23 ABY
Jedi Temple
The blades came together, green against yellow. Energy hissed and sizzled as the weapons swept the air, seeking an opening, a weakness to exploit. The combatants circled, probing with their blades, slashing and thrusting with as much expertise as they had at their command. It was like any normal battle but for two variables. These were Jedi Padawans engaged in combat during the monthly combat championships. And it was pitch black.
Usually, the dueling arena was well lit, allowing the combatants to see one another while they fought. This was especially true during the championships. However, this time the combatants had opted for real-world settings. Which meant that other variables had to be thrown into the fight. Which was why the room was pitch black.
Behind the green energy blade, Mynenial stood in Position One, waiting for her opponent to strike again. She was one of the older competitors here today, but she had not learned enough under a master to disqualify her. So she opted to enter, hoping to be chosen as a Padawan by one of the Masters in the crowd.
Several years earlier, she had been the Padawan of Master Corran Horn. But he had disappeared without a trace, and she was left without a master. She had returned to the Temple only to find that all the Masters had an apprentice already, and she was told to take lessons from all the masters as best she could. She would also teach herself under the watchful eye of those masters that remained in the Temple.
But she wanted out of there now. She wanted to use the skills she had learned as a Jedi for something other than just sitting and meditating, or dueling others in the arena. She wanted to change the galaxy for good. And the quickest way she could think of to achieve that goal was to win this contest.
But now she was at a disadvantage. Her opponent, the Cathar Jedi Iella, was an expert at quick, sudden attacks, and the Cathar's natural ability to change her pigmentation meant that Mynenial was forced to rely only on the Force and the other's blade to find her. The blades clashed again and again.
Mynenial was not without ability herself. A Dathomirian by birth, she had inherited the survivalist and warrior nature of her ancestors. Her time visiting the planet had enhanced her natural abilities until she could match almost anyone her age in hand-to-hand combat. But one fact remained...the Cather knew the Force better.
And that would be the Jedi's weakness. Iella struck again, but instead of blocking, Mynenial crouched and swept her foot out towards the other's feet. A quick Force-assisted leap saved her from falling prey to the sweep, but Mynenial had been counting on that move. As Iella leapt, Mynenial launched into a back handspring. As she landed, she kicked upwards.
Iella had somersaulted in the air and was just coming out of her tuck when Mynenial's foot struck her full in the mouth. The Cathar flipped backwards, her feet flying forwards, and landed hard on her back. She was moving immediately, rolling away from the expected strike and leaping to her feet.
But Mynenial hadn't struck. She had waited for the Cathar to rise before slashing at waist height. Iella barely managed to get her saber up in time to block.
The blades locked for a moment, and Mynenial stared into the yellow orbs of the Cathar. Then Iella blinked, flipped off her saber, and disappeared into the darkness.
It was a game of hide and seek, now. Mynenial switched her own blade off, and the darkness was complete. Not a whisper could be heard from the stands. This match was very even, and almost everyone was wondering who would come out victorious. Those that could reached out with their senses, trying to find the combatants and determine their intentions.
Mynenial moved slowly, ready to activate her saber at the first noise. But Iella was better. As a Cathar, she heard Mynenial's footsteps and managed to creep around behind her. She crept forward, masking her own steps with those of Mynenial. Her saber left her belt quietly, moving slowly to her hand. Two feet...one foot...
Searing pain! The green blade sliced the air and the neck of Iella. The lights came on and the combatants deactivated their sabers. "Well done, both of you," commented Master Cole Donovan. "You have both proven very adept in the Force and in your skills."
Iella was downcast. "That may be true," she said, turning to Mynenia, "but you were the one that beat me."
Mynenial smiled. "But you put up a very good fight. If I hadn't felt you coming a moment before you struck, our roles would have been reversed. I bested you in the dark; I would be interested to see how we did in the light."
"As would I," replied Iella. "If that is all for today, though, I must head down to the med center. These burns need attention."
