Captain Amkbar, the captain of the vessel, Swift Liberty, the newest MC-300 in the Kessel Attack Fleet saw Tammar appear in front of him. Tammar was to be taken at all costs, not that there was much of a chance of having any losses and surviving, as the takeover fleet consisted of only one MC-300 and ten AT-HA. The rest of the MCR fleet was either defending a planet, or of helping IFE repel a TNO attack on Teth. No doubt a feirce battle was going to be going on there. That had nothing to do with his mission though. All he had to do was beat the megear Tammar defense fleet and then land the troops on the planet, a very easy task. The ten AT-HAs would hopefully be able to ward off any fighters attacks. The battle would start soon.
"Tell the AT-HAs to un hook from our hull."
The AT-HAs turned off their magnetic grapple, and flouted away. When they were far enough away from the MC-300, they turned on their engines.
"This is the AT-HAs calling Captain Amkbar. Where's they enemy?"
"The enemy is directly infront of you. You are free to engae any fighters."
The enemy fleet consited of one victory MK.II and a carrack cruiser, a force nobody would brag about. The carrack cruiser launched it's fighters. They appeared to be Ulgies. Captain Amkbar wondered why the Victory star destroyer hadn't launched it's fighters. Oh well, maybe they didn't have any fighters. He would have to get on with the attack.
"Concentrate proton torpedo fire on the Carrack cruiser. Fire all other weapons at the victory star destroyer."
"Yes sir."
The battle began.
"Tell the AT-HAs to un hook from our hull."
The AT-HAs turned off their magnetic grapple, and flouted away. When they were far enough away from the MC-300, they turned on their engines.
"This is the AT-HAs calling Captain Amkbar. Where's they enemy?"
"The enemy is directly infront of you. You are free to engae any fighters."
The enemy fleet consited of one victory MK.II and a carrack cruiser, a force nobody would brag about. The carrack cruiser launched it's fighters. They appeared to be Ulgies. Captain Amkbar wondered why the Victory star destroyer hadn't launched it's fighters. Oh well, maybe they didn't have any fighters. He would have to get on with the attack.
"Concentrate proton torpedo fire on the Carrack cruiser. Fire all other weapons at the victory star destroyer."
"Yes sir."
The battle began.