Wheeling and Dealing(Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa)
  • Posted On: Jul 30 2003 7:02am
Traest Fey'lya stood on the bridge of the Ambition quietly as he watched hyperspace slowly cruise past the main viewport. He had had to go to the crazed world of Corinth and was simply happy the ordeal was over. It had taken him some time ago to get the world into the Combined Clans, but he had done it. Compared to that, making a deal with the Hutts would probably be easier, for him anyways. All he really had to do was convince one of the bigger crime lords or family heads to make a deal and then it would be in their hands. All Traest really had to do was make them see it his way and the way of the Combined Clans and then the wheels would start rolling. Once that was done, the Hutts he made the deal with would do what they promised, if he picked the right group to make a deal was the only thing he had to worry about. He looked at his current Intel Officer, Hushar Gre'lya.

"Who are the main factions currently in the Hutt world, Hushar?" Traest asked as he watched the cream colored Bothan.

"Currently the Besadii family, who are the main Hutt family currently. They are ruled by Bilihac the Hutt, who owns over a hundred off-world casinos and racetracks of different varieties. Then there is the Desilijic family who should be the rightful rulers, but there last family leader lost in a death duel to Bilihac. They are currently ruled by Plurga the Hutt, a renowned arms dealer and crimelord. The only other powerful family besides those two is the Jilagic family who are nothing but a bunch of merchants, they'd never be able to sieze power or hold onto it for that matter."

"So our best bet is to deal with the Besadii or Desilijic?" Traest asked with interest as he stood there, his hands crossed behind his back.

"Yes, these two families are constantly at one anothers throats. We should take advantage of such rivalry and help one of them. They'll be in debt to us and perhaps follow our.....suggestions. Here are the profiles we could get on the two family heads," Hushar said as he activated a holoprojector.

Two faces appeared within the projection. Each was quite apparnetly a Hutt face as it had the basic dome shape along with the large mouth, orange eyes, and slits for a nose. That was were the simlarities ended though. While both Hutts had large heads the one on the left was apparently enjoyed the luxuries of food much more than his counterpart, since his face was a good bit heavier and his brownish green skin was much more wrinkled with fat. The other maintained a much smoother look about him, but the greenish skin of his face was covered in tattoos around his eyes and mouth, making him look like some parody of a sith, who favored face tattos somtimes, since they seemed to hold the spiked quality remenicent of ancient sith tattoos.

"The one on the left is Bilihac. As you can tell from his facial image he, like most Hutts, enjoys the finer and more luxurious foods in mass quantity, the other is Plurga. Plurga is considered a bit of an oddball by most Hutts because he does not strive to become a massive immobile blob like his brethren. He is, in fact, reported to maintain physical training to keep from becoming like Bilihac or the others. Most of the other Hutts think he is odd for this, but so far, he has killed every last opponent in the traditional death duels of Hutt culture. I think he and the Desilijic family should be the ones we deal with since he has a good chance of killing Bilihac if he duels him for control. Plus the Desilijic are a very traditional family which means they are more likely to honor their deals with us."

"Very well, when we arrive at Nal Hutta, arrange for me to have an audience with this Plurga."

"Yes sir," Hushar said and vanished from the bridge as he went to make plans and arrangements.
  • Posted On: Jul 31 2003 11:26pm
Traest stood on the bridge and let out a sigh as looked down at the world that was Nal Hutta. It was, in his opinion, nothing but a disgusting ball of slime that the Hutts had decided to deem "Glorious Jewel" in Huttese. As far as he was concerned, he'd rather use the planet as a giant waste disposal facilty and then forget about it. It was nothing but marshy bogs and palaces, as well as whatever other facilities the slugs preferred to build. The moon circling it looked even less promising. Nar Shaddaa was nothing more than a disgusting hive of scum and villany. It was also Nal Hutta's spaceport moon which ment most ships and business transactions took place there and then whatever had been bought or sold would be shipped down to the Hutt masters.

"What a disgusting world," Traest said as he turned to Hushar.

