TGN Head contacts Teebo
  • Posted On: Jan 11 2002 5:39am
*as Mon Cal, TRE and other ships fire incessantly at each other and threats of victory and/or defeat loom near, a Medium Transport, known throughout the galaxy as flagships of the Galactic Negotiators comes into view. The markings match those of a ship on both sides' databases as the ship of TGN's head, the NR Diplomat, Aron Antilles.*

Aron: Captain, please try to patch me in with Emperor Teebo. We can be of help here...not militarily, but in an effort to make a armistice while we make a peace treaty.

Captain: Yes, sir.

*Psssssssshhhhhhhh...Teebo pops up on the visual screen.*

Aron: Teebo. Listen here...this conflict has to stop before we find the whole galaxy engulfed in it. Now, I would like you and Emperor Fearsons to each send an ambassador. Neither will be armed, neither will I. They will enter my diplomacy chamber without escort. They will enter by themselves, or not at all. And "not at all" will be enough to have me endorse this war...something thats never happened, but could. No hostility...only diplomacy. Emperor Fearsons is already aware of this offer. Emperor Teebo, of the Mon Calamari Fleet...I offer you a chance at an armistice with TRE while we negotiate a peace treaty, with myself as an impartial moderator at the you accept or yield?
  • Posted On: Jan 12 2002 12:28am
"I accept. I will send Gavyn Sykes, my aid. Where would you like to meet?"
  • Posted On: Jan 12 2002 2:40am
Send your aid in a transport to my flagship, from which I am communicating. We have diplomacy chambers here. Emperor Fearsons will be sending an ambassador of his choosing. You may send your representative at 0800. At 1300, we will pause for a one hour lunch and resume negotiations at 1400 until 1800, if necessary.