Vengeance of the Light {TDC}
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2003 4:21am
Feeling one of his masters near him in the force Noktu sent for ripples are to him... "Master I am here to help protect this facility... send me where I am needed"
Posts: 60
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2003 4:32am
Dravin did as he was told, pulling out the comlink from his robes and issueing orders to individual squadron commanders. Soon the red skined, armored warriors were crawling all over the cloning facility, armed with weapons that ranged from pole arms to personal heavy repeating blasters.

The Grand Advisor could already see entire squads of the Massassi being dispatched throughout the facility as he followed Malice to the generator room. He wasn't about to wander off and leave the overlord to defend the key to the whole complex by himself, even though he could probably handle it. A advantage was needed, and Dravin would lend the demon Sith his aid.
Posts: 733
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2003 4:57am
He smiled, he was only inches away from the doors to the hull. He didn't think it would be this easy. It would all be over soon.

"Excuse me, but may I see that bag. And please step aside. This won't take long."

Oh @#%$.

Silus turned, handing over the bag. The soldier took it, his other hand moved to check it. In one fluid motion, Silus pulled out the hidden blaster pistol and grabbed the soldiers hand that held the bag, twisting it behind the man's back. Silus slowly backed away, the pistol to the soldiers head.

"Tell them to open the doors." Silus whispered into his ear.

" the doors!" he commanded, and one of the soldiers moved over. There were a few clicks, and the doors opened with a hiss. Then many things happened that second.

The soldier's hand immediately dropped to his blaster rifle, attempting to catch Silus off his guard. But he was too late. He stared down at the captain's rifle barrel, Silus holding the other hand. The other soldier's hands fell to their holsters.

There was loud sounds of blaster fire as Silus sprayed red rays of death across them, burning armor, flesh, and bone.

He picked up the briefcase, and moved towards the core. As he stepped, he gazed over the edge of the railing next to him. It went a long way down, thousands of feet. That would be a very bad fall. He pulled the same datapad he had used earlier, and with a few buttons, and the ship's schematics came to life on the screen. He examined them, then hit a few buttons, and then placed it back inside. He went to work.

He went about, placing charges around the them, and then hit the timers around them. He had placed the last one, and stepped back a little, gazing at his work for a second. But he was soon greeted with the sound of foot steps coming from halls located on either side of the core. He pulled out the blaster, firing at the controls to the doors. They hissed closed, cutting off all vision of the bloody mess that was on the other side.

Looking around, he spotted a grate on one of the sides. The one with the controls still intact. He fired his grappler, pulling the grate from the ducts. With a breath, he pulled himself up, and disappeared into the darkness. The timers meanwhile continued, moving ever closer to the doom of the ship. He stared back, moving his hands in the tight space, pulling out two thermal detonators. With a smile, he pushed the timers, letting them roll down the ducts.

As the doors hissed open, guards quickly rushed in, pointing their guns in multiple directions.

"Sir, where is the intruder?" one called out, as two small round objects exited the duct behind them. There was a clang as they struck.

All eyes turned toward them, and then each echoed the horror that they saw before them. There was an explosion, the walkway and the soldiers completely vaporized. The leader was blown back, crimson blood pouring from holes covering his body. His gaze looked up, to see the charge above him. He froze, as a timer clicked down from five minutes and forty-five seconds. He reached down and grasped his comlink, as death reached down and grasped him.
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2003 4:59am
Khar Shian.

Alex stood homing in on Hanix's position he begins to force run to him for Alex was sent to help him obtain his objective.
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2003 6:18am
Khar Shian

Kale stared down through the vent that he would exit. He saw the body of a dead Massassi Warrior laying on the ground, and became very curious. He was about to pop his head out and look around, but several more warriors came by, apparently patrolling the Facility. One spoke to another, and Kale could almost see the discontent as the Warrior pulled out of his spot in the party, and began to pull the fallen Massassi away.

