The Conclusion (Chikami)
  • Posted On: Oct 2 2003 1:09pm
It was not long after the Silooth was destroyed that the Knight was created by his next challenge.

Skreevs, two of them.

Creatures with ong pointed protruding lower jaws, used as a means of attack.

The wingspan of these particular creatures came close to twenty meters across. Despite looking similar to the Dxun Beasts, the creatures lacked the horns that were found by such creatures, but what they lacked in horns they made up for in other forms, such as with their arms.

Watching from a fair distance, the Zabrak grew somewhat disappointed with his challenges that were meant for the Knight. He wondered if perhaps he had been too easy on Chikami, but that didn't matter much now. The outcome in the end was well worth the wait.
Posts: 158
  • Posted On: Oct 3 2003 6:54pm
"Dxun Raptors.." Chikami spat "just great.." He had never been a fan of fighting flying creatures but circumstances weren't exactly allowing him to choose his battles.

Chikami unclipped his saber from his belt and it sprng to life with a snap-hiss. The dark purple blades threatening the incoming raptors. Taking the initiative in this round Chikami lept upward into the branches of a nearby tree. Pushing off of the tree Chikami leaped at the nearest raptor saber leading.

As Chikami lept from the tree his target rolled grabbing the knight in its arms slowing a bit. The other raptor sped up and pulled back around flying in to bite down on Chikami's leg.

Chikami knew he was in a bad situation and it only got worse as the raptor chewed on his leg. Chikami slammed his free foot into the side of the raptors head forcing it to release his leg. Looking up Chikami thought to himself 'and now to get down.' Deactivating the side of his saber closest to his body Chikami twisted his wrist bringing the saber around to burn the forearm of his captor forcing it to release its grip.

Chikami twisted his still captured arm a bit to grab onto the raptor, and as hie did so swung his saber around to slice its arm off just below the elbow.

Dropping some thirty feet to the ground Chikami clenched his teeth as he landed hard on his injured leg.

The two raptors circled the knight preparing for their next assault.
  • Posted On: Oct 4 2003 5:36am
As if synchronized to move as one mind the raptors circled around Chikami only one more time before both swooped down upon the Knight; one coming from the left, the other coming from the right.
Posts: 158
  • Posted On: Oct 10 2003 7:43pm
Chikami knew in his mind that this would be the last round with these raptors. How he knew he was not sure but this would be it. The whole scene seemed to move in slow motion to the Sith Knight. The raptors dove towards him taking his flanks.

Chikami watched as if frozen to the spot as the raptors closed in on him. As the raptors got close Chikami dropped to the ground swinging his saber at the raptor to his right. The raptor was sliced cleanly in two but by killing the one the Sith Knight had left himslef open to the other.

Quickly after seeing the raptor fall to the ground in two pieces the world seemed to speed back up and Chikami was wrenched from the ground by the remaining raptor and slammed into tree after tree until the raptor lost its grip.

Regaining his footing Chikami watched as the raptor spun around for another attack. Once again reaching inside his robes Chikami grabbed another thermal detonator. The raptor came flying in mouth wide open, apparently it intended to devour the Sith Knight.

Activating the thermal detonator Chikami used all the power he could muster and threw the bomb down the raptors throat. Seconds later the beast exploded covering Chikami in its blood and guts.

Clipping the saber back to his belt Chikami had grown quite irritated. The knight waited hoping the next round would come later rather than sooner.
  • Posted On: Oct 11 2003 5:18am
A scorch of fury settled into the on looking Zabrak's face, still glued to the idea that he had made things to easy for Chikami, but working alone did not allow the Zabrak to have a great deal of resources at his disposal unlike that of The Naboo Sith Order.

Six rhythmic heartbeats came to pass before Zeta came to show himself to Chikami. No traces of expression formed onto his tattooed face as he stepped directly in front of the Knight.

"Today you've come here to battle with the power of a Knight, yet you leave and rise with the newfound strength and knowledge of a Lord."
Posts: 158
  • Posted On: Oct 11 2003 7:56pm
Chikami was startled to see Lord Zeta step out and face him. He hid the fact well, but inside wondered if his next test would be facing Zeta.

After Zeta spoke Chikami said nothing for a moment still processing the words of the Sith Lord. Finally realizing what Lord Zeta had said Chikami gave Lord Zeta a single nod of acceptance.

"I would be honored to join the ranks of the Sith Lords."
  • Posted On: Oct 12 2003 1:04am
"I'm sure you would have wanted Malice to bestow this rank to you, had he been here. He trained you well. I am sure he will be most pleased to hear of your ascension."
Posts: 158
  • Posted On: Oct 13 2003 6:16pm
Chikami gave Lord Zeta a nod, agreeing with his statement.

Lowering his head as if in thought Chikami spoke "So is there actually anything on this moon related to The Dark Circle, or did you just use them to get me out here?"

Chikami looked up with a small smirk.
  • Posted On: Oct 13 2003 9:39pm
Zeta's own thin smirk swept over his once impassive gaze.

"Stay and find out, if you'd like. Good way of putting your newfound powers into practice... though I wouldn't recommend sticking around, unless of course getting captured is a fun idea of yours."
Posts: 158
  • Posted On: Oct 13 2003 11:15pm
"I think I've had enough 'fun' for today."

Chikami checked his wrist communicator trying to figure out where they had left the Blood Frenzy. Half turning Chikami looked back to Zeta.

"I assume you are leaving aboard my ship, correct?"