The Black (Zonama Sekot)
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2004 9:48am
Two Week Previous

The long range sensor logged and catalouged hundereds of long range targets per second, its highly attuned system Identifying stars one by one for further identification. Following along this system was a second array of long range sensors designed to scan over each of these stars for signs of additional gravity bodies making a pull on the stars natural tilt. When these stars were identified they were then seperately catagorized, which another, third, set of long range sensors then work to analyze. This set of sensors then works to Identify how many orbiting bodies, what positions in the system they might occupy and what type of bodies they may be.

The number of long range sensors may seem extranous, but it keeps the system in operation much more efficently. The pure ammount of visible stars versus the ammount of scanning equipment available makes this a neccesary scanning agenda. It was during one of these second long scans that one of hundreds systems registered with not only a planetary body, but a singularly large body within an area of stellar orbit known as the Alice zone. This world was designated AAAZ-111110 and was the recipiant of a scanner probe launch. Amongst the many wooshes of Probe launches a second, the pod labled for the planet of its destonation was sent on its way. An automated sequance unbequething of actuall interaction, the move was made.

One Week Previous

The probe exited hyperspace on the edge of the system, it was merely a nanosecond before it aligned itself again and re-entered Hyperspace on a new vector deeper in system. It was how the probe operated, in case the system was inhabited with unfriendlies, to best not betray its prescence directly, it remained hyperspace operable. Coming to a right angle to its next jump it exited hyperspace, collecting hundreds of gigabytes of data on the intended planet as it did before leaping back into hyperspace a nanosecond later. It would repeat this process a number of times to collect data on the planet before sending back to the Galactic Mapping Project Headquarters its collected data on the target.

Over 11,000 kilometers in diameter, this world fell well within the Alice zone, a great character for native population relocation. A verdant ecosystem could be detected on the planet already, that would save in the high costs of terraforming. On a deeper inspection the sensors registered what seemed to be at length a massive array of what appeared to be a Hyperdrive, closer inspection would be required. Moving within a hyperjump the Probe exited inside the planets Gravity shadow radius. Activating its sensors a final time it deep scanned the planet, relaying its data back to GMP headquarters.


As the data was confirmed the relay suddenly shut down and no additional data has been recieved since. It is amongst conjecture that the planets gravity cuased the probe to crash, but an expidition has been sent from the Black Tion Hegemony to investigate. The ships of the expidition should be arriving now, we expect a full analysis of the system as well as a failure report on the probe. Perhaps there was more to this mere planetary system than meets the eye...
Posts: 292
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2004 8:50pm
Captain Sully Anre lowered his eyes to the collection of datapads surrounding him. "I see our little probe has brought quite a number of progress reports before its failure," he said quietly. "It seems to conclude this planet has a flourishing ecosystem, as well as a hyperdrive mechanism installed deep within its core. Has Commander Pegent and our scientific team analyzed this data? And do we know of its natives?" He plucked a datapad from his desk and tapped on its display.

Lt. Cmdr. Kix Davin thought back to that awkward scene months ago, when the Risban envoy approached them after their landing and attempted at futile negotiations. "I have recieved confirmation from them that this is accurate. BDE sources have reported that they are 99.9% certain this is the living planet named Zenoma Sekot. So far, the Black Dragon Empire have successfully kept the public at bay from this information as well as the Tholatin Republic, where is it rumored to be in its system. As far as natives, BDE sources report there are two species, the Ferroans and the Langhesi."

"The Tholatin Republic is of no concern," Sully said coldly. "By the time we arrive to this location, confirm of Zenoma Sekot's existance, make negotiations with it, and take it with us back to the Black Tion Hegemony, the Tholatins will be too late to take any action."

He leaned forward, tapped two controls on his board. The holoprojector on his desk came to life and displayed a tactical map of the current position of his small fleet in hyperspace. "We should be exiting hyperspace now. Commander Pegent should be giving the announcement at any second. But at the moment we have more pressing matters to consider," he continued, leaning back on his seat again. "First, we must see to the successful negotiations with the Sekot natives and their convincing to return to our system. According to the history banks, Zenoma Sekot has displayed its success in driving back Yuuzong Vong forces, so we know taking the planet by force is futile."

The intercom broke the conversation. "Sleeping Death and our fleet exiting hyperspace into Alice Zone." The Star Destroyer made a slight lurch as the hyperdrives kicked off and the sublight engines roared to life.

