pushed it out in front of him towards the planet below.

"General Lucia this is to you. I'm sorry it had to end like this." Vaseli toasted before bringing the glass to his lips and taking a drink, letting the alcohol run down his throat.

As soon as he breathed in after this first drink, his comm unit went off. "Captain, we have ships emerging from hyperspace."

Vaseli nodded to himself and thanked the XO for informing him. He arose from his chair and set the glass down on his desk before adjusting his uniform. This was probably his promised ground troops that were arriving. Until now, the small number of troopers he had at his disposal were only capable of conducting minor missions and raids.
Posts: 57
  • Posted On: Oct 3 2006 5:18pm
When Vaseli reached the bridge of his ship, the large Holo display at the center had already changed to show the new ships that had arrived. He could see the group of large transports moving towards the planet and getting ready to land their mass of troops and ground vehicles. Standing beside the display Vaseli studied it slowly and examined the ships that were sent in to reinforce his fleet.

"Comms, tell those ships to begin landing in grid five-nine." The Captain ordered and placed his hands behind his back.

Vaseli knew that grid five-nine had been specially cleared to make way for a ground assault. All defensive batteries in the area had been cleared out and the major military instillation around the grid had been destroyed from space. This landing zone had been prepared in advance to give troops room and time to assemble before carrying out missions. It had also been picked because it was flat land capable of supporting a large command center.

As instructed the three large troop transports decended down towards the planet while a group of fighters speed towards them to provide them with support. One of the transports was speciallized, however, and was built to serve as a mobile command center for the operation. Once landed the ship would be used to command all the ground force and be linked directly with Vaseli's ship since he would be the commading officer for this campaign.