Takeover of Anoth...er planet.
The future was just beginning. Or so they had thought. But the first lesson of the universe reared it's ugly head and taught the heroic trio that what you expect is not always what you get.
And as they looked out a plexiglass window the trio found that they were no longer orbiting Azguardia. Apparently, Star Express IntraSystem Transit Laundry Ship XPJ-32 had a destination other than they had thought (whatever that might have been).
It is said by the best secret service agencies in the galaxy that the best results come from circumstances not planned. And the trio and members of the Azguard Special Services found themselves in circumstances that they neither created nor had any hand in planning.
But they were agents and they determined to get to the bottom of their current situation.
For you see, as they traveled on the Star Express IntraSystem Transit Laundry Ship XPJ-32 an extraordinary circumstance occurred. It not only went to lightspeed when it was not supposed too, it also stopped several lightyears outside the Azguard system only to be picked up by an even larger ship.
Through the little viewport the trio could see that another very large alien ship had captured the XPJ-32.
"What"...munch... munch.."do they"... munch ...munch.."want?" Beeker said through munching his tiny bag of beans.
Tweek could only stare as their craft was no longer moving. "The pilot did not even try to escape!" he complained.
Squeek suddenly had an epiphany that propelled the trio on the most dangerous and important assignment yet. If they did not act quickly, Azguard society would be rocked to it's very foundations.
The plot was insidious and would have far reaching implications.
"Quack!" Squeek said with such finality that drew reality back into the picture for the other two.
"Why... Why they would destroy our society as we know it!" Tweek again complained.
"Food production would suffer horribly!" Beeker exclaimed in dismay, the prospect not one he relished thinking about.
Apparently these aliens had drawn their own dastardly plot to bring Regrad's Azguard to it's knees!
By taking Azguard's laundry, many Azguard's on the planet would not have any clean clothes to wear. They would be forced to keep buying new clothes which would drive many into bankruptcy (especially with the price of clothes being so high!).
How could Regrad lead battles? Fleets? Negotiations with high powerful governments without clean clothes?
How could anybody be seen in public without clean clothes?
It was a subtle plan but therein lay it's brilliance. Only from the mind of the evil Imperial Kaine could such a thought even be thought with no one thinking about the thought.
But not so with Squeek, Tweek and Beeker on the case!
And as the ship they were stowaways upon lifted higher and higher into the belly of the larger ship over them a plan of action was drawn up.
And so the GREAT LAUNDRY CAPER began...
And the universe was never the same after this...
Illustrations courtesy of Squeek
The future was just beginning. Or so they had thought. But the first lesson of the universe reared it's ugly head and taught the heroic trio that what you expect is not always what you get.
And as they looked out a plexiglass window the trio found that they were no longer orbiting Azguardia. Apparently, Star Express IntraSystem Transit Laundry Ship XPJ-32 had a destination other than they had thought (whatever that might have been).
It is said by the best secret service agencies in the galaxy that the best results come from circumstances not planned. And the trio and members of the Azguard Special Services found themselves in circumstances that they neither created nor had any hand in planning.
But they were agents and they determined to get to the bottom of their current situation.
For you see, as they traveled on the Star Express IntraSystem Transit Laundry Ship XPJ-32 an extraordinary circumstance occurred. It not only went to lightspeed when it was not supposed too, it also stopped several lightyears outside the Azguard system only to be picked up by an even larger ship.
Through the little viewport the trio could see that another very large alien ship had captured the XPJ-32.
"What"...munch... munch.."do they"... munch ...munch.."want?" Beeker said through munching his tiny bag of beans.
Tweek could only stare as their craft was no longer moving. "The pilot did not even try to escape!" he complained.
Squeek suddenly had an epiphany that propelled the trio on the most dangerous and important assignment yet. If they did not act quickly, Azguard society would be rocked to it's very foundations.
The plot was insidious and would have far reaching implications.
"Quack!" Squeek said with such finality that drew reality back into the picture for the other two.
"Why... Why they would destroy our society as we know it!" Tweek again complained.
"Food production would suffer horribly!" Beeker exclaimed in dismay, the prospect not one he relished thinking about.
Apparently these aliens had drawn their own dastardly plot to bring Regrad's Azguard to it's knees!
By taking Azguard's laundry, many Azguard's on the planet would not have any clean clothes to wear. They would be forced to keep buying new clothes which would drive many into bankruptcy (especially with the price of clothes being so high!).
How could Regrad lead battles? Fleets? Negotiations with high powerful governments without clean clothes?
How could anybody be seen in public without clean clothes?
It was a subtle plan but therein lay it's brilliance. Only from the mind of the evil Imperial Kaine could such a thought even be thought with no one thinking about the thought.
But not so with Squeek, Tweek and Beeker on the case!
And as the ship they were stowaways upon lifted higher and higher into the belly of the larger ship over them a plan of action was drawn up.
And so the GREAT LAUNDRY CAPER began...
And the universe was never the same after this...
Illustrations courtesy of Squeek