~ Dominion ~
"The truth is, Varro Kai, I cannot trust you with the initial thrust. Your link to the priest is an inconvenience I cannot dwell on."
The comment, while not unexpected, caused Varro Kai's anger to spark. Though nothing appeared on his emotionless features, the very lack of emotion spoke volumes as to the control he was asserting.
"So my fleet is too..." he began, knowing he shouldn't have. Knowing he shouldn't speak for the High Elder and Judicator of Judicators.
The presumptuousness was not lost on Kal Shora. "Your fleet will hold our flank while we move on Junction."
"Junction? What significance does a human trading post hold for the Dominion?" Again a social faux pas. Never question the ranking Judicator. Especially if you were only a Task Master. Oddly enough, Kal Shora did not react to the other's interuptions.
Perhaps the elder understood Varro Kai's predictament. Perhaps the elder just did not care and Varro Kai was not worth the time to waste before the Junction Campaign.
The injustice of everything Varro Kai had experienced at the machinations of Lohr, the ranking Priest attached to his fleet, from a caste that burned like a canker on the soles of his feet.
Would he have unsheathed his blade and dug the canker from his skin with all the contempt it deserved!
Kal Shora was watching the younger Task Master intently and eventually, as Kal Shora knew would happen, the younger man bowed his head and said tonelessly, "I obey."
The Elder nodded as if he expected nothing less.
And Kai's fleet left Se'T'ap'a'r'odar amid preparations for further Dominion glory. Glory, however, that would be shared by those who earned the trust of the Grand Judicator.
~ Faith ~
"He resents my presence. I can feel it, High Elder. I question the very motives of his desire to continue Borleas' great design."
The High Elder narrowed his eyes at the Priest Lohr. "I do not trust him." the elder relented as if passing a military secret out for the twitching ears of the priest. As if sharing some sort of confidence that bound the two males in comon cause.
Neither were naive enough to fall for it.
"Is that the reason for the nature of his current task?" the priest asked slyly.
"I want you to watch him. I cannot have him or his fleet take part in the greater glory of the Dominion while there still lies questions regarding his ultimate loyalty. If there is treachery, find it and quickly!"
"I obey the will of Borleas." intoned Lohr. It was not quite on the level of "I obey" but it would suffice.
For now.
"Carry out this trust and there might open up positions more suited to your pious needs, Priest." the Elder smoothly offered and the priest nodded his acceptance of the terms.
"He will come back bonded or broken, High Elder."
"Then go. Your vessel will need to catch up."
"He wouldn't dare to leave the system without the protection of our Caste!" Lohr couldn't help but boast. "According to the will of Borleas."
"According to the will of Borleas," the High Elder concluded before switching off.
The Priest's vessel was propelling itself away from the planet's gravity well and would soon disappear from view.
Looking at the area where the Task Master's fleet would be gathering and where the Priest's escorts would join, his lips separated revealing a grin baring sharpened teeth.
"Prove yourself to me." he said to himself.