Kale swore to himself, not with words, but thought, and then closed his eyes. Searching his mind, he knew that the situation was worse than he'd expected... but the mission had to be fulfilled. Luckily, Kale noted to himself as he reopened his eyes... the Cloning Facility was very dark. He knew from old files in the jedi Library that Massassi had good night vision, but it was not the disgusting red beasts that he was worried about. Large, force-sensitive, and strong... they were not known for being powerful of mind, which was the only advantage Kale would need over them.

The Jedi Knight pulled the loose cloth from behing his neck up and over his face, only allowing a slit for his eyes to see through. He and his bag of goodies were now completely black. Kale activated the sound sponge on his belt, and went to work. He popped off the vent cover, and turned it sid-ways, allowing it to pull up into the vent. Kale set it aside, and then slowly allowed the Force to trickle into his system. As he felt the power of the Force fill his body, Kale leaned over the edge of the vent which was a solid ten meters above the floor of the main cloning room. Grabbing the edge of the vent, Kale flipped himself out of the warm vent, and let his grip go, using the Force to slow his descent to the floor.

Kale landed, the noise sucked up by the sponge, and stepped back against the wall into a dark shadow. Invisible to the naked eye, Kale practiced a Jedi skill, sending a notion into the mind of anyone who looked at him. Instead of an unknown figure in black, they would see a Sith Zabrak.

This plan, though, would not work for too long. Kale had to concentrate on his contact with the Force, taking up a good portion of his attention. Kale looked forward. He stood directly behind one of the cloning cylinders. Opening his bag, the Jedi pulled out what appeared to be an odd-shaped device. Scanning the area, a few Massassi passed his position in the Shadow, and Kale made his first move. Stepping to the machine, Kale opened an access panel, and set the "device" inside, pressing a green button to activate it. This "device" was one of many Baradium Bombs that would be detonated once they were all set into position. Larger than a normal thermal detonator, Kale only needed to set one in every five or so Cloning cylinders.

Keeping to the shadows for most of his movements, Kale was glad he was behind the machines, because he could hear the new warriors coming out and gaining their instructions. Most were told to head outside of the facility, which was good, because it meant less to deal with inside.

Kale used the Force to enhance his speed, and within minutes, he had placed enough bombs to end the cloning on Khar Shian... at least for a while.
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2003 9:07am
Emptiness. Coldness. The Ysalamiri did is job well, Luis felt empty and strange, hollow without the Force as his guide. He watched as Arkan went into hand to hand combat stance. Luis fixed his feet into a combat stance and prepared to fight:

"Come get some"

He said, motioning with his hand at Arkan. He knew he would most likely die, or be taken captive and would thus die a horrific death at the hands of his enemies, or would be used as a ransom which would cause the failure of the mission. But he wasn't going down without a fight, however short and brutal.
Posts: 54
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2003 11:30am
Arkan gave a wide grin, "Get some... indeed."

From the sidestance Arkan was in, he approached left foot ahead, then flash-kicked with his right foot toward's Luis's head. But in reality, this was a feint, the right leg folded back and Arkan followed with a jump kick at Luis, his right hand blocking down to his groin area and his left hand guarding in front of his chest, ready to intercept any attacks that direction. In his flight of attack, Arkan's black Sith robe fluttered through the cold air, revealing a portion of what seemed like a shimmering black armor around his legs and arms.
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2003 12:40pm
Luis reacted quickly and barely managed to duck under the jump kick. He rolled under Arkan as he was midair, stood up quickly, and struck back with an attack of his own. He spun round quickly, his right leg lashing out in a powerful roundhouse.
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2003 3:36pm
Vengeance entered the cloning facilities on Khar Shian, looking for his master, Malice Draclau. He sensed his master's presence eminating from an area in the facilities. He hurried to where he sensed his master's presence and, sure enough, there stood his master, Malice Draclau, in all his darkness.

"I am ready, Master Draclau," Vengeance said, darkness filling his words.
  • Posted On: Jul 4 2003 7:18pm
Khar Delba

Darth Baruk still awaited more diciples. Tavers was with him.
But Lord Chaos had yet still to inform him of his assignment,which made him quite angry. Still he awaited Choas.
Tavers, Lord Chaos has yet to arrive. We shall wait for him before we do anything.