Davin weighed the risks involved, especially after knowing of Sekot's capabilities, especially if the planet is a living organism. "And if the negotiation fails?"

"There are contingencies," Sully assured him. "Despite these, we will still proceed to the next step of our plan."

He gestured toward the tactical map. "What's even more important right now, though, is that we insure the momentum of our secrecy. So far, our mission is reasonably on schedule, despite our progress within the Black Tion Hegemony. Risban has not resisted more firmly than anticipated and I am sure elsewhere on the surface, the general public have generally bowed to the Black Dragon Empire."

"I wouldn't consider any of the gains all that solid yet," Davin pointed out.

"Precisely," Sully nodded. "It all depends on our maintaining a strong and highly visible presence. And for that, it's vital that we maintain and expand our fleet of ships."

He paused. Kix looked at the tactical map, his mind racing as he searched for the response Sully was obviously waiting for him to come up with. Zenoma Sekot, almost halfway across the galaxy and deep inside the Tholatin Republic, had the capability to produce "living ships" to expand their fleet. But the planet loomed closely to their Republic and was well protected by their forces, in fact, surrounded by them.

He froze. Could it even be possible? Even if Sekot agreed to leave with them when they presented their offer? "Do you really think we can steal Zenoma Sekot from under the Tholatin Republic's noses?"

"That is indeed the question," Sully agreed. "There's a good chance we might-- I know their tactics and we have the advantage of being protected by Sekot. But it's not a risk we can afford to take."

Davin nodded, suppressing a shiver. He'd been wondering why the captain had been going through a number of historic files on this planet when the discovery was made. At the same time, he was looking for a few good men to choose for an intelligence mission. Intelligence units were trained in such nonmilitary methods as assassination and spying. Sij Olith was well-versed in this. It wasn't long ago he was dispatched on a highly secretive mission.

"Has Sij Olith been assigned on an intelligence mission, sir, or will you be sending in one?" Davin pressed.

"Sij Olith was more than adequate," Sully said. "His objective was to gather intelligence on the Tholatin Republic. its simple enough to make that reasonable he was the man for the job."

Davin frowned at the risk the entire fleet will take if the plan failed. But before he could interject a protest, the captain touched his board and the holo was replaced by a starmap of their outer surroudings. The planet of Zenoma Sekot lingered in the center of the hologram. "In the meantime, I think its time to underline the importance of taking hold of our prize. Do we have a follow-up report yet from Commander Pegent?"

"Yes, sir," Davin said, pulling it up on his datapad. "The fleet has arrived safely within the perimeter of Zenoma Sekot and are making multiple scans of the planet, as well, we are using various frequencies to hail it."

"Excellent," Sully said. "Once we have established contact with its natives, we will proceed to divulge to them the information about the break up of the Tholatin Republic and the rumoured coming of the Imperial Empire to take their holdings. Of course, that would be enough reason for negotiations to be positive."

"Yes, sir," Davin said, keeping to himself his doubts as to their chances of actually pulling this off. Anre presumably knew what he was doing. "One other thing, sir. Sij Olith has not reported in for some time. The only word was from his last position in space after we concluded our invasion of Risban. Our sensors have not found anything, yet."

"Unfortunate that has happened," Sully nodded. "Still... I presume he will make his presence known in due time. He still must see about this rumoured Imperial invasion of Geonosis within the Tholatin Republic. If it is false, at least the rumor will be enough to convince Zenoma Sekot to return with us to the Hegemony." The captain exhaled thoughtfully as he drew out a cigarra from his vest pocket. "Very well, continue your duties, Lt. Commander."

"Yes, sir."

For a moment Captain Anre gazed in silence at the holomap of Zenoma Sekot. Then, he looked up at Davin. "Lt. Commander, I want our envoy of diplomats ready to board our shuttles within 24 hours." He smiled thinly. "And brief Commander Pegent about what we have discussed when his duties are completed."

"Yes, sir." Davin turned and headed across the room, the muscles in his throat feeling tight.

A chime pinged as Sully exhaled the smoke from his lips, as he tapped a button with his hand holding his cigarra.

"Yes?" he demanded.

"This is Lt. Polum," he announced. "We've got something."

"What is it?" he raised a pierced eyebrow.

"Its Zenoma Sekot, sir," he remarked. "The planet has answered our hails and is granting us permission to land. It seems it is curious to our presence."

