We don't need their kind of scum - (BHG)
  • Posted On: Jan 24 2003 12:32am
"Very well, however... if you decieve me I will hunt you and destroy you like the scum you are."

With that, he cut the comm and began to stride across the bridge deck once more. What was he doing? Was he really going to allow to drunken bounty hunters to have their way? For now, yes.. for now.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Jan 24 2003 12:41am
And so they did. Drunken and stoned, the two figures stumbled their way to the ship grabbing up all they could of worth or value. So much so that one had to drop the blaster, but that was okay, the other had already forgotten.

Staff and members gave them all manner of looks, more then a little stumped at the twinned individual they could have sworn was only one.

Arms full with relics and items of worth, drugs and drink, and whatever else they deemed of worth, their trusty ship was made ready. Though already full of their most needed and wanted possessions they loaded her down with more. A Emperors ransom twice fold.

About to walk up the ramp one pauses and turns to the other.

"Sorry Beff"

"Pardon me Beff?"

"We have to die here today."

"We do?"

"Not so much we, as you. There needs to be evidence. It's hard to disappear with a bumbling fool like you around."


"Never trust lowgrade circutry, you're defunct Beff. The others...the others. Nevermind."

"I dun get it."

"Exactly. Goodbye Beff Pike."

"Goodbye Beff Pike."

A blaster shot rings out through the private hanger. The body of Beff Pike falls limp to the ground, the Manta raises up on her repulsor feilds and moves out of the the hanger.

Under sensor mask and cloak, she slips swiftly into hyperspace...
Moments after she is gone a transmission rings from the surface.

"One, Two, Three, Four....Five. The codes are yours. Oh, and one other thing. You'll be wanting to kill those on the surface, because they are ready to fight to the death."
"Good doing buisness with you."

  • Posted On: Jan 24 2003 12:48am
The Sovereign Protector recieved the miltiple stages of transmission sending security clearance codes and other technical information. Once the download was complete, the planet's population was razed completely and all assets taken over by the Crimson Empire.

"One band of criminals down, a few more to go."