"A disgusting world for disgusting creatures, sir. Except, we want these disgusting creatures to work for us. The Hutts are some of the most devious and cunning creatures out there. We will do well to make them partners and willing servants of the Combined Clans."

"Yes, have you arranged the meeting with this Pluga?

"Its Plurga, sir. I hope you make a note to remember that since it will insult him if you call him by the wrong name."

"Very well, but have you set up the meeting?" Traest said, his fur moving to show annoyance.

"Of course, sir. You are to meet Plurga at his personal palace. There you will discuss what you will to see if you can convince him to work with us."

"Is there anything specific besides knowing his name?"

"It is best if you remember his family name also. They are the Desilijic familiy, please remember that also, sir."

"Very well, is the shuttle ready for me to go down?"

"Yes sir, its fueled and awaiting you even now."

"Very well, Captain, you have command until I return," Traest said as he walked down the corridor quietly and made his way to the launch bay where he found a shuttle waiting for him. He boarded it and waited.

The shuttle lifted off qith the usual hum of repulsor lifts as it exited the docking bay and began to make its decent down to the homeworld of some of the most devious and insidious creatures in the galaxy. Traest sat in the passenger cabin going over the names he needed to remember and preparing himself for a meeting with this Plurga, a known crimelore and arms dealer. Slowly the shuttle touched down on pad on a massive spaceport which was decorated in Hutt artwork and writing. Traest walked off the shuttle and was met by a Hutt the was about his height and looked a little underfed.

"Greetings Admiral Fey'lya. I am Plurga's majordomo, Huubac. My master wishes to welcome you to our humble world, and apologizes that he could not meet you here himself. He is currently detained, making several business deals. If you will follow me, I will take you to my master's palace," Huubac said in very sycophantic tones.

Traest nodded and followed the Hutt quietly as he looked around, more specifically at the Weequay guards that were with Huubac. That species had always been in the employ of the Hutts, but they often didn't have individual names. Traest shrugged that off though as he boarded a repulsor barge that then lifted off and began its journey over the surface of Nal Hutta. The journey was an interesting one, Traest had to admit that. He watched as dozens of different palaces sped by. Most of them reflecting their owners' ideas of what they thought looked pleasing to the eyes. Traest thought several of them needed vision checks if that what they thought was pleasing. Soon they turned down a road to a massive black palace with a courtyard full of exotic plants and animals. As they passed the decorated gates, it was quite clear that they were much more heavily reinforced than they seemed to be. The palace itself looked more like a fortress of black stone and metal as they got closer to it. Traest watched with awe as they pulled up to the front where more Weequay stood in armor and holding a variety of weapons, most with a blaster in a holster and a vibro-pike in their hands.

"Please follow me, Admiral. My master is very anxious to meet you."

Traest stepped off of the repulsor barge and walked up the ramp to the main entrance. He then followed Huubac as the slug moved along the halls of the massive palace fortress of Plurga. Soon Traest found himself passing more heavily armed Weequay as he made his way into what was undoubtably the main audience chamber. Traest walked in and found himself before the massive Hutt. Plurga sat on a dais, elevating him even higher than his natural height already made his. His body while similar to that of most hutts was much more serpentine and muscular than that of his brethren. The black and blue spiked and curved tattoos on his face made him look even more menacing than he already did.

"Presenting Admiral Traest Fey'lya of the Combined Clans of Bothuwai," Huubac said as he slithered off to the side.

Traest hesitated before he stepped forward, scanning the floor for the existance of any trapdoors or other booby traps the Hutt might spring on him as he spoke. Satisfied that there weren't any, he stepped forward and bowed slightly.

"Greetings, great Plurga, I am here as an emissary from my government to make you an offer."
  • Posted On: Aug 7 2003 6:16am
Plurga sat quietly on his dais and looked down at the Bothan with his large orange eyes. He hadn't expected a Bothan to come all the way to the very center of Hutt rule. No one from an actual government ever usually visited the center of most crime in the galaxy, yet here was a Bothan. In fact, it was a Bothan making him an offer.

