Undying Soul
Posts: 347
  • Posted On: Apr 6 2008 3:34pm
Ishara smirked as she continued to lean back against a metal crate. “I was a member of the Black Nebula Legion several years ago. You could say they were an elite military organization that took on various jobs throughout the galaxy. I learned a great deal from them which only helped me to survive and be successful in my own dealings.”

Ishara sat down on the floor after she began to feel her leg begin to cramp from being broken. “As for how I got here, that is complicated. I happened to come into the company of…” Ishara sighed. “…some unique individuals who were part of a large sisterhood that took me in for a time. It just so happens that a small group of us were sent here on a mission that I found out all too late was my own exile. I was unknowingly setup by my sisters who arranged my capture. I was then solely accuses of all our crimes and imprisoned.” Reaching up, Ishara pulled herself back to her feet. “So that is how some half ass police force captured me.”

“I must admit, rescue missions are not all your style either, Stein. I don’t remember you ever sticking your neck out for anyone unless it meant a paycheck for you. Why did you go to the extent you did to pull me out of there?”

Ishara winced for a moment as she grabbed her ribs after feeling a brief moment of pain. “I need to get more rack time. After I get up, I need to make some calls. My sister Kyra is still part of this sisterhood and I need to try and get her out of there. It’s not a mission I can do on my own and I need to call in some favors. Perhaps you might consider tagging along? I could pay you if it comes down to it.”

Ishara headed to the doorway of the hangar and stopped just short of leaving before she turned to look back at Stein. “Thanks for pulling me out of there.” She then disappeared down the corridor and went to her quarters.
Posts: 11
  • Posted On: Apr 7 2008 2:59am
Stein listened and gave off an awkward look towards her as he watched her sit onto the ground. He couldn't imagine why she would want to sit on the floor of a cargo hold. He shook that out of his thoughts, it was irrelevant as he was listening to what she was saying. Unique individuals? That could mean nearly anyone. He could only figure that she meant other members of that Black Nebula Legion she had been apart of.

Sisterhood only made him wonder more about what it was. Maybe a woman's branch of the Legion. Stein didn't really care what they were now that it was apparent the woman would no longer be apart of it. When she used his own words to explain the police that captured her, Stein couldn't help but smirk, "heh." So it was a trap, that would easily explain how they had done it otherwise he was definitely doubt the abilities of this Black Nebula Legion.

He shrugged at her question and followed it with somewhat of an answer, "I guess it just kicked in that a fellow Bounty Hunter was being taken down by what could easily be considered sub-human people." Although a good number of the people had actually been human. Stein wasn't sure that anyone on Tattooine actually counted for anything. It was a wasted world and if he didn't have to come here for the target it would be a place he would rather have destroyed. Heh, this is what the Imperials should have destroyed. Useless worlds.

"Why not, its not like I have a ship anymore." It sounded more grudging towards her than he had intended. It was technically his fault that it happened since he rescued her, but it was Ishara that had been captured. Maybe rescuing her wasn't the brightest thing, but that would be something that would have to be found out down the road. Right now? If she had a job and he could get paid, then he had nothing against her. She was another source of income.'

Nodding to her thanks, he turned as she departed and looked back at the ship she had. It was old, but it was a ship. That would be handy if anyone decided to try and attack the freighter and be expecting an easy task. Although that would be the jettison of all the cargo. It would be worth it though, he'd rather lose cargo and stay alive. Leaving the cargo hold, he went back to the cockpit and sat at the controls.

Anaxes, why not. He set the course and decided that he would go back home and see what he could dig up. It wasn't like they couldn't change direction en route. Activating the hyperdrive, Stein watched as the panels darkened to block out the sight of hyperspace. Kicking his feet up onto the panel, he laid back and just started to burn time.
Posts: 347
  • Posted On: Apr 16 2008 8:02pm

When Ishara had finally awoke, it became obvious to her the ship had powered down and landed. Where and why was yet unknown to her so she immediately jumped up and got dressed. She made her way to the cockpit and checked the navigational systems. Stein had seemingly set a course to Anaxes to conduct his own business or whatever he had on his mind. A thought hit Ishara as she stared at the small viewscreen. She recalled hearing that an old acquaintance of hers was residing here. What his state was she did not know but she intended to find out in hopes of gaining some additional help from a person she could trust.

Once the ship was secured, Ishara put on her utility belt and placed a Blastech DL-44 pistol into its holster and set out from the ship. The ramp closed behind her as she continued to walk away and exit the hangar they had landed in. She made her way down a well traveled street which was rather crowded. There was a rather large cantina ahead which was lined with large neon lights. It seemed to be the largest in the immediate area and it seemed to have that certain something that would attract the man she was trying to find. Women; lots and lots of women and a never-ending supply of alcoholic beverages.

As Ishara entered the establishment, she walked into a dark room illuminated by bright neon lights and the glowing clothing the scantily clad dancers had on. Music blared loudly and seemed to mask all the conversations going on within the large room. Several different groups of men were gathered around small stages as they tossed credits at the girls who were of all sorts of races. This cantina certainly had its way of trying to please everyone who came in the door.

Ishara began to scan the room and made her way both slowly and cautiously through the crowd as she tried to find the one she was looking for.