"Good," he replied. "Keep it curious until we arrive to its surface. Under no circumstances are we to execute any hostile attempts at it. Get our envoy ready as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir." The link cut off.

"Showtime," Sully whispered to himself, as he leaned back on his seat and took another drag of his cigarra...
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2004 1:49am
"You sure about letting them land? Last time a hostile people came here it was the Vong. And look what they did to our planet."

General Hector shook his head.

"Don't worry. THey'll have a surprise when they land. Lower the shields in sector 14 to allow them to land. Tell them one shuttle only. My forces are waiting for them all over the planet."


General Hector saluted the leader of Zonama. Walking out of the building, he took off with some of his guard towards the underground base ten miles from the capital. There he would coordinate the secret assault on the enemy as they attempted to take the planet.

"Unidentified vessels you have permission to land one shuttle at the homing beacon now active."

He cut off the transmission and waited. Elsewhere on the planet, thousands of troops were preparing to wage war on the enemy. If it came down to it, there were thousands of hide-away's all over the planet the troops could use as bases. The militia was already organized in the city, RPGC were waiting at the landing site in the woods and thousands more of them were spaced out all over the planet. The underground base went on lock down as soon as hector arrived. No one would ever know it was there.

30,000 Army
5,000 RPGC
-100 Demonite Knights
Posts: 292
  • Posted On: Feb 16 2004 10:10pm
Marching with blaster rifles held ceremonially across their chests, a line of black-armored stormtroopers filed down each of the three ramps. Behind them, emerging not from the center but from the rightmost of the shuttles, came a handful of midranking officers. Following them came a tall, wiry officer with dark hair and a protruding jaw: the diplomat of the Black Dragon Empire.

With its small reception committee beside him, the Ferroan diplomat walked toward the approaching group of BDE officials, trying to ignore the stares of the other officers. "Del Hamas of the Black Dragon Empire," he saluted in greeting. "Zenoma Sekot welcomes you. I am Genef of Ferroa." He nodded to the Langhesi next to him. "And this is Lupeen." The Langhesi nodded to Hamas. "How was your journey from the Tion Hegemony?"

"Delayed, but pleased to be here, but we must dispense with these pleasantries," Hamas said, inclining his head slightly. His presence, the Ferroans and the Langhesi decided, was even more impressive in person than they were on a holodisplay. And considerably more intimidating.

"I apologize for our somewhat less than formal greeting as well," Genef continued, waving a hand at his group. "As you have been informed, we've had an incident not too long ago with the Tholatin Republic, and it has not been settled."

The diplomat cocked an eyebrow. "I know. I'd have thought a person in your position would be able to deal with these entanglements, especially on a matter such as this."

The Ferroan smiled uneasily. "My kind can deal with any kind of threat especially with Zenoma Sekot as our protector. But there are some matters. This being-- how should I put it," Genef added, glancing significally at the stormtroopers, "--the matter of having your men displayed in such an intimidating fashion. The Tholatin armies stationed here are most anticipated to engage your kind at a moment's notice. General Hector of the Tholatin Republic has left to prepare his armies."

"Of course," Hamas said. "It is to be expected that the Tholatins would defend their territory, although their own ruler has declared this planet as no longer part of his province. That being the case, there is no reason for them to engage us," he reasoned. The BDE diplomat shrugged. "So-- interesting report I read while aboard my shuttle concerning your incident. Tell me about it." The entourage began to retreat deeper into the capital city as they made their way toward the government's mansion...

Governor Tor of the Tholatin Republic stood in silence at the center of the marble-floored office and listened patiently, as the diplomat named Del Hamas explained the transfer of Zenoma Sekot to the protection of BDE authority from the lingering threat of the Imperial Empire approaching. The Ferroan and Langhesi diplomats stood at his side. Both wore their exquisite robes of office and inscrutable expressions. Two dozen BDE stormtroopers protected the occupants of the room from the outside. The Ferroans had agreed to lower Sekot's shields completely to let forces from the Star Destroyer above to land.

Lt. Cmdr. Kix Davin resisted a smile under his storm commando's helmet as he eyed the politicians. Apparantly, the governor had believed right up to the end that a negotiation would be possible with the Imperial Empire, until the Black Dragon Empire showed up to provide the natives with protection, which in turn, convinced the Ferroans, the Langhesi, and Zenoma Sekot to side with them.

