Posted On:
Mar 13 2002 2:06am
Wayland was a natural wonder of the the universe. So much had gone on her for good or ill. The colony of Nohgri still resided on planet. If was her that she sought solace. The nohgri were a people that valued the ability to fight. And it was here that she came to find some answers. Amoung a people that followed the way of a warrior as a way of life.
Posted On:
Mar 18 2002 8:31pm
She was meet and known to the nohgri. She had recruted several for the Freedom guard and into the New Alliance special forces. They were put to work as body guards all over the new Alliance. They were even relocating many of them to a new home colony on the almanian moon of Pydyr. Allowing the nohgri a chance to expand into the universe.
But as a race of combatants she begins with combat. Three nohgri had surrounded her. She only sensed them through the force. pulling her Freedom guard vibro blade rather then her light saber she prepares her self.
The attacks come with out warning. The three attacking as one. But vonta responds almost as three. Moveing lithly about the three shadows that sought to hurt her. The fight lasted minutes with both sides at a draw. One of them simply nodded towards her. And they started towards the colony. Trial one is past.
Posted On:
Mar 21 2002 12:13am
The days to come were to be those of work as vonta had never before known. The Nohgri life style was that of the warrior. From the time that they are old enough to walk they are taught the ways of combat. Many of the young she observed were able to walk about with a good deal of coordination after only three - four months.
They were raised like this. And she wanted to be as good as they are. The only reason that they did except her was the fact that she is a jedi much like lady vader. So they expect that she can learn and learnn she well.
In the forests near by they show her how to hunt for game with nothing but a single blade. In the forests there could be a dozen of them up and about but you would never know it. That is until they move on you.
Posted On:
Mar 29 2002 11:52pm
Night fall came. One of the few times that vonta has been allowed her sleep. A roost sat on a fire and the group of hunters sleep in the trees under neath a blanket of stars. It was a hard fought for catch but it was done. The force does not condone violence. But this was for food. The force knows that all things are inter conected, some animals become the prey of others. Just another example of how the force works.
She awoke before the dawn. The nohgri were up as well. They manage to get by on little sleep. Nice advantage. They would get under way soon. But for now she focused on meditation.
At the academy she had gained a knowledge of a new ability. She was able to now phase through matter. The more that she worked at it the easier that it became. The nohgri were even starting to admire this ability. With it she could hide in solid matter. Being more like a real wraith then a being of flesh and blood.