Luckily, the ambassadors had short memories and tended to miss putting two and two together. Besides, their attention was drawn from thoughts of Varcanna towards this new name, Miknak. At last, one of the enemies they might face had a name.
"So this... Miknak," said Oaxaca. "Is he the biggest problem in the sector? It appeared as though more than one group was coming after the delegates today, which suggests there may be more motives at play beyond a radical group wanting to continue an old war."
"If trust is an issue," said Jargur, "then we can start with him. Does he have ships? Soldiers? Fortresses? If so, then we can lend aide against them." Jargur paused, midspeech, as a thought began to dawn upon him. "I realize that it may seem more than a little odd, us appearing out of the blue and promising a laundry list of bonuses and gifts, from soldiers willing to risk the line of fire to support and ships to secure your space. It sounds unfeasible for us to be able to do, as we have no special stake or interest in this sector that would especially justify the risk of life and limb to our people. Thus, it sounds equally unlikely that good and justice are our real reasons for turning up.
"We're more than willing to make the next step to establihs trust, admiral. You have the endorsement of the Wookies and the Trandoshans, so far as we can tell. Your people have not made any aggressive moves and we have no reason to believe you harbor any secret motives. If you trust us, and we trust you, then there is only one step left for this meeting."
Jargur rose, and extended a scaly hand to the admiral, to shake her by hand. "Shall we work together then? For the betterment of the system?"
"So this... Miknak," said Oaxaca. "Is he the biggest problem in the sector? It appeared as though more than one group was coming after the delegates today, which suggests there may be more motives at play beyond a radical group wanting to continue an old war."
"If trust is an issue," said Jargur, "then we can start with him. Does he have ships? Soldiers? Fortresses? If so, then we can lend aide against them." Jargur paused, midspeech, as a thought began to dawn upon him. "I realize that it may seem more than a little odd, us appearing out of the blue and promising a laundry list of bonuses and gifts, from soldiers willing to risk the line of fire to support and ships to secure your space. It sounds unfeasible for us to be able to do, as we have no special stake or interest in this sector that would especially justify the risk of life and limb to our people. Thus, it sounds equally unlikely that good and justice are our real reasons for turning up.
"We're more than willing to make the next step to establihs trust, admiral. You have the endorsement of the Wookies and the Trandoshans, so far as we can tell. Your people have not made any aggressive moves and we have no reason to believe you harbor any secret motives. If you trust us, and we trust you, then there is only one step left for this meeting."
Jargur rose, and extended a scaly hand to the admiral, to shake her by hand. "Shall we work together then? For the betterment of the system?"