"It is bad enough, Del Hamas, that you dare to disrupt the peace of this planet, bad enough that the Black Dragon Empire dares to take this planet under our noses, but landing an entire army on Zenoma Sekot and occupying our city is too outrageous for words."

Tor was a tall, balding man with a sharply pointed nose and an even sharper tongue. He held the floor just at the moment, but Genef the Ferroan was getting tired of listening to him.

Kix glanced at the other officials through the polarized lenses of his storm commando helmet. Four of the governor's personal guards stood to one side, stripped of their weapons and helpless. The guards were stone-faced and hard-eyed as they watched his unit. Kix did not like the way those eyes were fixed on them.

Governor Tor's voice echoed through the cavernous chamber, rising to the high, vaulted ceiling, bouncing off the smooth, sunlit walls. "Del Hamas, I ask you point-blank." Tor was concluding his tirade. "How do you intend to explain this invasion to the Tholatin Republic?"

Kix laughed inside.

The diplomat's flat countenance managed a small flicker of humor. "The Tholatin Republic does not care about a small petty planet like Zenoma Sekot, Governor. Did you not read your government's announcement? They have forfeited all planets in their system and disbanded their fleets, I highly doubt they will send forces to counter what you call an invasion. We came to make an offer to the Ferroans and the Langhesi, the people who rightly reside here, and they accepted to be brought under the protection of the Black Dragon Empire. Your government has too many other things occupied on their plate at the moment. Did you not forget the Geonosis crisis happening at the moment? As well as the the blockade going on Tholatin?"

"Is that so?!" the governor exclaimed in astonishment. "Then perhaps I should remind you of our forces here in waiting on Zenoma Sekot."

Del Hamas exchanged a quick glance with the Ferroan leader. "Now, now, Governor," he purred. "Don't be too hasty with your words. Remember, you are alone now. The Tholatin Republic has abandoned you and your army to outside forces. We are here to offer protection to Zenoma Sekot and its natives. They have accepted our terms to return to us."

Tor's eyes were sharp with anger. "Then what do you suggest we do?"

Genof turned to Tor, the governor. "Zenoma Sekot, the people of the Ferroans, and the Langhesi have agreed to go under protection of the sovereignty of the Black Dragon Empire and return with them to their territories. You, in turn, have the choice in the matter. You, General Hector, and your armies may return with us as "guests" of the BDE. Your second choice is the BDE will grant you passage away from Zenoma Sekot back to your homes on Tholatin. The third option is simply, war. But be assured, we will not coorperate in this matter, neither will Zenoma Sekot. He has agreed to return with the BDE, whether a war is occuring upon his surface or not."

Hamas signaled for one of his troops. A squad of black-armored stormtroopers faced the governor, his top aide, and his personal guards. Lupeen, the Langhesi diplomat, offered a suggestion to the Tholatin official.

"Governor Tor, we will grant you permission to leave the city and speak with your general. Be quick as to inform as to where his army stands..."
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Feb 17 2004 4:16am
Hector looked up as the door unexpectedly opened. Raising an eyebrow quizzicaly at the man standing there, he stood and offered a quick salute befor emotioning the man to a seat in front of him. The man before him looked uneasy, and that uneasiness was what threw Hector off.

"What's going on, Governor Tor?"

"Our resistance here is futile, General. We must leave now."

"But I have express orders from Prince Vondiranach not to give up here."

Tor shook his head.

"Tholatin's being blockaded, and they have a much larger force here than we thought."

"I see."

"And they've offered to let us go."

"Not sure if I believe that. But if you believe it's in our best intentions then so be it."

One Hour Later

Tor had given a comm message to the BDE forces that they would accept their offer to leave for Tholatin. And minutes after the BDE forces received this message, thousands of Sekotian ships lifted off from the planets far side and sent the TTP troops back towards Tholatin.
Posts: 292
  • Posted On: Feb 18 2004 10:02pm
Hanging in midair over the landscapes of Zenoma Sekot, rotating slowly like a hovering hawkbat searching for prey, was an assault shuttle.

It finished its circle and settled gingerly to the torn-up ground near the lush forests. Even before it was completely down, the ramp dropped and began disgorging black-armored stormtroopers of the BDE.

Their stay wasn't long. Two groups of BDE stormtroopers disappeared into the Sekot forest, while the rest walked around the edge of it, probing with eyes and portable sensors into the forest. After a few minutes, those inside the forest emerged, and what seemed to be a short meeting was held between them at the base of the shuttle ramp. At an inaudible command the outer ring of searchers came back in to join them, and the whole squad trooped into their ship. The ramp sealed, and the suttle disappeared once more into the sky as they continued their search, leaving nothing but the hum of its repulsorlifts behind. A minute later, even that was gone.

