Posted On:
Feb 7 2002 4:08am
It was just a visit, well it was supposed to be anyway. Anyone who knew Zeta would find it hard to believe that such a Sith as himself took a vacation. He wasn't one to relax. He was always on the move, on the hunt, looking for new blood to kill ot convert.
As he walked along the forests of Generis he sensed an unusual presence.
Zeta's blood bagan to boil, he was heated with anger. A man who was supposed to be an Imperial Emperor but was exactly not so. An Emperor of The Rogue Empire, an Imperial Group, yet this fool represented himself as a Jedi, something Zeta did not understand. He was supposed to be a Darksider, was he not?
Zeta found the so like presence of scum, sitting, meditating, seeming to be in deep concentration.
I'm surprised you could find the time for such a thing as meditation, Fearsons, what with being incharge of a messed up Empire...
He had entered Fearson's mind now, making sure to get his attention.
Posted On:
Feb 7 2002 4:47am
He was levitating using the Force as his aid to keep slightly in the air, his legs crossed slightly. His single sided light saber seemed to be two meters away and several rocks were seen floating around him.
Those crimson orbs were shielded by the pale eyelids, he had been neglecting sleep for several days undoubtably. The Sith had come near him deep in his forest...a convenient back drop for the inevitable.
The Dark Side Devotee dug deep into his consciounse thought and began terrorizing him with images of Tabris, of how he loved her and how she had hurt him with the whole break up. He growled but did not let it affect his meditation.
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> I am here...my light saber is nearly three meters away<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> he responded telepathically, quite easily infact. His stomach twinged and twitched as the Sith got closer...closer. The Dark Side was strong with him. His eyes remained closed however, and thus he could sitll see every movement the Sith made. The Force was all powerful...
Posted On:
Feb 7 2002 5:09am
Zeta's laughter boomed loudly through the forest, whatever concentration Fearsons' once had, it was now gone.
A toy Fearsons, go on, use it, you're just the coward to. I've heard it all, Fearsons, what a saber is supposed to be to every Jedi. It is simply a toy, and for you, it is the only thing that keeps you alive. You lack the brains to use anything else. I know, because it is the only thing you threaten me with now.
Zeta stopped dead in his tracks, the noise of his footsteps crunching against the grass as he walked, now being replaced with utter deadly silence. He was still some distance away from Fearsons.
Your saber can not help you in this fashion, can it Fearsons? I have stopped. Your saber can't do what is needed now....
Posted On:
Feb 7 2002 5:17am
He dropped to the ground, and he stood now, glaring at the Sith but not threateningly or angrily. His face turned to that of a serene warrior, readying himself for combat. He had come to Generis to soothe the pain of his loss...this Sith was not helping.
"You have broken into my sanctum, you have entered here with obviosly hostile intentions...your feelings tell me this...what is it you want Zeta? I've heard of you from Master Jiren."
His eyes narrowed as he watched, those gleaming crimson orbs dancing in the littie light left. The trees confirmed a convenient back drop and a dark storm began rising overhead.
Posted On:
Feb 7 2002 5:44am
Zeta crossed his arms, a tight evil smirk crossing his lips.
"Fearsons, I never took you for a stupid man, maybe a fool, but never stupid. Now I'm starting to rethink my judgemnet."
He snarled at Fearsons.
"What do you think I'm here for Fearsons? I'm here to put you out of your misery. You've lost the love of your life, what more could you possibly have to live for? An Emperor of what is supposed to be an Imperial group, yet you can't call yourself anything but a Jedi. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously? Your place is not with the light but with the Darkness. You title is supposed to hold power, and it holds nothing but weakness."
Posted On:
Feb 7 2002 5:49am
He rolled his eyes, he'd heard it all before. Fearsons actually took this as a compliment...they wanted his skills, they were simply taunting him to make him feed off the hate. The remark about Tabris made him wince slightly, but he pushed the pain asside quickly.
"Zeta you have two choices, get the hell out of my sanctum...or attack me. Either one seems relatively fun at the moment, but I warn you not to underestimate my power."
Posted On:
Feb 7 2002 6:00am
"Do I sense a tad bit of anger, hidden within your words, Fearsons? You should be stopping me, Fearsons, not encouraging me. You act more like a Sith here and now, more than you do anything else. You're impatient, Fearsons, why? You'll get your chance..soon enough..."
He laughed and removed his black cloack, the heat getting to him even though he stood within forest grounds within shade.
Posted On:
Feb 7 2002 6:07am
He let's out a sudden menacing laugh that would echo throughout all the trees in Generis' forest. He felt the Force tell him his opponent's patience was wearing thin.
"No it's not htat...you just annoy the hell out of me."
Posted On:
Feb 7 2002 5:02pm
He laughed, finding truth in Fearsons' words. He cut his laughter short, glaring hard at Fearsons now.
"I'm supposed to annoy you Fearsons..I'm going to spill your blodd soon Fearsons'...quite soon..."
With quick accurate speed, Zeta's knife zoomed from out of his belt that was snuggled close to his hip, zooming its way towards Fearsons like a speeding bullet. It looked as if it were going to cut Fearsons face in two as it got close, but it did no such thing except zoom right past Fearsons' left ear, missing it be an inch or so. Zeta had done it on purpose of course, just to shut Fearsons' up. He probably should have attacked him, not missing, but he was too much of a play baby, at least today anyway.
The Knife quickly turned to its left, seeming to go that way a little longer before it made its way back to Zeta, finding its place back upon Zeta's belt.
Zeta's lips twisted into a sinister smile.
"Oh well, you know what they say, practice makes perfect..."
Posted On:
Feb 8 2002 2:24am
He shrugged and smiled, his hands clasped in front of him as if he was concentrating. With eyelids shielding precious eyeballs, the Force began swelling around him as he concentrating his telekenisis powers, though not as strong as the best it was decent enough to lift rocks and equally large or larger objects, several rocks began compiling in the air behind Zeta.
"Now you realize if I smash those into your back it's called Jedi defense of peace cause I'm killing a Sith right? Master Jiren promotes that quite fanatically actually."
He grinned ferally, though his eyes remained tightly snapped shut.
Deciding not to break his concentration, he lifted his hand in Zeta's direction, folding his fingers over several times and then thinking to him through his mind. <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Bring it.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->