The Will to Survive (Rethus Darklight)
  • Posted On: Oct 2 2003 7:30am
The young boy had worked diligently despite the exigent tasks Zeta set out for him. Only a young boy, but the strength of a full-fledged warrior.

Zeta would break him and he would learn to know the true definition of a Sith.

It is time we meet again, Rethus...

The Zabrak's voice echoed deafeningly into the boy's head, disturbing his sense of attention.

Rethus would be without sleep. Darkness would surround him for hours on end; there would be nothing but the darkness to keep him company,

He would be without food and liquid.

Seven days.

If in the end, he survived, his master would finally think him worthy as an apprentice.

The Dark Chamber awaits you...

Learning how to find Zeta had become ancient history for the native of Korriban. Getting the boy there was the easy part, it was the test that Zeta wondered about.