They left behind portable sensors planted near the edge of the forest, in case the militia exited near the outskirts of it.

Standard military procedure, as the search continued for any resistance to the BDE's takeover of the planet...

On the main bridge screen, showing as little more than a bright spot against Zenoma Sekot's backdrop, the Sekotian ships made its jump to lightspeed. "They're clear, Captain," Lieutanant Polum announced, looking over at his superior.

"Good." The rugged captain gave the other displays an almost lazy examination, though there was little to worry about, especially with the threat of the Tholatin Republic no longer present.

"So," he said, swiveling his chair around. "What is our progress?"

"They will fufill their mission," the bridge officer said, that strangely taut expression on his face again. "Commander Pegent has assured me before he left, he had enough manpower, supplies, and weapons to accomplish the task."

"Excellent," Sully replied with obvious satisfaction. "They will have no problems getting in and out of their cities to return to deal with the small rebellion." He reached up to stroke his chin, "How long do you estimate the commander will take to establish Zenoma Sekot cleared of resistance?"

"Several days at the least, Captain," Polum told him. "Depending on how much resistance, it could take as long as three or four weeks."

"Very well. Inform Commander Pegent to continue his reports from the surface concerning the militia resistance. I want them eliminated as quickly as possible. Without the support of the Tholatin army, the militia on the surface will die. I also want another progress report from Del Hamas and his continuing negotiations with the natives. I need a timeframe when Sekot will be ready to make the jump to hyperspace back home. I trust that would be satisfactory as an order?" he added, looking back at his officer.

"Yes." Lieutanant Polum replied, with an added nod.

Carefully, Sully pulled himself from his chair and stood up. "I will rest now, Lieutanant. Alert me if there is any problems."

"Yes, Captain."

Polum watched the captain wend his way back across the bridge; and as the doors slid solidly shut behind him, the BDE bridge officer turned to the crew pits below the command walkway.

"You heard the Captain. Have Commander Pegent report any progress on the surface, and have him send an update on the planet's readiness to make its jump," Polum ordered, his voice cold but steady...

"Acknowledged, Sleeping Death," Commander Pegent said into his helmet comlink, careful to keep the quiet scorn in his gut from getting through to his voice. It was typical... typical and disgustingly predictable. You scrambled around like mad womprats, got your troops and vehicles on the ground and set up before the enemy attacked... and then you get word the enemy leaves unconditionally from the planet.

Well, at least we have a bit of militia to use as targets, he thought sardonically in the direction of the landscape ahead. Because whether Captain Anre was interested in real results or just a good rousing show, he was going to get his credit's worth. Reaching to the board in front of him, he keyed for local command frequency. "Commander Pegent to all units: we've got the light. Let's go."

The acknowledgements came in; and with a shiver from the steel deck beneath him, the huge AT-AT walker was off, lumbering its deceptively awkward-looking way through the plains toward the forests a kilometer away. Ahead of the AT-AT, occasionally visible through the armored transparisteel viewport, a pair of AT-ST scout walkers ran in twin-point formation, tracking along the AT-AT's path and watching for enemy positions or booby traps.

Not that such futile gestures would do the resistance any good. Pegent had directed assault patrols in his years of service in the Black Dragon Empire, and he knew full well the awesome capabilities of the fighting machines under his command.

Beneath the viewport, the holographic tactical display was lit up like a decorative disk, the winking red, blue, and green lights showing the positions of Pegent's circle of AT-AT's, AT-ST's, and hoverscout attack vehicles, all closing on the forests and its surroundings in good order.

Good, but not perfect. The rear-flank AT-AT and its support vehicles were lagging noticeably behind the rest of the armored noose. "Unit Six, bring it up," he said into his comlink.

"Trying, sir," the voice came back, tinny and distant through the strange dampening effects of Zenoma Sekot's rich flora. "We're encountering some thick vine clusters that are slowing down our scout walkers."

"Is it bothering your AT-AT any?"

"No, sir, but I wanted to keep the flank together."

