The Hunter Becomes the Hunted(MCR Takeover of Barab 1)
  • Posted On: Sep 22 2002 7:03pm
OOC:I was wondering about that after I posted, but it doesn't really matter.
IC:Teebo reverted back into realspace. Teebo surveyed the scene in front of him. The MC-200's were both severely damaged, and were facing off against a Super Star Destroyer. 2 Imperial Star Destroyers orbited the planet, bombing the settlements.
"Shields up. Concentrate all firepower on that SSD. Inform the Koralelov and the Ethen Allen of our arrival, and tell them to go attack the ISD's. They should concentrate their combined firepower on one of them." Teebo said.
"Yes, sir."
"Then launch our fighters." Snowkan said.
Already done, sir."
"Excellent." Teebo said, then turned to face Snowkan. "We have 2 more Viscount Star Defenders, coming from Kubindi and Kessel, and they should be here shortly." he was cut off by one of his officers.
"Sir, Corvos and Harrier have just arrived."
"Excellent. Snowkan, take a shuttle over to one of them, and command it." Teebo said.
"Yes, sir."
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Sep 22 2002 7:32pm
OOC:Giving me command again?

Snowkan ran down to the main bay. There he saw as skipray blastboat painted in a familair pattern. It was his old personal fighter which he had given back to the Mon Calamari Republic. He ran over to it and hoped on board. He quickly flew to <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Corvos<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->.

"This is former Grand Admiral Snowkan here to take command of <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Corvos<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> by order of Emperor Teebo. Send me landing co-ordinates."

"Go to the main bay."

He flew up into the bay and landed. There he was met by the captain.

"I don't know why you are here and why you aren't dead, but we don't need you or want you. We don't respect you after what you did to our fleet."

"I am here under the orders of Emperor Teebo. Give me command of this vessel or I will put you in the brig."

With that said he lowered his hands to both of his lightsabers.

"WHy aren't you dead."

"Becuase Emperor Teebo forgave me and then i resigned my commision."

"Then you shoudln't be here. You are a civilian."

"One second while I change that."

Snowkan quickyl called Emperor Teebo.

"We have a minor problem here. I think I'll need my rank back."

"As Emperor of the Mon Calamari Republic I hereby give Snowkan the rank of Fleet Admiral and welcome him back to the Republic."

"Thanks Jeori."

SNowkan signed off.

"Now I have my rank back, so my first comand as a Fleet Admiral will be to order you to give me command of this ship."

The captain gave command over.

"Thank you. Now lets get up to that bridge and see hwo the battle is going."

They all went up to the bridge. Snowkan looked at the tactical display and frowned.

"Why are you attacking the Super Star Destroyer captain?"

"Because it is the biggest threat."

"You are wrong there. You notice that the Super Sstar Destroyer is already being assaulted by <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Teebo<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> and <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Harrier<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, two Viscount Star Defenders at full power. Meanwhile we have two Imperial Star Destroyers at full power fighting two damaged MC-200. Common sense dictates that you should attack the Imperial Star Destroyers because they are winnign their fight. If you don't then they will finish off the MC-200s, thereby making the Mon Calamri Republic lose their services and then begin to assualt the planet again. Watch my better tactic and learn, so then next time I won't have to come save your job. Open a channel to <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Harrier<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Ethan Allen<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> and <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Koralelov<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->."

"Done sir."

"Ethan Allen and Koralelov break off from your attack on the two Imperial Star Destroyers. Get out of range of the enemy and then charge all your shields back to full. Then come back itno the battle and fire ont he SUper Star Destroyer, if it isn't already destroyed. Harrier break off your attack. Attack the first Imeprial Star Destroyer doign a frontal assault."

"Yes sir."

"Right away sir."

"Moving on it sir."

"All gunners on Corvis asault the second Imeprial Star Destroyer. Aim for the shield generators."

The ships moved out on their assigned jobs. 240 Heavy Turbolaser batteries, 200 Turbolaser batteries and 200 Ion Cannon Batteries open fire on the second Imperial star Destroyer. The same amount was firing on the first Star Destroyer. Now the battle would be won. Before, well it would have been won, but at a costly price.
  • Posted On: Sep 22 2002 8:18pm
Teebo continued pounding on the SSD. Although it was shorter, it had superior weaponry, and more fighters.
"How are our shields holding?" Teebo asked.
"Shields at 75%. The SSD has 65%." the officer replied. They were winning, but it was close.
"Launch al remaining fighters, and get them to launch their proton torpedos into the Starboard side of the SSD." Teebo said.
"Yes, sir." 180 fighters flew out of the hangar bays, and headed directly toward the SSD. Upon arriving, they let loose with their torpedos, firing 2 each. The torpedos slammed into the side of the SSD, impacting on the shields.
"Report." Teebo said.
"Enemy shields at 10% and falling." the officer said. "Koralelov and Ethen Allen report shields at full power, and are asking to join in the battle."
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Sep 22 2002 8:24pm
Snowkan watched as the battle un folded. The Super Star Destroyers shields were almost down. The MC-200s were back in the fight.

