Takeover of Endor(IFF)
  • Posted On: Jan 12 2002 6:30pm
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Darth Bill onboard the Terror of Togoria watched Endor. Just a day ago he had been there and had conducted negotiations with Emperor Fearsons. He had stayed while Fearsons had left. Some of the Iron Fist Fleet was coming and would be here soon. He would take the planet where he had just had negotiations. He would own the "neutral" territory. Suddenly the rest of the attack force came out of hyperspace. The takeover would commence soon.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
  • Posted On: Jan 13 2002 1:39am
fleet manifest:
1 Imperial SD- <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Terror of Togoria<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
1 Victory Star Destroyer- <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Terrorisier<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
1 Interdictor Cruiser
1 lancer frigates
72 TIE Defenders-onboard Terror of Togoria
72 TIE Defenders-onboard Killer
60 TIE Defenders-onboard Revenge
2 missile boats-onboard Revenge
72 missile boats-onboard Vegeance
204 TIE defenders
6 sentenails
228 TIE Defenders

The ships split up and the fighters on patrol around the planet. Suddenly on the night side they found a huge fleet. It consisted of 3 imperial SDs MKIIs, 204 TIE Defenders, 1 victory SD MKII, 1 nebuloen-b, 1 carrack cruiser, 1 corellian gunship and a corellian corvette. On the planet the had readings of at least 5 planetary ion cannons. A gangkor MKI shield was protecting the planet. The fighters rereated to the other capital ships. Darth Bill was surprised. Why and how did the ewoks have a huge fleet like this one? Unless they were being enslaved, another group had to be trying to take the planet. Darth Bill casted aside all of those thoughts. He would take no interference in this takeover. The capital ships had come back together. The enemy ones were outnumbered.
  • Posted On: Jan 14 2002 9:04pm
Darth Bill watched as five more sentenials came out of hyperspace. With them came Mad Dog, Battle Dog and Red Dog. The Star Destroyers formed up with the rest of the ships, as the sentenials kept out of range of the enemy ships.
"Tell the fighters and the lancer to attack the enemy fighters. Tell the sentenials to stay away."
"The sentenials ask you to reconsider."
"Because they could help kill the fighters."
"And they might get killed so that they can't transport the troops. No theu don't go in."
"Sir we have numerous contacts coming up from the planet..
"What are they."
"Profile says TIE defenders and E-wings. Speed says X-wings or better."
"How many of each?"
"One hundred and fourty-four TIE defenders, same number of E-wings."
"Tell the lancer and fighters to retreat. They only fight once the battle has started."
The fighters and lancer retreated. The enemy capital ships came into range. The corellian corvette, corellian gunship, carrack cruiser and nebulon-B slashed in on the Terror of Togoria. The Killer shot at the corvette as it passed stopping it dead in space. The Victory MKII was following in the corveetes wake and it exchanged some shots with the Killer on its way by. The killer moved forward and started shooting on the first imperial Star Destroyer. The Revenge came in and helped. The Vegeance and Joker went after the second and Battle Dog and Red Dog went after the third. The Mad Dog shot on the nebulon-B taking it out and the Terrorisier shot on the Carrack cruiser stopping it dead in space. Then the two of them converged on the victory Star Destroyer MKII. The Terror of Togoria fired on the corellian gunships taking it out. Then it went and helped against the victory MKII. Its shields held for a moment and then started to colapse. The second salvo took its shields down and the third destroyed it. The Terror of Togoria helped against the first imperial SD whose shields were at forty percent. The fighters by that time had roared in and taken out almost all of the enemy fighters. Then they retreated as the lancer came in shooting quad laser cannon bolts in all directions. The enemy fighter were soon all destroyed and the lancer followed in the fighters wake taking it out. The Mad Dog had gone and helped against the second imperial SD which was in a similar state as the first. The Mad Dog rocked as eighty concussion missiles launched. It rocked again as another eighty launched. It fired all of its turbolasers and the star destroyer was leaking atmosphere into space. the firts was also dead and the thirs had surrendered when it saw the might of the Iron Fist Fleet. The ship then started firing on the shields which covered all of the planet. the shields held for one salvo and another and aother. Then suddenly on the ground a ion cannons emerged from underground. It fired on Terror of Togoria. Three blue ion bolts hit it as another missed it by three meters. The fourth had been aimed at the bridge. Suddenly a hole appeared in the shields. The sentenials moved towards the capital ships and loaded up with troops. The fighter spread out and flew intowards the ion cannon. They took it out and the sentenials came down and the troops walked off into the forest to capture the shields generator and ion cannons. The troops were the Iron Fist Fleet's finest. They would do what ever it took to do their job.

Fleet manifest:
1 imperial SD MKII Red Dog
1 imperial SD MKII Battle Dog
1 Imperial SD MKII Revenge
1 Imperial SD MKII Vegeance
1 Imperial SD MKII Killer
1 Imperial SD MKII Joker
1 Imperial SD- Terror of Togoria
1 Victory Star Destroyer-Mad Dog
1 Victory Star Destroyer-Terrorisier
1 Interdictor Cruiser
1 lancer frigates
72 TIE Defenders-onboard Terror of Togoria
72 TIE Defenders-onboard Killer
60 TIE Defenders-onboard Revenge
2 missile boats-onboard Revenge
72 missile boats-onboard Vegeance
204 TIE defenders
11 sentenails
228 TIE Defenders
  • Posted On: Jan 18 2002 2:51am
Sanctuary Moon of Endor.