Pegent broke the connection with a snort. The captain was right about one thing, at least... his troops were going to need a lot more battle seasoning before they would be up to face with the rest of the factions within the galaxy. Still, the raw material was there. Even as he watched, the rear flank reformed itself, with the hoverscouts spreading forward to take up the AT-ST's former point positions while the lagging AT-ST's themselves fell back into rear-guard deployment.

The energy sensor beeped a proximity warning: they were coming up on the forest ahead. "Status?" he asked his crew.

"All weapons charged and ready," the gunner reported, his eyes on the targeting displays.

"No indications of resistance," the driver added.

"Stay alert," Commander Pegent ordered, keying for command frequency again. "All units... move in."

And with a final crash of mangled vegetation, the AT-AT broke through into the forests.

It was an impressive sight. From all sides of the forested area, in nearly perfect parade-ground unison, the other six AT-ATs appeared inside the forest cover in the afternoon sun, the AT-STs and hoverscouts clustered around their feet quickly fanning out on all sides to encircle the perimeters of the trees ahead.

Commander Pegent gave the sensors a quick but thorough check. There was no evidence of operating sensors, or of weapons or energy fields. The life-form analyzer ran through its complicated algorithms and concluded that the surroundings were devoid of life.

The dense forest to the east, on the other hand...

"I'm getting life-form readings from the east, Commander," the number four AT-AT pilot reported. "All well buried inside the dense forest."

"I believe they register as our targets, sir. Shall we commence and move forward?" Pegent's driver murmured.

"So they think they could hide in the trees?" Pegent grunted, looking out the viewport. "Let's find out. Assault squads... GO!"
Posts: 292
  • Posted On: Feb 19 2004 8:20pm
<img border=0 src="" />

High above the orbit of the emerald planet of Zenoma Sekot, the task force assembled for its jump back to the Hegemony.

"Zenoma Sekot has just reported in, Captain," the communications officer told his superior. "They confirm course is ready, and request order update."

"Inform our ambassador, Del Hamas, there have been no changes," Sully told him, standing at the starboard viewport and gazing out at the shadowy shapes gathered around Sleeping Death, all but the closest indentifiable only by the distinctive patterns of their running lights. It was a small impressive fleet, one worthy of the mission they accomplished: three Zen-class cruisers, two of the Shoto-class cruisers, and thirty full squadrons of TIE fighters standing ready in their hangar bays. The best news of all is that his task force had suffered no losses. The negotiations were a success and a peaceful resolve was accomplished in taking the planet.

"Status on the fleet, Lieutanant?" Sully's voice came quietly from behind him.

Lt. Polum turned to face the captain. "All ships are ready, sir," he reported. "The navicomputers have charted out their course; all forces on the ground are prepped and manned. I think we're ready."

The captain nodded, his piercing eyes sweeping the field of running lights around them. "Excellent," he murmured. "What word from Commander Pegent?"

The question threw Polum off stride-- he hadn't thought about events on the surface for the last several hours. "I don't know, Captain," he confessed, looking over Sully's shoulder at the communications officer. "Ensign-- the last report from the Sekot strike force?"

The other was already calling up the record. "It was a routine report from Commander Pegent, sir," he said. "Time log... ten hours, seven minutes ago. He reported he had engaged the resistance and has them on the run."

Captain Anre turned to face him. "Ten hours to break the resistance?" he repeated, his voice suddenly very quiet and very impressed. "Even I underestimated our noble commander."

For a handful of heartbeats the captain just stood there, silent. "Very well," he said at last, a smile appearing for the first time in a long time. "I believe our mission has finally come to its conclusion."

Sully turned back to the communications officer. "Signal Zenoma Sekot," he ordered. "Inform them we are leaving Tholatin space."

"Yes, sir."

Captain Anre turned back to the viewport. The distant fleet, bathed in the light of Zenoma Sekot's sun, just sat there looking innocent. "Sekot and the fleet are ready," the comm man reported.

Sully nodded.

"Time mark," the captain ordered.

"Time marked," one of his deck officers acknowledged.

Sully looked at Polum. "Is my flagship ready, Lieutanant?" he asked the formal question.

"Sleeping Death is fully at your command, Captain," the bridge officer gave the formal answer.

"The order is given." There was a tight smile on Dodonna's face. "Engage all hyperdrives and let us return home with our prize..."
Posts: 2915
  • Posted On: Feb 19 2004 10:12pm

His form bereft the stones with the loud crush of his every step. It was a dramatized movement, for a God was nothing if he did not live up to his image and his followers expectations. It truely was not him, but an Avatar made from what was him essentialy, to do his bidding and follow his command. His movements were seemless even through the large metalic armour he bore as a symbol of his status.

