OOC: I cannot interupt a duel until both partys agree to allow another player in the game. Sparing rule. Although since you are a padwan facing a knight it is a little one sided and you well lose either way.
Till Death Do Us Part... (Open Spar)
ooc: I might jump in... I'll see how this progresses.
OOC: DS6, how nice of your very first post to provide no info about your character whatsoever. What is your rank over here at TRF? Also, you should know better than to challenge anyone lower in rank than you. It does not really make the battle fair, now does it?
Just a note to all the padawans...it is recommened that you seek permission from your Master before joining in on a battle, especially if your training has just begun.*wink wink*
Sorry for interrupting, this will be my last ooc post. I found it pointless to make a thread in the ooc forum, seeing as I had to address more than one person, and not everyone looks to the ooc forum. I apologize.
Just a note to all the padawans...it is recommened that you seek permission from your Master before joining in on a battle, especially if your training has just begun.*wink wink*
Sorry for interrupting, this will be my last ooc post. I found it pointless to make a thread in the ooc forum, seeing as I had to address more than one person, and not everyone looks to the ooc forum. I apologize.
OOC: y-yea what my master said. ....o_O
OOC: If he wants to know my rank, he should've asked. And I did not challenge him, he accepted the open challenge, so that is his mistake to even accept. Do not blame me for dueling a padawan, he accepted. It is not in my character to leave a deul because he is deuling a padawan. Anways, if you do not want him to battle me, just say so, and I will end this fight. BTW, I'm not apprentice rank I'm master rank.
ooc: What a mess you have brought yourself into, Hurricane. Hopefully this Sith Master will not slaughter you and leave your body with its melted limbs lying in the street. Where is this anyway? Naboo? Some other planet? One should not wander too far from one's Master, unless sent to.
OOC: thats not funny..
ooc: we know it isn't. it's not funny to be slaugtered...
OOC: my point exactly
ooc: Well, theres one benefit: Youll probably only feel a little pressure as your head is cleaved from you body. Or you can try to run, or find a better position advantage.