The Haunting: A New Alliance (closed)
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Mar 22 2005 10:17pm
Kamon padded down the halls of the hidden base on Alatar Prime with his mind diverted all over the place. One, his daughter was still missing. Two, it seemed that there was still a few Vong loose in the planet somewhere. Three, this just was not really working. None of his agents on other planets had seen his daughter. None of the soldiers on Alatar Prime that ever found the Vong troops ever survived. And the only idea Kamon could think of that would make his escape really worthwhile would involve him leaving the planet again.

Stepping into one of the lounge's, he took a seat at a corner table where he wouldn't be bothered, but could also get a good look at everything that was going on. Some of the pilots were enjoying a game of Sabazz in one corner, the dejarik tables were all occupied, and the bar was completely full. It seemed a typical time for the lounge and Kamon figured he would have at least some time to himself. The few people that walked in never even looked in his direction. He picked up his comlink.

"Central control?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Have flight control get someone on prepping the Hope. Then I want a council called of all of my trusted people. That means I want Admiral Pariah, General Katarn, and the rest of Admirals and General in the briefing room in twenty minutes."

"Yes, sir."

"Time for a change."
Posts: 430
  • Posted On: Mar 23 2005 2:25am
Volumes upon volumes slumbered in their respective niches, filling shelves to the brim and stacking to reach the highest rafters of the cavern. The library chamber could hardly compare with the magestic archives at the Jedi Academy on Naboo. There was some haphazard feel about the room, the datapads scattered here and there on table tops as if all the knowledge available had been crammed into the cave as quickly as possible. That wasn't exactly far from the truth though, as what rested here had been mostly been salvaged on the run. Most of the information they had were in the computers and luckily they had managed to save most of the network.

All was slient within the hewn walls save for the low hum of computers on standby and the soft snoring of a particular young man. Stowed away amidst the city of bookshelves was Kenshin. His arms were crossed upon the tabletop and his face buried between them, lost in a mane of tussled hair the hue of moist soil. Pushed aside before him was a portable terminal, which dozed as he did, and strewn about on both sides were a number of datapads, the weak glow of their screens illuminating the cheek that was pressed upon the desk. If it wasn't the military jacket that shrouded the back of his chair, he would have easily been mistaken for an academy student cramming for an exam instead of a soldier.

Suddenly a beeping pierced through the relative quiet, causing the man to shift and pull his right arm from under his face. A few datapads skidded across the smooth wood surface from his touch as he blindly felt for the source of the obtrusive sound. It wasn't long before his fingers closed around the comlink and dragged it to his face. With a sigh he thumbed it.

"General Katarn, your presence is requested aboard the Hope in twenty minutes." Came the voice of some ensign or private on the otherside of the line.

"General...?" He mumbled to himself as the message sank into the depths of his hazy mind. Must be some sort of big meeting if they were asking him to appear as an Alatarian General. It wasn't widely known that he held that rank. Most of his duties were that of the Cortogen Captain's and the sound of 'General Katarn' still seemed a bit sharp on the edges as it was hardly used.

"Pardon sir..?" The soldier inquired, his tone a bit lost.

"Nothing.." Kenshin said, sitting up only to lean back into his seat. His free hand rose to rub the sleep from his face as well as the welt on his cheek that had formed from sleeping on an unlucky datapad. "Tell them Katarn will be there in a few moments."

Clipping the comlink to this belt, he sat there for a moment wondering what this meeting was all about. It was unexpected to say the least, but Kenshin was used to Kamon and his unexpected ways and so he wasn't really that surprised. Well whatever it was, he'd do what he could. Willing himself up, he shrugged on his jacket and quickly gathered his things, which was pretty much just pushing everything off the edge of the table and into a bag. For the 'n'th time ever, he gave the library an indifferent gaze before sauntering out. Well at least it was cozy...
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Mar 29 2005 2:06pm
Kamon wasn't too sure how this idea was going to go over with the rest of the heads of the group. Back when he had transferred all power to his daughter and Cynic. Kenshin, Amarie, and Cynic had wondered if it had been the right thing to do. He had been sure that it was the right thing to do, but in fact, now that he looked back, it didn't seem like he had been right. This whole idea of his, what they should do as a group now, seemed like the best option for the group. If it wasn't, they could always back out at some point.

He left the rec area and began to walk towards the hangar bay. A group of Cortogen Guards passed by him at a run and Kamon had to figure that someone had discovered another one of the many vong that were running around their base. After that strange little attack on Alatar Prime, many of the VOng from the ship that had crashed had shown up dead. Many others had been unaccounted for until some of the people that worked in the tunnels started to die.

Entering the hangar, he noted that no one else seemed to have made it to the ship yet. Despite that, he went and opened up the ship, running his hand along the sensitive hull to which he had a distinct bond. Stepping inside, he moved to the front of the ship and sat down in the pilots seat. When he actually left, his pilot would take the co-pilot seat and fly him. The ship allowed that at least. Kamon flicked his comm.


"All ships accounted for. The soldiers have managed to eliminate one of the VOng insurgents. And the people you asked for have all acknowledged the message I sent them."

"Alright. Thank you."

"Yes, sir."

"Now I just wait."