Jedi Temple
The blades came together, green against yellow. Energy hissed and sizzled as the weapons swept the air, seeking an opening, a weakness to exploit. The combatants circled, probing with their blades, slashing and thrusting with as much expertise as they had at their command. It was like any normal battle but for two variables. These were Jedi Padawans engaged in combat during the monthly combat championships. And it was pitch black.
Usually, the dueling arena was well lit, allowing the combatants to see one another while they fought. This was especially true during the championships. However, this time the combatants had opted for real-world settings. Which meant that other variables had to be thrown into the fight. Which was why the room was pitch black.
Behind the green energy blade, Mynenial stood in Position One, waiting for her opponent to strike again. She was one of the older competitors here today, but she had not learned enough under a master to disqualify her. So she opted to enter, hoping to be chosen as a Padawan by one of the Masters in the crowd.
Several years earlier, she had been the Padawan of Master Corran Horn. But he had disappeared without a trace, and she was left without a master. She had returned to the Temple only to find that all the Masters had an apprentice already, and she was told to take lessons from all the masters as best she could. She would also teach herself under the watchful eye of those masters that remained in the Temple.
But she wanted out of there now. She wanted to use the skills she had learned as a Jedi for something other than just sitting and meditating, or dueling others in the arena. She wanted to change the galaxy for good. And the quickest way she could think of to achieve that goal was to win this contest.
But now she was at a disadvantage. Her opponent, the Cathar Jedi Iella, was an expert at quick, sudden attacks, and the Cathar's natural ability to change her pigmentation meant that Mynenial was forced to rely only on the Force and the other's blade to find her. The blades clashed again and again.
Mynenial was not without ability herself. A Dathomirian by birth, she had inherited the survivalist and warrior nature of her ancestors. Her time visiting the planet had enhanced her natural abilities until she could match almost anyone her age in hand-to-hand combat. But one fact remained...the Cather knew the Force better.
And that would be the Jedi's weakness. Iella struck again, but instead of blocking, Mynenial crouched and swept her foot out towards the other's feet. A quick Force-assisted leap saved her from falling prey to the sweep, but Mynenial had been counting on that move. As Iella leapt, Mynenial launched into a back handspring. As she landed, she kicked upwards.
Iella had somersaulted in the air and was just coming out of her tuck when Mynenial's foot struck her full in the mouth. The Cathar flipped backwards, her feet flying forwards, and landed hard on her back. She was moving immediately, rolling away from the expected strike and leaping to her feet.
But Mynenial hadn't struck. She had waited for the Cathar to rise before slashing at waist height. Iella barely managed to get her saber up in time to block.
The blades locked for a moment, and Mynenial stared into the yellow orbs of the Cathar. Then Iella blinked, flipped off her saber, and disappeared into the darkness.
It was a game of hide and seek, now. Mynenial switched her own blade off, and the darkness was complete. Not a whisper could be heard from the stands. This match was very even, and almost everyone was wondering who would come out victorious. Those that could reached out with their senses, trying to find the combatants and determine their intentions.
Mynenial moved slowly, ready to activate her saber at the first noise. But Iella was better. As a Cathar, she heard Mynenial's footsteps and managed to creep around behind her. She crept forward, masking her own steps with those of Mynenial. Her saber left her belt quietly, moving slowly to her hand. Two feet...one foot...
Searing pain! The green blade sliced the air and the neck of Iella. The lights came on and the combatants deactivated their sabers. "Well done, both of you," commented Master Cole Donovan. "You have both proven very adept in the Force and in your skills."
Iella was downcast. "That may be true," she said, turning to Mynenia, "but you were the one that beat me."
Mynenial smiled. "But you put up a very good fight. If I hadn't felt you coming a moment before you struck, our roles would have been reversed. I bested you in the dark; I would be interested to see how we did in the light."
"As would I," replied Iella. "If that is all for today, though, I must head down to the med center. These burns need attention."