"What are our shields like?"

"90 percent sir. Harrier's are at 85 percent."

"Exccellent. And the Imperial Star Destroyers shields?"

"10 percent on the one we are facing, 15 percent on the one Harrier is battling and falling rapidly."

"Excellent. All gunners, cease fire. Ion Cannons only. Instruct Harrier to do the same."

The turbolaser and heavy turblaser batteries fell silent while the ion cannon batteries continued to pound on the shields of the Imperila Star Destroyer.
  • Posted On: Sep 22 2002 9:21pm
"The Super Star Destroyer's shields are down, sir." A Mon Cal officer said.
"Excellent. Fire upon them with Ion Cannons only." Teebgo replied. The turbolaser fire ceased, and Teebo fired shot after shot of Ion Cannons into the side of the Star Destroyer.
"Open a channel to the captain of that Star Destroyer."
"Done, sir."
"This is Emperor Teebo, of the Mon Calamari Republic, commanding the Viscount-Class Star Defender Teebo. Do you wish to surrender, or shall we destroy you?"
A harh voice replied "I will never surrender to the likes of you, reebl scum." Then the transmission was cut.
"So much for peace. Open fire. This time with turbolasers."
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Sep 22 2002 9:28pm
Snowkan watched as <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Teebo<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> switched to only ion cannons and then turbolasers again.

"Open a channel to the two Imperial Star Destroyers."

"Chanel open."

"This is Fleet Admiral Snowkan of the Mon Calamari Republic. Surrender or die."

"I'll never surrender. We'll ramm you first."

"Sir the second star destroyer is heading straight for us."

"How about you captian?"

"I surrender."

"You can't surrender to these rebels. Die."

"Sir the second star destroyer just open fire ont he first."

"Destroy the second one."

The second star destroyer fire on the bridge of the first destroying it then they blew up the reactor. At that moment Corvis fired and blew upt eh second star destroyer.

"Move up and fire on the SSD."

All of the ships moved in and fired on the shieldless Ssuper Star Destroyer. Explosions could be seen, and fires started on it.
  • Posted On: Sep 23 2002 8:29pm
The turbolaser shots continually pounded on the SSD, vaporizing the hull, destroying weapon emplacements. Several seconds later, it was nothing more than a blackened hull floating through space. The Mon Cal ships continued to fire, and finally found the reactor. The SSD, or at least what was left of it, was consumed in a giant fireball. Now it was time for Teebo to turn his concentrtion to other matters.
"Open a channel to Snowkan." he said.
"Done, sir."
"Snowkan, I know we sort of did this in a rush and all, and you did it just to help me, but please, I beg of you not to go bac into retirement. We need you."
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Sep 24 2002 11:54pm
Snowkan watched as the Super Star Destroyer was destroyed.

"Sir we have a message incoming from Emperor Teebo."

"Put it on the screen."

"Snowkan, I know we sort of did this in a rush and all, and you did it just to help me, but please, I beg of you not to go bac into retirement. We need you."

"I will not come back into the militray life. It doesn't matter that I am probably a better tactitian than half your commanders, I can't come back. What I can do is become the Goveneur of Barab 1, or another one of the planets."

The Captain of Corvis heard the exchange and walked over.

"Sir you have to coem back. We woudl have lost those two MC-200s if it wasn't for you. You will save lives by coming back into military service."

"Perhaps, but I refuse to come back. That is my choice."

He turned back to the scren waiting for Teebo's response, and the argument that would probably follow that response.
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Sep 28 2002 2:49pm
Snowkan was suprised, the expected response never came.

"If you only wish to be a Governeur then be that. Since you have your sources and friends on Barab 1, then you may stay here. Unfortunatly I must go to attend to other business, but I am leaving the two MC-200s and Corvis here for the moment. Other ship will come and relieve them, but not yet. Good bye Snowkan."

"Thank you Emperor, and good bye."

Emperor Teebo signed off and the two other Viscoutn STar Defenders went into hyperspace. Snowkan sighed. He was finally out of the militaryfor good.

"Prep my Skipray Blastboat, I'm going down to the planet...