Commodore Feyyar squinted his eyes as he struggled to interpret the topographical scan. A barren landscape was laid out before him, with large stalagmites extending into the sky, accompanied by large, rocky mountains. He recalled his history lessons, and imagined that inversely, stalactites reached down into the depths of the planet's chasms.
"This is the secondary continental mass?" he asked his sensor officer, yet again.
"Aye, sir. It should be sufficient to support us."
"And the indigenous population?" he raised an eyebrow at the Lieutenant.
"Oh, they're there, sir," the Lieutenant allowed himself a slight grin, before continuing. "Our surface scans show various life-forms...mostly large surface predators. However, the readings gathered from our infrared sensors indicate a possibility that large numbers of life-forms are dwelling sub-terraneously."
"Range?" the Commodore asked, looking for a solid figure.
The lieutenant shook his head. "Not at this time, sir. Our readings are still coming in. It's quite possible, however, that there are millions of these beings."
The Commodore gazed at the bulkhead, taking that rounded figure in. Millions of Geonosians manning military production facilities here, along with eventual assets from Kamino...the repercussions were too staggering to fully comprehend.
He shook himself out of that reverie. No, no matter the repercussions, High Command was always able to generate a plan of action. The two planets would be of good use to the Empire, indeed they would.
"The tenth assault division," he queried, taking charge once again of his thoughts. "What is their status?"
An ensign at an operations console replied, "They are ready for launch, sir."
"Very well, signal them to launch, and engage in preliminary pacification. Warn them, however, to not extend beyond the boundaries I have assigned."
"Aye, sir."
He glanced at the tactical manifest readout, going through all necessary steps in his mind.
"Signal the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->
Famine<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> to provide starfighter support for our forces, should it be needed. Assign the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->
Fiere<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> to holding sectors thirteen and twenty-eight and activate their abolisher fields, and signal the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->
Salinan<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> to activate gravity wells. Commander," he finished, directing his final words to his aide. "Deploy the fleet."
In space, the small fleet of Imperial starships disgorged transports, which rocketed towards the planet, carrying ten thousand men and appropriate equipment-a fully mechanized division.