The Cathedral was a massive one from ancient days long past. Lit by mere candles, the cieling was unseeable in its pitch darkness. The buildings of yore remained untouched by the technology of new, it was the way things had been, the way things must be. The pillars that held the building together ran parrellel to the long strip of limestone that ran down the center of the floor. It was down this path the Avatar of God himself strode, his form dwarfed by the pillars but seemingly imposing himself on them at the very same time.

The Cathedral had been built when the city of Creanzal had been a small one, its location dramaticaly set on a mountainside steep overlooking the sprawling young upstart. The designers had an obvious eye for the artistic value of it, but no foresight for the future. As it would turn out, the mountainside was unsteady, and the early attempts of city developers to expand the city only served to ruin the tranquility of the mountain itself. In the preceeding years the steepe the Cathedral sat on slowly formed into a slope and threatened to topple the massive construct into the city below.

This was the Cathedrals last day, it had been scheduled for Dissassemble in merely a few hours. Its design would be copied and reproduced elsewhere for historic value, but this Cathedral itself had seen its last sunrise. Coming to a stop he stood just before the Balcony at the Cathedrals end, the wear and tear over the last century had already broken the railing off the edge of the working.

Regardless, a man stood there alone, clad in red and black, hands clasped before him, his gaze peering across the towering city as it stood from the balconies vantage point. He wore the red cap and symbols to distinguish him as a Cardinal, though none were registered to this old building. Surely he must have anticipated this moment as much as the Gods he served and had chosen this place as his meeting. It surely did have an semblance of the situation at hand at first glance.

"So you have come" He spoke softly, not once turning from the cityscape before them.

"Indeed, Do you have any clue why I called for your services on this?" The Avatar spoke, moving closer to the balcony but never leaving the confines of the cathedral.

"I had assumed it was becuase of my past involvement in such operations."

"A very astute observation. Yes, you are the most noteable curator of such... Cardinal Cross."

"..." His mouth opened lightly as he saw with which he was speaking before he bowed his head, quickly crossing his chest as he bowed lowly, "..My appologies, had I only known it was you that summoned me my lord..."

"Now Alex, this is not the time to castrate yourself before me, I have given you a most Holy command, a consecration of a world in which to embark upon. You know all the specifics, your duty is clear."

Lifting his head from the bow, he faced the appearance of the God once more. "Yes my Lord, your word is my command."

Looking out across the cityscape the Avatar of God began to fade, the material it was made with becoming immaterial as the dissassemblers inside ate away at it.

Zenoma Sekot

A vision...

Not just any vision, but a vision of the Lord of the Heavens. A vision of the creator of all Dameun kind. A tingle of excitement shot down the Cardinal’s spine as he quickly rushed back into the confines of himself. He had work to do. For nearly three centuries Dameo had been void of any religious vision of the Gods. And for three centuries the planet had awaited in silent revelry awaiting the time when the Gods would once again come forth and give them guidance.

“Bishop O’Malley.” Cardinal Cross’ voice spoke up softly behind the Bishop of the Cathedral. He was an elderly man of nearly sixty five with a bald head covered by the crimson hood that distinguished him. The Bishop looked up from his silent prayers and smiled.

“Ah, Cardinal Cross.” He extended his arms forth in welcome, and embraced the Cardinal with a warm smile. “It’s been nearly ten years since I last saw you in these parts.”

Alex nodded his head and returned the Bishop’s smile. “Indeed it has. I’ve come under the gravest of circumstances Bishop, for I have had a vision.”

Almost immediately, the Bishop’s face fell into a stern seriousness. He listened as Alex continued, obviously very intrigued by what the Cardinal had to say. “The Lord of Heavens and of Dameunkind has declared a holy consecration to reclaim the holy lands, Bishop.” The two of them slowly started to walk through the desolate confines of the shadowed Cathedral at one another’s side.

The Bishop’s light blue eyes seemed to team with excitement. “It’s been nearly forty years since the Gods have revealed themselves unto a mortal Dameun, Cardinal Cross. You must truly be gifted. Tell me,” he continued as Alex carefully folded his hands before him “What will you call the Holy Consecration?”

“The Black in honor of the Goddess of Hell.”

The Bishop smiled. “Come. We have much work to do.”