"And what could you possible offer me, admiral?" Plurga asked as he looked down at the short furry being. "I have everything thing I could possibly want, maybe even more. What in this whole galaxy could you offer me?"

Plurga looked down at the Bothan curiously as he waited for an answer to his question. It was quite clear he was very serious in what he had just asked.
  • Posted On: Aug 8 2003 6:41pm
"Territory, your gratiousness, territory. I am to understand that the Hutts always want more power if they can get it. I am here to make you an offer that would make you a galactic government. Think of it Plurga, if you were to make a secret treaty with us, you would have access to information on the Bothan Spynet as well as perhaps aquire several Bothan military vessels," Traest looked up at the Hutt who still looked skeptical.

"Or you could simply wait for Cortex Sinar to come here and forces your people into the Diversity Alliance. Either way, you would still have connections to us."

Traest smiled at the Plurga's large eyes got wide with comprehension. He also seemed to swell with anger at the thought that he was being threatened by such a small creature as a Bothan. Traest simply smiled back, which seemed to infuriate Plurga even more.

"Now, now, you don't have to feel threatened. In fact, the first offer would put you in more power and influence than ever and we would interfere very little. Just think, Plurga, the Hutts as a galactic power with true ownership over the worlds they originally controlled from behind the scenes. You would even be able to expand and make your people even more powerful, without involving the Diversity Alliance at all. What do you say to that offer, gratious Plurga?" Traest asked, wondering if he would leave this palace alive.
  • Posted On: Aug 8 2003 7:08pm
Plurga was on the verge of strangling the little silvery grey Bothan until he finally got his point across. The Hutts could become more powerful, but there was one problem.

"Your offer is very generous, Admiral Fey'lya, but why are you telling me this? Wouldn't you be better off telling Bilihac this offer? Afterall, he and the Besadii family are our current rulers," Plurga said as he looked down at the Bothan admiral.

"But then again, I assume you don't wish him to be around much longer," Plurga said, making the Bothan admiral simply smile in a confirming way.

"Very well, Admiral Fey'lya, I'll accept your offer and deal. This, of course, means I'll have to risk my life to do as you want me to, so you better not double cross me. I can still make your life very difficult it you should decided to triffle with me or my family. Unlike the Besadii family, we of the Desilijic family are not easy to forgive."
  • Posted On: Aug 8 2003 7:43pm
"Of course, now that I have confirmation that you have accepted, I shall depart and leave you to your own schemes as to how to deal with the biligerent Bilihac." Traest bowed himself out of Plurga's presence and walked away from the chamber, quickly followed by several Weequay guards who escorted him back out.

Traest quickly made his way out of the palace and back onto the speeder which lifted off. Traest watched the many palaces pass by again as he made his the vehicle made its way back to the landing pad. Once there, Traest easily got back to his shuttle and walked onboard. As its hatch sealed shut and the shuttle pressurized, Traest took a deep breath of filtered air. In his opinion it have better scent to it than Nal Hutta did.

"Take me back to the Ambition immediately, I want to get off the slime ball of a planet," Traest ordered to the waiting pilot as he sat down and looked over reports from the Ambition that had been sent to him.

Soon the hum of the engines became audible as the shuttle gracefully lifted off from the gloomy planet and made its way up through the atmosphere. Soon, the shuttle was docking as Traest listened to the humming of repulsor lifts as the shuttle gracefully touched down in the clear and elegant docking bay of his flagship. Traest walked down the ramp to the much more familiar smell of a starship which was better than the smell of rotting plant life that Nal Hutta seemed to resonate from its many marshy bogs. Traest quickly made his way back up to the bridge where he found Hushar waiting.

"Well sir, did he accept the deal?"

"Yes, I believe the Hutts are about to find themselves under new management," Traest said with a devious smile. "Now lets get away from this disgusting world before I get too sick to command starships."

With that order, the Ambition quickly left orbit of Nal Hutta and began a quick retreat from the system. Once it escaped the gravity well of Nal Hutta, it vansihed into hyperspace with a flash of light.