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Darth Bill's comlink beeped. Activating he said.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Yes Darth Bill here."
"Sir we have some riots on Teth."
"What kind of riots?"
"Citizens protesting with weapons like blasters and concussion grenades. They want the old gouveneur back."
"Damm. Oh well i will send part of the fleet under Admiral Snowkan's command."
"Thank you sir."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The secretary signed off and Darth Bill returned to the battle at hand. The troops had landed and where about to begin taking down the planetary guns.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Get Admiral Snowkan here now."
"Yes sir."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> A few minutes later Admiral Snowkan walked in.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"You wanted me?"
"Yes. The citizens of Teth have rioted. I want you to take Killer, Revenge and Terroisier there and stop the riots. Oh you can have 14 squads of TIE Defenders as well. After you stop the riots leave Killer and 6 squads of TIE defenders there and fly to Tanaab. There you will leave Terrorisier as well as two squad of TIE Defenders and then fly to Togoria. Stay there with the remaining ships."
"Yes sir I will get on it right away."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The ships named flew to Teth.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Jan 26 2002 5:21pm
Admiral Snowkan reached Teth. He contacted the secretary. She came up on the screen.
"Where are the riots on the world?"
"No where. I made that up. Now you will die."
A fleet came out of hyperspace. It consisted of 1 imperial SD MKII, one victory MKI and one victory MKII. oviously the secretary hadn't thought that the Ion Fist Empire would send such a big force to stop a riot. The fleet charged at the Iron Fist Empire fleet. They were out gunned. This was suicided for them thought Admiral Snowkan.
"Tell Revenge to fire on the Imperial MKII. LUanch the fighters. Tell Terror of Teth to shot that Victory MKI. tell Killer to get that victory MKII."
"Yes sir. The fighters have launched. The enemy doesn't appear to have any fighters."
"Tell the fighters to go after that Vicotyr MKI with Terror of Teth."
"Yes sir."
An aide came rushing up.
"Sir we have a carrack cruiser and two lancer frigates on the long range scopes. The carrack cruiser seems to have been modified to have laser cannons instead of ion cannons."
"Tell the fighters to do one pass then to get those lancers. They are to stand out of laser range but in side of missiling duty range. They fire slavo's of missiles at them."
"Yes sir."
The fighters roared in on the vicotry star destroyer MKI. They shot a salvo of concussion missiles at it. Then they dodged friendly and enemy fire alike to get out. As the enemy victory star destroyer launched it's missiles the fighters picked off the missiles one by one. then they roared in on the lancer frigates.
Posts: 134
  • Posted On: Mar 14 2002 4:50am
OOC:New Fleet Manifest-
1 Menace Star Destroyer-Serpent's Poison
1 Corruption star destroyer-Serpent's Smile
148 Shadow Droids-Serpent's Poison
96 Shadow Droids-Serpent's Smile.
Admiral Snowkan quickly blew up the ships, and returned to Endor. He watched as Serpent's Smile, it's Shadow Droids and Endor appeared in front of him. He quickly launched the Shadow Droids, and looked around for enemy ships. He had plans for this planet. He would make cloning facilities, and medical research facilities. He realized that the giant Goraxes could be a wonderful living army. if he could control them. His very best scientist were ready to try and make the living army a reality. He had been researching how to control animals, he knew that a living army could be made, with out taking up space in his shipyards and construction yard. He was ready, fe would take this planet. The old ruler of IFE, Darth Bill, had hated to see animals suffer and be enslaved. He had rejected the idea of making a living army. Know Admiral Snowkan would prove him wrong. A living army would protect all of his planets. He knew that they wouold take losses, probably more then a normal army, but if he had enough and the enemy didn't have fighters, only ground troops, then his army should be able to stop them. The slavers on planet may have some Goraxes enslaved. Even one Gorax would help. He quickly sent a message down to the planetary base.
"This is Admiral Snowkan, the head of the Iron Fist Empire. We will stop bombardment on the shields, if you promise to surrender your facilities to us. you will be allowed to stay and protect it, and will reseave one thousand credits every one and a half hours that you work. You work from 10:0 0am to 4:0 0pm. That is two thousand credits a day. We would also like to come down to the planet, and view your facilites, and captives."
"This is Erin Buckworth of the slavers on planet. We agree to the deal and are lowering the shields now. You may land at docking bay seven."
"Thank you, were are coming down."
The scientist and Admiral Snowkan went down to the planet. They went into the base, and Admiral Snowkan was very suprised. The slavers had five Goraxes in captivity and one hundred Ewoks. The slavers were all human. The base was very very clean and tidy. The slavers were also very polite. He wandered around, and found a whole other section he had seen from the air. It was a medical facility and cloning facility like the ones Admiral Snowkan had been planning to make. The slavers had begun to try and improve the Ewoks intelligece, and they tried to tame the Goraxes. The cloning facility was for when the experiments were done, to clone the perfected animals.
"Were did you get this equipement?"
"Oh we made it ourselves. We are all scientists, except for a few, who are the guards. We teamed up and formed this facility. We were planning to inform you that some of us wouldn't be protecting the facility, becasue we were scientists, once you had arrived.