Sympathy for the Devil <SI/Retak>
  • Posted On: Sep 25 2003 8:54pm

So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste
-Rolling Stones

Exploratory Fleet Tre'kreck
K'rimor Tendril

Galactic Standard Time: 0780

The fleet hung lifelessly in space, interstellar drift taking command over the ships rather than their positioning thrusters. It wasnt that they were dead, but more there was no need in expending copious amounts of energy to remain stationary without need. Thousands of Swarm class fighters had been disperesed accross the system, their sensors relaying information back to the Vae'Rlen's, all information theirin ycled back to all other ships in the fleet. So far no alerts had been posted, as no reasons had been detected.

"Status Report"

The medium build of the redscale still loomed over the smaller greenscale working on a power conduit on the bridge. The power had been redirected to other systems as the fleet had made the jump across dark space, an area of space with less stars per sector than most.

"Almost done, a few more conduits here, then over to the Tr'lft and thats it"

"Very well, carry on"

Turning back he approached the main stage of the bridge, where standing the commander of the entire mission was. A very large bluescale, larger than the Shreeftut himself in fact.

"Preperations are very nearly ready commander"

"Oh? Which preperations would those be? The preperations for conquest? The preperations to take our own cousins from space? The preperations to very well decimate the only other sentient species in all the galaxy?"

"Yes commander, those..."