It was a Grand ceremony. An illustrious formation of starfighters carefully maneuvered through the towering buildings of the ancient city with am impressive display of piloting maneuvers. The seemingly endless formation of well ordered troops stood as a symbol of the unrelenting dedication to the Gods, and there every will and desire. They had prepared for this day since there forefathers had prophesized it, the coming of the Lord of the Heavens, and the Holy Quest he would bestow upon them to restore the glory of the Dameun people. They marched through the cobblestone streets as massive crowds of people gathered to bid there farewells to there loved ones and to toss confetti and wave hanker chiefs. On the outsides of the troop formations, an endless array of religious figures held banners, each symbolizing a God, or Demigod of the Dameun people. Centered at the head of the army marched Cardinal Cross, brazenly decorated in an crimson and black battle armor said to have been forged by the hands of the gods themselves centuries earlier. Flanking him on either side were two Bishops, each carrying a single banner dedicated to the God of the Heavens, Taja Raktus.

The roar of the crowds nearly drowned out the howl of the starfighter engines as they continued to carefully maneuver in and out of the towers, and around the Cathedral of the Taja itself. As the marching armies came to a halt, the Cardinal took his position on the durasteel ramp of one of the many shuttles that would carry he and his men into the heavens to weild an ancient weapon of the gods known as the Peacemaker. With the ceremonial wave of his hand, the men cheered and raised there weapons high as the women and children's eyes filled with tears of joy, worry and sorrow.
Posts: 292
  • Posted On: Feb 19 2004 10:50pm
On the surface on Zenoma Sekot...

The smell of death was radiant among the surface of Zenoma Sekot, as the confrontation ended finally and the resistance was quashed by the forces of the Black Dragon Empire. Legions of black-armored stormtroopers overlooked the charred, scattered bodies of the militia who were unfortunate in escaping from the clutches of their enemies. The more fortunate of the rebels surrendered themselves to their captors, extending their arms in full submission as the BDE troopers rounded them up into single files to be deported to prison camps, and for punishment for their rebellion.

Among those walking about the forested landscape inspecting the aftermath of the battle, was a older man clad in black. His long, silvery hair distinguished him from the officers and soldiers of the Black Dragon Empire, as he looked at each dead rebel displayed as they laid sprawled on the bloodied soil of the planet. Their faces of death amused him. How dare these fools think they had hope to escape the clutches of the Imperium? In a sense he was angered the Tholatin Republic had helped them, since ultimately they were responsible for their demise. The Tholatins led them to a false hope which now had taken them to their deaths. Granted, there were a few that did escape, but eventually they would be caught in due time.

A slight smile twitched at the edge of his mouth as he enjoyed the sight of victory that he led into the forest, with his small army of troops and forces. Commander Pegent continued his stroll, until an officer interrupted his quiet pacing.

"Commander Pegent, it is done. All the surviving militia have been accounted for, as well as the ones that have perished in the uprising. Only a few had escaped, but our patrols have been dispatched to locate them." The officer paused for a second, then relayed a more unfortunate report.

"As far as the natives... some have perished from the rebellion within the cities. Seems the militia were desperate in their plight to even cause casualties among them," he reasoned.

Commander Pegent raised an eyebrow, then closed his eyes for a brief second. "Unfortunate but predictable. Zenoma Sekot was a living planet that seemed to be a god to the natives, but a military resource to the Tholatins. Seems their militia was more interested in the latter. No matter now... it is ours..." An evil smile suddenly appeared across his face.

The officer nodded. "As it should be, Commander. The natives have reported Zenoma Sekot will soon be exiting hyperspace and we will be within the Tion Hegemony within a few hours."

"Good. Continue your search in finding anymore rebels that are still clinging in taking this planet and eliminate them. We have enough prisoners in our camps already. Is that clear?" His piercing glance was boring into the young trooper.

The officer swallowed nervously, "It is clear, Commander Pegent. They will not escape."

"Good. It would be unfortunate if I have to report this to Captain Anre. I can imagine what he would do to the likes of you if we lose this planet to them because of your failure... he may leave it to me to arrange your disposal," his voice lowering to a whisper. The officer paled a bit. Pegent smiled wickedly again as he did an about face toward the AT-AT walker.

"I will be heading to the city to arrange a location for Zenoma Sekot. It is to be hidden within the Hegemony when it exits hyperspace..." The Commander quickly disappeared into the entrance of his AT-AT, as he retreated from the lighted areas of the forests...